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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,501 - 108,520건 출력
  • 108501
    Book Info
    The mayor, commonalty and citizens of the city of London, governours ... of the Hospitals of Edward VI. ... of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Apostle, appellants. Evan Pugh, and Mary his wife, respondents. The respondents case
    Pugh, Evan
  • 108502
    Book Info
    The memoirs of an English officer, who serv'd in the Dutch war in 1672. to the peace of Utrecht, in 1713. ...
    Carleton, George
  • 108503
    Book Info
    The memoirs of an English officer, who serv'd in the Dutch war in 1672. to the peace of Utrecht, in 1713. Containing Several Remarkable Transactions both by Sea and Land, and in divers Countries, but chiefly those wherein the Author was personally concern'd. Together with A Description of many Cities, Towns, and Countries, in which he resided; their Manners and Customs, as well Religious as Civil,
    Carleton, George
  • 108504
    Book Info
    The mercenary lover: or, the unfortunate heiresses. Being a true secret history of a city amour. By the author of Reflections on the various effects of love
    Haywood, Eliza Fowler
  • 108505
    Book Info
    The metamorphosis: a poem. Shewing The Change of Scriblerus into Snarlerus: or, The Canine Appetite: demonstrated In the Persons of P-p-e and Sw----t
    Smedley, Jonathan
  • 108506
    Book Info
    The method of proceeding by queries vindicated, particularly in the case of Professor Simson, from scripture, reason and antiquity
  • 108507
    Book Info
    The military memoirs of Capt. George Carleton. From the Dutch war, 1672. in which he serv'd, to the conclusion of the peace at Utrecht, 1713. Illustrating Some of the most Remarkable Transactions, both by Sea and Land, during the Reigns of King Charles and King James II. hitherto unobserv'd by all the Writers of those Times. Together with An exact Series of the War in Spain; and a particular Descr
    Carleton, George
  • 108508
    Book Info
    The mission of the clergy of the Church of England and Ireland vindicated; in a letter from a Presbyter of the diocese of Derry, to a parishioner of the Roman communion, in answer to a treatise intituled, The reformed churches proved destitute of a lawful ministry. Printed at Rouen, A. D. 1722
    Breviter, Thomas
  • 108509
    Book Info
    The mouse-Trap, or the battle of the Cambrians and mice. A poem. Translated into English, by R. Lewis
    Holdsworth, E
  • 108510
    Book Info
    The mystery of the Cameronian, &c. Ways unvailed, in an acknowledgment of publick sins, and engagement to covenanted duties, deduced from the solemn league and covenant of Scotland, England, and Ireland, in a suitableness to present circumstances, by the most zealous Contenders for that Way, and called The Active Testimony of the Church of Scotland, by them; And in a Letter, from a solid and sober
  • 108511
    Book Info
    The nativity of Christ, matter of great joy to all people. A sermon preach'd at Newtown in Montgomery-shire, on Christmas-Day 1727. By Thomas Richards, ...
    Richards, Thomas
  • 108512
    Book Info
    The natural method of teaching. The first book. Being the accidence in questions and answers, explained, amended, abridged, and fitted to the capacity and use of the lowest form. Leading the Learner From Letters to Syllables. Syllables to Words. Words to Sentences. 1. Single. 2. Compounded. Where is added an account of the Transposition, and most usual Ellipses of Words in a Sentence By perpetual,
    Hoadly, Samuel
  • 108513
    Book Info
    The nature and obligation of relative holiness. A sermon preach'd in the cathedral-church of St. Peter in York, on Sunday, November the 17th, 1728. By Robert Knight, A. M. Vicar of Harewood, in the County of York. Published at the Request of Chose who heard it
    Knight, Robert
  • 108514
    Book Info
    The nature of offences. Being a sermon preach'd at the New-Chapel in Hampstead Middlesex; by William George Barnes ... To which is prefix'd An occasional dedication to Joseph Rous Esq; ...
    Barnes, William George
  • 108515
    Book Info
    The nature, Cause and Symptoms of the gout: as stated by Dr. Sydenham, Cheyne, &c. From which is rationally deduced its direct and perfect cure. To which is added, An account of the action of certain remedies that can affect the same. By Gilbert Nelson
    Nelson, Gilbert
  • 108516
    Book Info
    The nature, necessity and advantage of the divine or apostolical rite of confirmation; Together with The Divine or Apostolical Administrators of it; prov'd from Scripture and the Fathers of the Five First Centuries; or from several universally received Ecclesiastical Authors or Writers, both Antient and Modern; particularly those of the Calvinistical Persuasion. With full and clear Answers to all
    Clarkson, Thomas
  • 108517
    Book Info
    The necessary knowledge of the Lord's Supper, and the necessary preparation for it, shewn from the words of its institution. In a sermon preach'd at the cathedral of York, March 29th, 1727. And now Published for the Use of the Unlearned Reader. By Thomas Sharp, M. A. Arch-Deacon of Northumberland, and Prebendary of York
    Sharp, Thomas
  • 108518
    Book Info
    The necessity and advantages of an early piety: in a sermon preach'd February 11, 1727-8. in Twickenham-Chapel, In the County of Middlesex. By the Reverend Mr. Walker, Curate there
    Walker, George
  • 108519
    Book Info
    The necessity and advantages of education. By William Hirst, Master of the Free-School at Hertford
    Hirst, William
  • 108520
    Book Info
    The new Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the Original Greek, and With the former Translations diligently compared and revised. By His Majesty's special Command. Appointed to be Read in Churches