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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,841 - 108,860건 출력
  • 108841
    Book Info
    A true and exact list of the Right Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons of Great Britain ... with many other curious and useful lists
    Great Britain
  • 108842
    Book Info
    A true and faithful narrative of the life and actions of John Oneby, Esq; Commonly called Major One BY; who was to have been executed last Monday at Tyburn, for the murder of William Gower, Esq; giving an account of his birth, Parentage and Education. Of his Killing Count Truxy a Saxon Officer in Flanders; Lieut. Toolley in Jamica, and the Murder of himself in Newgate: with the copy of a letter he
  • 108843
    Book Info
    A true and impartial inquiry made into the late bloody execution at Thorn: or, a challenge to the Jesuits to Answer it; And A Certain Rule and Safe Method for the Poor and Unlearned to Examine their Religion by, and to find their Way to Heaven: Also a modest Vindication of some Tenets held by the People commonly call'd Quakers. To which is Added, An Answer to some Reflections made by a Roman Catho
    Cocks, Richard
  • 108844
    Book Info
    A true collection of poems on the several birth-days of His Majesty King George, and of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. From the 1st of March 1724-5, to the 1st of March 1727
    Brand, Alexander
  • 108845
    Book Info
    A view of a book, entitled, Reliquiæ Baxterianæ. In a letter to a friend
    Bowyer, William
  • 108846
    Book Info
    A view of the ancient and present state of the churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted; endow'd by the Right Honourable John, Lord Viscount Scudamore. With some memoirs of that ancient family; and an Appendix of records and letters relating to the same subject. By Matthew Gibson, M.A. Rector of Door
    Gibson, Matthew
  • 108847
    Book Info
    A vindication of David's Psalms, from Mr. J. Watts's erroneous notions and hard speeches of them
  • 108848
    Book Info
    A voyage to Cacklogallinia : With a Description of the Religion, Policy, Customs and Manners, of that Country. By Captain Samuel Brunt
    Brunt, Samuel
  • 108849
    Book Info
    A welsh grammar. Or, a short and easie introduction to the Welsh tongue. In 2 parts. Viz: I. A particular Account of the several Parts of the Welsh Torgue; with the Accidents and Properties unto Them respectively appertaining: as Cases, Genders, Numbers, Conjugations, Moods, Tenses, &c. II. A full Syntax of each of those Parts: shewing, What Places They peculiarly claim in Construction; and what C
    Gambold, William
  • 108850
    Book Info
    Abra-Mule: or, love and empire. A tragedy
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 108851
    Book Info
    Abstract of His Majesty's patent for improving fisheries and manufactures in Scotland. Published by order of the trustees
  • 108852
    Book Info
    Academia tertia Anglicana; or, the antiquarian annals of Stanford [sic] in Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton shires. ... in XIV. books. Compiled by Francis Peck, ...
    Peck, Francis
  • 108853
    Book Info
    Academiæ Cantabrigiensis luctus in obitum serenissimi Georgii I. Euergetou Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Regis: et gaudia ob potentissimi Georgii II. patriarum virtutum ac solii hæredis successionem pacificam simul et auspicatissimam
    University of Cambridge
  • 108854
    Book Info
    Accompts for landed-men : or; a plain and easie form which they may observe, in keeping accompts of their estates. By Charles Snell, Teacher of Writing and Accompts, at the Free Writing-School in Foster-Lane; With whom Young Gentlemen may Board.
    Snell, Charles
  • 108855
    Book Info
    Act of the Synod of Glasgow and Air, for Reviving piety and Suppressing immorality. With several acts of the General Assembly referred to therein. As also, The abbreviate of the Laws against Prophaness
    Church of Scotland
  • 108856
    Book Info
    Acts of Assembly, passed in the colony of Virginia, from 1662, to 1715
  • 108857
    Book Info
    Ad viri reverendi Conier. Middletoni, S.T.P. de medicorum apud veteres romanos degentium [sic] conditione dissertationem, qua servilem atque ignobilem eam fuisse contendit, responsio
    Ward, John
  • 108858
    Book Info
    Ad viri reverendi Conier. Middletoni, S.T.P. de medicorum apud veteres romanos degentium [sic] conditione dissertationem, qua servilem atque ignobilem eam fuisse contendit, responsio.
    Ward, John
  • 108859
    Book Info
    Adami de Domerham Historia de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus. E Codice MS. perantiquo, in Bibliotheca Collegii S. Trinitatis Cantabrigiae, descripsit primusque in lucem protulit Tho. Hearnius. Qui & (praeter alia, in quibus Dissertatio de Inscriptione pervetcri Romana, Cicestriae nuper reperta,) Guilielmi Malmesburiensis librum de Antiquitate Ecclesiae Glastoniensis, et Edmundi Archeri Excerpta aliq
  • 108860
    Book Info
    Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth
    Chillingworth, William