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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,581 - 108,600건 출력
  • 108581
    Book Info
    The state of the Court of Great Britain, Under His most Sacred Majesty King George II. And His Illustrious Consort Queen Caroline. Being Exact and Correct lists of the Officers and Servants of their Majesties Housholds respectively, as settled since the Decease of King George I. of Blessed Memory, and their present Majesties Happy Accession to the Throne. As also An Exact list of the Governors of
  • 108582
    Book Info
    The strange adventures of the Count de Vinevil and his family. Being an Account of what happen'd to them whilst they resided at Constantinople. And of Madamoiselle Ardelisa, his Daughter's being shipwreck'd on the Uninhabited Island Delos, in her Return to France, with Violetta a Venetian Lady, the Captain of the Ship, a Priest, and five Sailors. The Manner of their living there, and strange Deliv
    Aubin, Penelope
  • 108583
    Book Info
    The symptoms, Nature, Cause, and Cure of a Gonorrhoea. By W. Cockburn, M. D. Fellow of the R. S. Of the College of Physicians in London, and F. of the R. College of Physicians in Edinburgh
    Cockburn, W
  • 108584
    Book Info
    The theological, or Lord's-Day's subjects of the Oratory, from July 3. 1726. being the first Sunday, to August 31. 1728
    Oratory (Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, England)
  • 108585
    Book Info
    The theory and practice of gardening: wherein is fully handled all that relates to fine gardens, ... containing several plans, and general dispositions of gardens, ... By Le Sieur Alexander Le Blond. Done from the late edition printed at Paris, by John James of Greenwich. The second edition. With very large additions, and a new treatise of flowers and orange-trees.
    D{acute}ezallier d'Argenville, A.-J
  • 108586
    Book Info
    The third charge of Sir John Gonson Knt. to the grand jury of the city and liberty of Westminster, &c. At the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, held the ninth Day of October 1728, in Westminster-Hall. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the said City and Liberty, and of the Grand Jury
    Gonson, John
  • 108587
    Book Info
    The touch-Stone: or, historical, critical, political, philosophical, and theological essays on the reigning diversions of the town. Design'd for the Improvement of all Authors, Spectators, and Actors of Operas, Plays, and Masquerades. In which every thing antique, or modern, relating to Musick, Poetry, Dancing, Pantomimes, Chorusses, Cat-Calls, Audiences, Judges, Criticks, Balls, Ridottos, Assembl
    Ralph, James
  • 108588
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespear's style. By N. Rowe, Esq.
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 108589
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Richard I. King of England. To which are annexed, some other papers. By George Sewell, M. D. Late of Hampstead All faithfully published from his original manuscripts, by his brother
    Sewell, George
  • 108590
    Book Info
    The twin-rivals: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane : by Her Majesty's servants.
    Farquhar, George
  • 108591
    Book Info
    The unhappy favourite; or, the Earl of Essex. A tragedy. Written by John Banks, ...
    Banks, John
  • 108592
    Book Info
    The universal passion. Satire VI. On women. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lady Elizabeth Germain
    Young, Edward
  • 108593
    Book Info
    The use and intent of prophecy, in the several Ages of the World: in six discourses, delivered at the Temple-Church, in April and May, 1724. Published at the Desire of the Masters of the Bench of the Two Honourable Societies. To which are added, three dissertations. I. The Authority of the Second Epistle of St. Peter. II. The Sense of the Antients before Christ, upon the Circumstances and Conseque
    Sherlock, Thomas
  • 108594
    Book Info
    The velvet coffee-woman: or, the life, gallantries and amours of the late famous Mrs. Anne Rochford. Particularly, I. The history of her going by that name. II.The adventures of her noted Irish-Lover Mac Dermot. III. An Account of that unparalelled Impostor Count Brandenburgh. IV. A funeral oration to her memory, and all Ladies of Industry, as well among the Grecians and Romans, as those of our ow
  • 108595
    Book Info
    The villas of the ancients illustrated. By Robert Castell
    Castell, Robert
  • 108596
    Book Info
    The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprizing Escape from Barbary; The History of an Italian Captive; and the Life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Full of various and amazing Turns of Fortune. To which is added, The voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Cas
    Chetwood, W. R
  • 108597
    Book Info
    The whole book of Psalms, collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. ...
  • 108598
    Book Info
    The whole book of psalm-tunes, in four parts, and the names of the several authors who composed them. Being the Tunes as were, and are generally Sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands, &c. With the Usual Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Collected by Thomas Ravenscroft, Batchelor of Musick. Newly done in a Fair Large Character: The Whole being drawn out in Schore, t
    Ravenscroft, Thomas
  • 108599
    Book Info
    The works of Hesiod translated from the Greek. By Mr. Cooke.
  • 108600
    Book Info
    The works of Monsieur de St. Evremond, made English from the French original: with the Life of the author; by Mr. des Maizeaux, ... To which are added the memoirs of the Dutchess of Mazarin, &c