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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,741 - 108,760건 출력
  • 108741
    Book Info
    A letter, or apology of a Clergyman, Occasioned by the Rebuke of a Person of the first rank: And directed to A Gentleman Abroad
  • 108742
    Book Info
    A letter, to the Revd. Mr. Joseph Slade, lecturer of the parish church of St. Laurence in Reading. ... By Lancelot Carleton, ...
    Carleton, Lancelot
  • 108743
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    A letter, wherein The Scriptural Grounds and Warrants for the Reformation of Churches by Way of Covenant, are succinctly considered and cleared. In Opposition to some, who, of late, have too boldly (and yet without Censure) vented their heterodox Notions against our solemn and sacred National Covenants. By a Welwisher to a Covenanted Reformation
    Hog, James
  • 108744
    Book Info
    A list of the governors names of Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals
    Bridewell Royal Hospital (Witley, England)
  • 108745
    Book Info
    A list of the names of the proprietors of the Governor and Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England; who are qualified to vote for the election of a Governor, Deputy-Governor, and twelve Directors of the said Company, ... on Thursday the 9th day of November, 1727
    Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England
  • 108746
    Book Info
    A little more of that same: or, a recollection of sundry material passages omitted in a late treatise, entituled, The devil to pay at St. James's Particularly, The Downfall of Bumbazeen. The Demolition of Figg the Prize-Fighter. The Hurly-Burly about a New Parliament. With a Word or two concerning the Old. A most surprizing Account of the Miracles perform'd by the Flying Ass at Belsize. A Proposal
  • 108747
    Book Info
    A looking-Glass for rich people, and people in prosperity; shewing how they may improve their riches to the greatest advantage: or, a plea for the poor
    Gairdner, Andrew
  • 108748
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    A mechanical account of the cause and cure of a virulent gonorrh{aelig}a in both sexes : ... To which is added, by way of appendix, a short account of the cause and cure of gleets, ... The second edition. With large additions ... By Thomas Garlick, ...
    Garlick, T
  • 108749
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    A mechanical essay on singing, musick and dancing. Containing their uses and abuses; and demonstrating, by clear and evident reasons, the alterations they produce in a human body
    Browne, Richard
  • 108750
    Book Info
    A memorable new-year's-gift, the 1st of January, 1648-9. To the Rump-Parliament, the general, and officers of the army, &c. Being a most Christian memento, Loyal Protestation, and truly Heroick, as well as Accurate and Learned Remonstrance, against Their, then, most wicked and flagitious Proceedings; especially, their, then, intended Deposition, Tryal, and most execrable Murder, of one of the best
    Prynne, William
  • 108751
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    A memorial presented to the King of Great-Britain, by M. de Palm the Emperour's resident, on the 2d day of March, 1726-7
    Palm, Karl Josef von
  • 108752
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    A method whereby criminals liable to transportation may be render'd not only useful but honest members of the publick
  • 108753
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    A method with a Roman Catholick. In two letters, from a minister of the Church of England, to his parishioner
    Minister of the Church of England
  • 108754
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    A narrative of the proceedings of seven General Synods of the Northern Presbyterians in Ireland, with relation to their differences in judgment and Practice, from the Year 1720 to to the Year 1726, in which they issu'd in a Synodical Breach: Containing the occasion, Rise, true State, and progress of the differences; Expedients for Peace, offer'd by the Non-Subscribers, and many other Original Pape
    Presbyterian Church in Ireland
  • 108755
    Book Info
    A new Parliamentary register, being exact lists of 1. The Lords spiritual and temporal. II. The countries, cities and burghs in alphabetical order, and under each their representatives in Parliament, from the Year 1660, to this present Time; containing 18 Parliaments. III. The names in a curious index, referring to the cities &c. represented, and shewing at one view the Restoration and the present
    Great Britain
  • 108756
    Book Info
    A new academy of complements: or, the lover's secretary. Being wit and mirth improved by the most elegant expressions used in the art of courtship, in divers examples of writing or Inditing letters, relating either to Love or Business. Also, the silent language: or, A Compleat Rule for discoursing by Motion of the Hand, without being understood by the Company. Together with Instructions for writin
  • 108757
    Book Info
    A new account of the East Indies, being the observations and remarks of Capt. Alexander Hamilton, who spent his time there from the year 1688. to 1723. Trading and travelling, by sea and land, to most of the countries and islands of commerce and navigation, between the Cape of Good-Hope, and the Island of Japon. ...
    Hamilton, Alexander
  • 108758
    Book Info
    A new and full method of settling the canonical authority of the New Testament. Wherein all the antient testimonies concerning this argument are produced; the several Apocryphal Books, which have been thought canonical by any Writers, collected, with an English Translation of each of them; together with a particular Proof that none of them were ever admitted into the Canon, and a full Answer to th
    Jones, Jeremiah
  • 108759
    Book Info
    A new essay on the Roman history: from the foundation of the city, to the division of the empire. With reflections moral and political
  • 108760
    Book Info
    A new method for valuing of annuities upon lives. Shewing at sight as follows: I. How many years, months, &c. purchase an annuity upon life, for any Age, from 30 to 73 Years, is worth, when Money yields 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 per Cent. Interest. II. How much a Year to l. is worth upon Life for any of the abovesaid Ages, &c. III. How many Years an Annuitant must live to receive the Value of the Money sun
    Hayes, Richard