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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,821 - 108,840건 출력
  • 108821
    Book Info
    A speech against Sir R----- W------'s proposal for increasing the civil list revenue: as it was spoken in the House of Commons, July 3. 1727. By W------ S---pn, Esq;
    Shippen, William
  • 108822
    Book Info
    A speech against Sir R----- W------'s proposal for increasing the civil list revenue: as it was spoken in the House of Commons, July 3. 1727. By W------- S-------- Esq;
    Shippen, William
  • 108823
    Book Info
    A speech deliver'd to the worshipful and ancient society of free and accepted masons. At a Grand Lodge, held at Merchant's-Hall, in the city of York, on St. John's Day, December the 27th, 1726. The Right Worshipful Charles Bathurst, Esq; Grand-Master. By the Junior Grand-Warden
    Drake, Francis
  • 108824
    Book Info
    A state of the national debt, as it stood December the 24th, 1716. With the payments made towards the discharge of it out of the sinking fund, &c. compared with the debt at Michaelmas, 1725
    Pulteney, William
  • 108825
    Book Info
    A supplement to Mr. Swinden's chapter concerning the eternity of hell's torments.
  • 108826
    Book Info
    A supplement to the Vindication of God's moral character. Wherein three objections are examined: Two urged against the Wisdom and Goodness of God; and the other against Human Liberty. To which is added, the case of Abraham with Regard to his offering up Isaac in Sacrifice, Re-Examined. In a letter to a clergyman. By Tho. Chubb
    Chubb, Thomas
  • 108827
    Book Info
    A supplement to the description of the coffee-tree, lately published by Dr. Douglas. Containing, I. The History of the Use of Coffee in Asia and in Europe. II. Of the Use of Coffee in the Western Parts of Europe. III. Of the Coffee-Trade. IV. Of the Choice of Coffee. V. Whether the Arabians use any Art to prevent the Growth of the Coffee-Plant in other Countries
    Douglas, James
  • 108828
    Book Info
    A survey of the cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Lichfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, and Bristol. ... The whole extracted from numerous collections out of the registers of every particular see, ... And illustrated with 20 curious draughts ... By Browne Willis Esq;
    Willis, Browne
  • 108829
    Book Info
    A tale and two fables in verse. With Three Prefaces, one Postscript, and two Nota-Bene's, in Prose. By the author of the Totness-Address Versify'd
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 108830
    Book Info
    A tale of a tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, An account of a battel between the antient and modern books in St. James's library. The seventh edition. With the author's apology; and explanatory notes, by W. W--tt--n, ...
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 108831
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the defence of the honour of the right high, mightie and noble Princesse, Marie Queene of Scotlande, and Dowager of France, ...Made by Morgan Philippes Bachelar of Diuinitie, An. 1570. ... Liege: By Walter Morbers. 1571
    Leslie, John
  • 108832
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the use and abuse of the marriage bed: shewing I. The nature of matrimony, its sacred original, and the true meaning of its institution. II. The gross abuse of matrimonial chastity, from the wrong notions which have possessed the world, degenerating even to whoredom. III. The diabolical practice of attempting to prevent child-bearing by physical preparations. IV. The fatal Co
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 108833
    Book Info
    A treatise of beneficiary matters: or, a history of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues. In which are set forth their Rise and Progress, and the Various Means by which they have accrued to the Church. By Father Paul, of the Order of the Servites, and Consulter of State to the Republick of Venice. Translated from the most correct copy in Italian extant, printed at Mirandola, 1676. To which are ad
    Sarpi, Paolo
  • 108834
    Book Info
    A treatise of diseases of the head, brain, and nerves : More especially of the palsy, apoplexy, Lethargy, Epelepsy, Convulsions, Frenzey, Vertigo, Magrim, inveterate Head-Ach, &c. with Directions for their Thorough Cure; and how these and many other deplorable Nervous Distempers, may be Prevented as well as Cured, and consequently many Lives saved, by the Medicines herein, in English, prescrib'...
  • 108835
    Book Info
    A treatise of military discipline : in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, Thro' the several Branches of the Service. By Humphrey Bland, Esq; Lieutenant-Colonel of His Majesty's Own Regiment of Horse.
    Bland, Humphrey
  • 108836
    Book Info
    A treatise of that being born again without which no man can be saved : To which is added, A discourse on the duty and advantage of singular piety. And some extracts from a late writer, suited to the design of this treatise. By S. Wright.
    Wright, S
  • 108837
    Book Info
    A treatise of the mechanical powers, wherein the laws of motion, and the properties of those powers are explained and demonstrated in an easie and familiar Method. Being the Substance of certain Discourses delivered at the Geometry-Lecture at Gresham-College. By Andrew Motte
    Motte, Andrew
  • 108838
    Book Info
    A treatise on a consumption of the lungs : With a previous account of nutrition, and of the structure and use of the lungs. By Edward Barry, M.D.
    Barry, Edward
  • 108839
    Book Info
    A treatise on a consumption of the lungs : With a previous account of nutrition, and of the structure and use of the lungs. By Edward Barry, M.D.
    Barry, Edward
  • 108840
    Book Info
    A trip to the pillory. In two parts. Being an excellent new ballad. To a pleasant new tune