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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,701 - 108,720건 출력
  • 108701
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the causes and effects of corpulency: together with the method for its prevention and cure. By Thomas Short, M.D.
    Short, Thomas
  • 108702
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    A discourse concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In three parts. I. The Consequences of the Doctrine are Stated Hypothetically. II. The Nature and Obligation of Moral Evidence are explain'd at large. III. The Proofs of the Fact of our Saviour's Resurrection are Propos'd, Examin'd, and fairly Demonstrated to be Conclusive. Together with an appendix concerning the impossible production of th
    Ditton, Humphry
  • 108703
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    A discourse made by the Ld Bishop of Rochester to the clergy of his diocese, at his visitation in the year 1695. ...
    Sprat, Thomas
  • 108704
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    A discourse of the divine power, with respect to the origin and government of the universe. By George Ollyffe, M. A. Minister of Wendover and Great Kimbel in the County of Bucks
    Ollyffe, George
  • 108705
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    A discourse of the judicial authority belonging to the office of Master of the Rolls in the High Court of Chancery
    Hardwicke, Philip Yorke
  • 108706
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    A discourse of the nature and necessity of faith in Jesus Christ: with an answer to the pleas of our modern Unitarians for the sufficiency of bare morality or mere charity to salvation. By Nathanael Taylor
    Taylor, Nathanael
  • 108707
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    A discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. By Thomas Woolston, sometime Fellow of Sidney College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 108708
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    A discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. The second edition. By Thomas Woolston, sometime Fellow of Sidney-College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 108709
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    A discourse to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole. To which is annex'd, proposals for translating the whole works of Horace, with a specimen of the performance. By Leonard Welsted, Esq;
  • 108710
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    A farewell sermon preach'd to the inhabitants of the parish of St. Clements Danes, London, On Sunday March 26. 1727. And Publish'd at their Request. By John Rogers, D. D. Their late Lecturer, Canon of Wells, and Chaplain to His Royal Highness
    Rogers, John
  • 108711
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    A farther vindication of Mr. Barclay's scheme, in reply to Mr. Chubb's remarks. In a letter to a friend. By Tho. Morgan, M.D.
    Morgan, Thomas
  • 108712
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    A friendly admonition to Mr. Chubb, to shew him how little honour he hath done the Christian religion in two papers lately published by him; tho' one of them is called The glory of Christ
  • 108713
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    A full and true account of several strange and wonderful omens, which have lately happen'd in the Kingdom of Great Britain
  • 108714
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    A funeral sermon preach'd at Whiston, in Northamptonshire; for Mrs. Margaret Catesby, (relict of Thomas Catesby, Esq; of Ecton, in the said County) who Departed this Life on January the 12th, and was inter'd at Whiston the 19th, 1726/7. By William Bisset, Rector of Whiston, and Brother of the Collegiate Church of St. Katharine by the Tower
    Bisset, William
  • 108715
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon, Occasion'd by the death Of the late Reverend Mr. William Tong, Who departed this Life March 21st, 1726/7. Aged Sixty-Five. Preach'd at Salters Hall, April 2d, 1727. By John Newman
    Newman, John
  • 108716
    Book Info
    A grammar of the English tongue, with notes, Giving the Grounds and Reason of Grammar in General. To which are now added, the arts of poetry, rhetoric, logic, &c. making a compleat system of an English education. For the Use of the Schools Of Great Britain and Ireland
  • 108717
    Book Info
    A guide to the English tongue. In two parts. The First proper for Beginners, shewing a Natural and Easy Method to pronounce and express both Common Words, and Proper Names; in which particular Care is had to shew the Accent, for preventing Vitious Pronunciation. The Second, for such as are advanc'd to some Ripeness of Judgment, containing Observations on the Sounds of Letters and Diphthongs, Rules
    Dyche, Thomas
  • 108718
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    A history of the voyages and travels of Capt. Nathaniel Uring. With new draughts of the Bay of Honduras and the Caribee Islands; and particularly of St. Lucia, and the Harbour of Petite Carenage; into which Ships may run in bad Weather, and be safe from all Winds and Storms. Very useful for Masters of Ships that use the Leeward Island Trade, or Jamaica
    Uring, Nathaniel
  • 108719
    Book Info
    A hue and cry after Cromwell, or, the City's Lamentation for the Loss of their Coin and Conscience. Printed in the Year 1649, and now Re-Printed verbatim, for the Edification of the Admirers of Oliver's Pious Memory
  • 108720
    Book Info
    A key, being observations and explanatory notes, upon the travels of Lemuel Gulliver. By Signor Corolini, a noble Venetian now residing in London. In a letter to D---n S------t. Translated from the Italian original
    C. D. M