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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,621 - 108,640건 출력
  • 108621
    Book Info
    Tolomeo, re di Egitto. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro D'Hay-Market
    Haym, Nicola Francesco
  • 108622
    Book Info
    Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills, Compiled out of the Laws Ecclesiastical, Civil and Canon, as Also out of the Common Laws, Customs and Statutes of This Realm
    Swinburne, Henry
  • 108623
    Book Info
    Truth and reason defended against error and burning envy. In a publick dispute, held at the Magpye in the Borough, Southwark, on the 16th and 18th days of Dec. 1728. between John Rawlinson, a Muggletonian, and William Henderson, a Quaker, ... To which is added I. A replication to sixteen articles of the Muggletonians arguments. ... Publish'd by William Henderson
    Henderson, William
  • 108624
    Book Info
    Truth's triumph over error, in the issue of the process against Mr. John Simson, Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow; together with some account of the sentence of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland concerning him, May 16th 1728. In a letter to a friend
  • 108625
    Book Info
    Twelve discourses on the grounds of a Christian's joy Christ the great Christian Prophet. The Consecration, and Priesthood of Christ. Obedience to Christ the Way to Salvation. Church Privileges a vain Security. Enoch's Faith. By Joseph Dodson, M.A.
    Dodson, Joseph
  • 108626
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    Twelve sermons upon several subjects and occasions. By William Delaune, ...
    Delaune, William
  • 108627
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    Two Indian treaties the one held at Conestogoe in May 1728. And the other at Philadelphia in June following, between the Honourable Patrick Gordon Esq; lieut. governour of the province of Pennsylvania ... and the chiefs of the Conestogoe, Delaware, Shawanese and Canawese Indians
    Gordon, Patrick
  • 108628
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    Two dissertations concerning sense, and the imagination. With an essay on consciousness
    Mayne, Zachary
  • 108629
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    Two letters. One from a lady to a friend who had married a Roman-Catholick gentleman. The other from the same author, to the said gentleman; by which he was converted from the popish religion to the Protestant
    B. L
  • 108630
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    Two new ballads. The L-ds address to K. G. II.
  • 108631
    Book Info
    Two select and exemplary lives, of two parochial ministers, both very eminent for piety and a publick spirit, and Diligence in their Pastoral Functions, viz. I. The life of Mr. Bernard Gilpin, Rector of Essingdon in the Diocese of Durham, Written by Bishop Carleton. Edition the Fifth. II. A brief account of the life of the Reverend Mr. John Rawlet, Minister in New-Castle, and Author of that justly
  • 108632
    Book Info
    Two treatises of government: in the former, the false principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his followers, are detected and overthrown. The latter is an essay concerning the true original, extent, and end of civil-government. By John Locke, Esq;
    Locke, John
  • 108633
    Book Info
    Unity and peace: A Seasonable Legacy, needful and affectionate advice, in dividing times, to surviving relations, spiritual and natural: being a sermon, preach'd at the interment of Mr Henry Allen, senr In Froom-Zelwood, In the County of Somerset, Friday, December 15. 1721. By William Sharpe, At Mr. John Sharpe's Meeting-House
    Sharpe, William
  • 108634
    Book Info
    Universal arithmetick : or, a treatise of arithmetical composition and resolution. To which is added, Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of equations Arithmetically. Written in Latin by Sir Isaac Newton, and translated by the late Mr. Ralphson, and revised and corrected by Mr. Cunn.
    Newton, Isaac
  • 108635
    Book Info
    Unparallel'd varieties: or, the matchless actions and passions of mankind, displayed in near four hundred notable instances and examples. Discovering the transcendent Effects; I. Of Love, Friendship, and Gratitude. II. Of Magnanimity, Courage, and Fidelity. III. Of Chastity, Temperance, and Humility. And, on the contrary, the tremendous Consequences, IV. Of Hatred, Revenge, and Ingratitude. V. Of
    R. B
  • 108636
    Book Info
    Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of James Lauder son to the deceast George Lauder in Melvil-Mill, ...
    Lauder, James
  • 108637
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    Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Ronald Dunbar writer in Edinburgh, trustee for the creditors of Mr. James Daes, ...
    Dunbar, Ronald
  • 108638
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    Unto the right honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Alexander Horsburgh surgeon in Glasgow
    Horsburgh, Alexander
  • 108639
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    Votum Dris Gualteri Pope latinè redditum
    Pope, Walter
  • 108640
    Book Info
    Vows made unto God in trouble to be religiously paid unto him. A sermon preach'd on a special occasion: but seasonable for all that have made solemn vows to God in any day of trouble. By John Webb, M.A. pastor of a church in Boston
    Webb, John