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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,901 - 108,920건 출력
  • 108901
    Book Info
    An essay on Pope's Odyssey: in which some particular beauties and blemishes of that work are considered. In two parts
    Spence, Joseph
  • 108902
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    An essay on conjugal infidelity: shewing the great mischiefs that attend, those that defile the marriage bed
  • 108903
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    An essay on the publick debts of this kingdom. Wherein the importance of discharging them is considered; the Provisions for that Purpose by the Sinking Fund, and the Progress therein hitherto made, are stated and explained; the Sufficiency of those Provisions are demonstrated; some general Mistakes about the Nature and Efficacy of this Expedient, examined and removed; and the Progress of the Sinki
    Gould, Nathaniel
  • 108904
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    An essay on the small-pox : whether natural, or inoculated. ... By Philip Rose, ...
    Rose, Philip
  • 108905
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    An essay upon the civil wars of France, extracted from curious manuscripts. And also upon the epick poetry of the European nations from Homer down to Milton. By Mr. de Voltaire
  • 108906
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    An eucharistical office for the devout and profitable receiving of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, and the liturgies of the church. By Edward Yardley, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge
    Yardley, Edward
  • 108907
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    An exact account of King George's religion: with the manner of his Majesty's worship in the English and Lutheran church. And the first Rise of the Luther an Religion Shewing also, The Difference between them and the Church of England as by Law Establish'd, and the Protestant Dissenters therefrom. With a new prayer for his Majesty. Written by the Archbishop of York
    Dawes, William
  • 108908
    Book Info
    An exact and compleat list of both Houses of the sixth Parliament of Great Britain; or, second Parliament of King George I. As they stood at the demise of His late Majesty, of blessed memory, June 11th 1727. Wherein the Members, are Distinguish'd by their respective Titles, Honours, Dignities, Publick Employments, &c. (very useful at this present Juncture.)
    Great Britain
  • 108909
    Book Info
    An explanatory account of the nature and business of the several offices, posts, employments, and Places of Trust in this Kingdom; as well Ecclesiastical, as Civil and Military: But more especially of those that bear any relation to the constitution of the English government. Alphabetically digested
  • 108910
    Book Info
    An help for the more easy and clear understanding of the Holy Scriptures: being the books of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther; Explain'd after the following Method, viz. I. The common English translation render'd more agreeable to the original. II. A paraphrase, wherein the Text is explain'd, and divided into proper Sections and other lesser Divisions. III. Annotations as Occasion requires. A
    Wells, Edward
  • 108911
    Book Info
    An help for the more easy and clear understanding of the Holy Scriptures: being the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Canticles, Explain'd after the following Method, viz. I. The common English translation render'd more agreeable to the original. II. A paraphrase, wherein the Text is explain'd, and divided into proper Sections and other lesser Divisions. III. Annotations as Occasion
    Wells, Edward
  • 108912
    Book Info
    An historical account of the revolutions in Persia. In the years 1722, 1723, 1724, and 1725. Wherein the rise and progress of those fatal broils, which from one of the most flourishing Monarchies in Asia, have reduced the Persian Empire to a desolate Wilderness, are set in a true light, and the imperfect Notions the Publick hitherto had of those great Events are fully clear'd up. Together with a r
    Krusin{acute}ski, Judas Thaddaeus
  • 108913
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    An historical narrative of the tryals of Mr. George Kelly, and of Dr. Francis Atterbury; (late) Lord Bishop of Rochester, &c. &c
  • 108914
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    An honest scheme, for improving the trade and credit of the nation: for punishing the fraudulent, and relieving the unfortunate bankrupts: for increasing the profits of the Bank of England: and for paying the publick debts of the nation
  • 108915
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    An hue and cry after the examiner. Dr. S------t. Occasion'd by a true and exact copy of part of his own diary, found in his pocket-book, wherein he has set down a faithful Account of himself, and all that happen'd to him for a Week of his Life. To which is added A copy of verses fasten'd to the gate of St. P-'s C-h D-r, on the day of I-t of a certain D-n
    Smedley, Jonathan
  • 108916
    Book Info
    An humble remonstrance in the name of the lads in all the schools of Ireland, Where Latin and Greek are taught: and of the young students now in the University of Dublin, together with a protest of all the senior fellows in Trinity College, Dublin, (except one) against the Provost
  • 108917
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the original production of insects in human bodies, especially of the seminal animalcula; and whether these pass the testicular strainers, and are reposited in the seminal bladders in infants, or not till near puberty:
    J. Roberts
  • 108918
    Book Info
    An introduction to the knowledge of the stile of writs, simple and compound, made use of in Scotland: Containing Directions for drawing Securities, in Cases which most commonly occur; with Examples, according to the best modern Practice. Written for the Use of the Students in Spotiswood's College of Law, and now publish'd for the common Good. The third edition with additions. By John Spotiswood, A
    Spotiswood, John
  • 108919
    Book Info
    An occasional poem
    J. T
  • 108920
    Book Info
    An ode on the coronation of their Majesties King George II. and Queen Caroline. October the 11th, 1727
    Watts, Isaac