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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,921 - 108,940건 출력
  • 108921
    Book Info
    An ode. To the memory of Sir Isaac Newton; inscrib'd to the Royal Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledge. By Allan Ramsay
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 108922
    Book Info
    An old maid's fortune: or, the bride at her wits-end. A burlesque poem, occasion'd by the reading of Hans Carvell. ...
    Ruffe, Thomas
  • 108923
    Book Info
    An original draught of the primitive church. In answer to a discourse, entituled, An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, and worship, of the primitive church, that flourish'd within the first Three Hundred Years after Christ. By a presbyter of the Church of England
    Sclater, William
  • 108924
    Book Info
    An orthographical dictionary, shewing both the orthography and the orthoepia of the English tongue, By I. Accents placed on each Word, directing to their true Pronunciation. II. Asterisms, distinguishing those Words of approv'd Authority from those that are not. III. Their various Senses and Significations, in English, and also French and Latin, for the sake of Foreigners, who desire an acquaintan
    Bailey, N
  • 108925
    Book Info
    Anno decimo tertio Georgii Regis An Act for enlarging the times for hearing and determining claims by the trustees for raising money upon the estates of the late directors of the South Sea Company, and others; and for relief of the creditors of Robert Knight Esq; late cashire [sic] to the said Company, and for relief of persons who have entered claims for contingent debts and incumbrances; and f
    Great Britain
  • 108926
    Book Info
    Answers for Robert Heslopp, to the petition of Alexander Horsburgh chirurgeon in Glasgow
    Heslopp, Robert
  • 108927
    Book Info
    Anthropologia nova: or, a new system of anatomy. Describing the Animal Oeconomy, and a Short Rationale Of many distempers Incident to Human Bodies. Illustrated with above fourscore figures, drawn after the Life. By James Drake, M. D. late Fellow of the College of Physicians and F. R. S.
    Drake, James
  • 108928
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo. [...] Assisting [...] ing of this year's revolutions, as also of things past, present, and to come. [...] and Gregorian or Foreign computations, more plain and full than any other; with the rising and setting of the sun, the nightly rising and setting of the moon, and also her southing, exactly calculated for every day. Of general use for most men. [...] To w
    Saunders, Richard
  • 108929
    Book Info
    Arbor Yemensis fructum cof{grave}e ferens : or, a description and history of the coffee tree. By Dr. James Douglas, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London: And Fellow of the Royal Society.
    Douglas, James
  • 108930
    Book Info
    Arguments pro and con, in several speeches For and against an impeachment. By which we may form an easy judgment of the strength and power of our allies abroad, and the Weakness of the Designs and Projects of our Enemies
  • 108931
    Book Info
    Arithmetick both in the theory and practice : made plain and easie in all the common and useful rules, both in whole numbers and fractions, vulgar and decimal. Also Interest Simple and Compound, and Annuities. Likewise Extraction of the Square and Cube Routs. AS Also The Tables and Construction of Logarithms, with their Use in Arithmetick, and Compound Interest. Together with Arithmetical and G...
    Hill, John
  • 108932
    Book Info
    Articles of impeachment of high-treason and misdemeanors, against Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer. July 9. 1715. With his Lordship's answer, paragraph by paragraph. To which is added, A short state of the late war and peace
    Great Britain
  • 108933
    Book Info
    Astianatte, drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market; per la Reale Accademia di Musica
    Salvi, Antonio
  • 108934
    Book Info
    Astronomy; or, the true system of the planets demonstrated. Wherein are shewn by instrument, their anomalies, heliocentrick and geocentrick places both in longitude and latitude; their Aphelions, Perihelions, Retrogradations and Elongations, Parallaxes and Distances from the Sun and Earth: With the Method of Computing the Times when Venus and Mercury may be seen in the Sun's Disk. Also the Moon's
    Leadbetter, Charles
  • 108935
    Book Info
    Atterburyana. Being miscellanies, by the late Bishop of Rochester, &c. With I. A collection of original letters. &c. II. The virgin-seducer. A true history. III. The batchelor-keeper: or, modern rake. By Philaretus
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 108936
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca politica: or, an enquiry into the antient constitution of the English government, with respect to ... the rights and liberties of the subject. ... In fourteen dialogues. Collected out of the best authors, …
    Tyrrell, James
  • 108937
    Book Info
    Bibliothecae quam vir doctus, & admodum Reverendus, Daniel Williams, S.T.P. Bono publico legavit, catalogus
    Dr. Williams's Library
  • 108938
    Book Info
    Bishop Parker's history of his own time. In four books. Faithfully translated from the Latin original, by Thomas Newlin, M. A. Vicar of Beeding in Sussex, and late Fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford
    Parker, Samuel
  • 108939
    Book Info
    Books in physic, mathematics, philosophy, &c. printed for J. Osborn and T. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-noster-row
    J. Osborn | T. Longman (Booksellers)
  • 108940
    Book Info
    Books printed for J. Osborn and T. Longman, at the Ship and Black Swan in Pater-noster Row
    J. Osborn | T. Longman