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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,681 - 108,700건 출력
  • 108681
    Book Info
    A complete body of husbandry; collected from the practice and experience of the most considerable farmers in Britain. Particularly setting forth the various ways of improving land, by hollow ditching, dreining, double plowing, grafing, enclosing, watering and manureing. With particular directions for the fertilising of broom-ground, heath-ground, furze, bushey, and chilturn-ground: Also the method
    Bradley, Richard
  • 108682
    Book Info
    A congratulatory poem to his Majesty George the IId upon his accession to the throne. To which are Prefixed Verses Inscribed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Scarborough. By Richardson Pack, Esq;
    Pack, Richardson
  • 108683
    Book Info
    A continuation of Mr. Dutton's Office and authority of a justice of peace for Ireland. Being, the addition of all the Acts of Parliament relating to that office, made since the second session of the last Parliament; ... By Thomas Warren, Gent.
    Warren, Thomas
  • 108684
    Book Info
    A continuation of the Account of the ministers, lecturers, masters and fellows of colleges, and schoolmasters, who were ejected and silenced after the Restoration in 1660, by or before the Act for Uniformity. To which is added, the Church and dissenters compar'd as to Persecution, in some Remarks on Dr. Walker's Attempt to recover the Names and Sufferings of the Clergy that were sequestred, &c. be
    Calamy, Edmund
  • 108685
    Book Info
    A copy of the charter of the corporation of the governor and company of the Bank of England.
    Bank of England
  • 108686
    Book Info
    A copy of the poll for Knights of the Shire, taken at the town of Hertford, Sept. 7, 1727. Richard Warren, Esq; High Sheriff. Candidates Sir Tho. Saunders Seabright, Bart. Ralph Freman, Esq; Charles Caesar, Esq; Numbers upon the Poll, 1424 1012 2021
    Hertfordshire (England)
  • 108687
    Book Info
    A copy of the poll for the Knights of the Shire for the County of Suffolk, taken at Ipswich, Aug. 30. Anno dom. 1727. Robert Goodrich, Esq; High Sheriff. Candidates, Sir William Barker Sir Jermyn Davers, Baronets. John Holt, Esquire
    Suffolk (England)
  • 108688
    Book Info
    A copy of the poll taken at the election for members of parliament for the University of Cambridge, On Tuesday, August 22. 1727. Dr. Craven, Vicechancellor. Candidates: The Honourable Edward Finch - - - - 221. The Honourable Dixey Windsor - - - - 176. The Honourable Thomas Townshend - - 198
    University of Cambridge
  • 108689
    Book Info
    A course of mechanical and experimental philosophy : consisting of Seven Parts. I. The Principles of Mechanicks, and the Force of the Simple and Compound Machines. II. The Galilean and Newtonian Philosophy. III. The Laws of Hydrostaticks, or the Effects of the Gravitation of Fluids. IV. Pneumaticks; or the peculiar Properties of the Air, and the Phaenomena depending on its Pressure and Elastici...
  • 108690
    Book Info
    A course of sermons preach'd for the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; at the Church of St. Mary le Bow, in the Years 1713, and 1714. Wherein The True Notion of the Exercise of Private Judgment, or Free-Thinking, in Matters of Religion, is Stated; The Objections against it, Answered; And the Modern way of Free-Thinking, as treated of in a late Discourse on that Subject, is taken
    Ibbot, Benjamin
  • 108691
    Book Info
    A critical and philosophical enquiry into the causes of prodigies and miracles, as related by historians. With an essay towards restoring a method and purity in history. In Which, The Characters of the most celebrated Writers of every Age, and of the several Stages and Species of History, are occasionally criticized and explained. In two parts
    Warburton, William
  • 108692
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    A cursory view of the history of Lilliput for these last forty three years, containing some remarks upon the origin, nature and tendency of the religious and political disputes which exist among the subjects
  • 108693
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    A defence of An essay on the publick debts of this kingdom, &c. In answer to a pamphlet, entitled, A state of the national debt, &c. By the author of the Essay
    Gould, Nathaniel
  • 108694
    Book Info
    A defence of An essay on the publick debts of this kingdom, &c. In answer to a pamphlet, entitled, A state of the national debt, &c. By the author of the Essay.
    Gould, Nathaniel
  • 108695
    Book Info
    A defence of the doctrine of the resurrection of the same body. In two parts. In the first of which the character, writings and Religious Principles of Mr. Lock are Distinctly considered: and, in the second, the doctrine of the resurrection of the Same Body is at large explained and Defended, against the Notions and Principles of that Gentleman, &c. By Winch Holdsworth, D. D. Fellow of St. John Ba
    Holdsworth, Winch
  • 108696
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    A defense of certain queries relating to the doctrine of the Trinity. Being a reply to two letters in answer to those queries. By a layman
  • 108697
    Book Info
    A description of St. Kilda, the most remote Western Isle of Scotland. Giving an account of its situation, extent, Soil, Product, Bay, and adjacent Islands or Rocks. The Ancient and Modern Government, Religion, and Customs of the Inhabitants; and other Curiosities of Art and Nature. Also their late Roformation
    Buchan, Alexander
  • 108698
    Book Info
    A description of the English province of Carolana, by the Spaniards call'd Florida, and by the French La Louisiane. As also of the great and famous River Meschacebe or Missisipi, ... Together with an account of the commodities ... of the said province. And a preface containing some considerations on the consequences of the French making settlements there. By Daniel Coxe, Esq;
    Coxe, Daniel
  • 108699
    Book Info
    A digest of all the laws relating to the customs, to trade, and navigation; with a short historical dissertation concerning the Nature, Extent, and Method of collection of the ancient revenue of the Crown. By Samuel Forster, of the Inner Temple, Esq;
    Forster, Samuel
  • 108700
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning fevers : In two letters to a young physician. the First, Dissuading from all Hypotheses and Theories, whether Physical or Mechanical, as vain and delusive. The Second, Directing his Regimen for the Cure, and his Conduct to the sick Person; With some short, but general remarks upon the pulse and urine, in the Way of Postscript. As also upon the crises, and critical days in...
    Turner, Daniel