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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,961 - 108,980건 출력
  • 108961
    Book Info
    Charity and charity schools defended. A sermon preach'd at St. Martin's Palace, in Norwich, on March 6. 1723. ... By William George Barnes. M.A.
    Barnes, William George
  • 108962
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    Christ the pearl of great price; or, the excellency of Christ to believers set forth. Being a divine message from God to poor sinners: or, a dreadful warning to all impenitent sinners. I. Wherein Jesus Christ and Salvation are freely offer'd to all that will come in and accept of it, before the Day of Grace is past. II. Shewing the great Danger of slighting Christ and Salvation tendered in the Gos
    Baxter, Richard
  • 108963
    Book Info
    Christ, the most beloved Son of God, to be heard in his message to men. A sermon preach'd at Peckham in Surrey, June the 25th, 1727. and applied to the death of our late most gracious sovereign George I. and the accession of his present Majesty George II. By Thomas Hadfield, M.D.
    Hadfield, Thomas
  • 108964
    Book Info
    Christian essays upon the immorality of uncleanness and duelling, Deliver'd in two sermons Preach'd at St. Paul's. By Anthony Holbrook, Rector of Waltham Parva in Essex
    Holbrook, Anthony
  • 108965
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    Christian liberty, founded in gospel truth; or, the great argument of Christian liberty, explained In its necessary Connection with sound Principles, in Opposition to some dangerous Notions relating to both. In a sermon upon John viii-32. By C. Mastertown. M.A.
    Mastertown, Charles
  • 108966
    Book Info
    Christian loyalty. Or, Some suitable sentiments on the withdraw of King George the First, of glorious memory, and the access of King George the Second, unto the throne of the British Empire. By Cotton Mather, D.D. and F.R.S. [One line epigram in Latin]
    Mather, Cotton
  • 108967
    Book Info
    Christianity and free-thinking: in three discourses. I. Containing an Argument for a Fair and Serious Enquiry into the Grounds of Religion. II. A Vindication of the Right of Private Judgment in Opposition to Authority. III. A Caution against the Causes of a Wrong Judgment. Delivered publickly in Skinners-Hall, and now published with additions, for the author's vindication. By a lay-man
  • 108968
    Book Info
    Chronological tables of the world: commencing wth. the creation and ending with the nativity of Jesus Christ, comprehending ye space of 3950 years. Digested into ye same methd. with ye chronological tables of Col. W. Parsons, by the Reverend Mr. Adam Blandy ... To which ar added, the characters of the high priests, emperours, kings, judges, &c, mention'd in ye tables. By William Blandy, ...
    Blandy, Adam
  • 108969
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    Clarendon and Whitlock compar'd. To which is occasionally added, a comparison between the History of the rebellion, and other histories of the Civil War. Proving very plainly, that the editors of the Lord Clarendon's history, have hardly left one fact, or one character on the Parliament side, fairly represented; That the Characters are all Satire, or Panegyrick, and the Facts adapted to the one, o
  • 108970
    Book Info
    Cleomelia: or, the generous mistress. Being the secret history of a lady lately arriv'd from Bengall, a kingdom in the East-Indies. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. To which is added, I. The lucky rape: or, fate the best disposer. II. The capricious lover: or, no trifling with a woman
    Haywood, Eliza Fowler
  • 108971
    Book Info
    Cleomelia: or, the generous mistress. Being the secret history of a lady lately arriv'd from Bengall, a kingdom in the East-Indies. By Mrs. Eliza Haywood. To which is added, I. The lucky rape: or, fate the best disposer. II. The capricious lover: or, no trifling with a woman.
    Haywood, Eliza Fowler
  • 108972
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    Clodius and Cicero: with other examples and reasonings, in defence of just measures against faction and obloquy, suited to the present conjuncture
    Arnall, William
  • 108973
    Book Info
    Clodius and Cicero: with other examples and reasonings, in defence of just measures against faction and obloquy, suited to the present conjuncture.
    Arnall, William
  • 108974
    Book Info
    Clodius and Cicero: with other examples and reasonings, in defence of just measures against faction and obloquy, suited to the present conjuncture.
    Arnall, William
  • 108975
    Book Info
    Clodius and Cicero: with other examples and reasonings, in defence of just measures against faction and obloquy, suited to the present conjuncture.
    Arnall, William
  • 108976
    Book Info
    Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium Opus Aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam antehac non editis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio omnium (quae lucem viderunt hactenus) absolutissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte, argumentis unicuique colloquio. 3. Adiecto indice nov
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 108977
    Book Info
    Columna rostrata: or, a critical history of the English sea-affairs: Wherein all the remarkable actions of the English nation at sea are described, and the most considerable events (especially in the account of the three Dutch wars) are proved, either from original pieces, or from the testimonies of the best foreign historians. By Samuel Colliber
    Colliber, Samuel
  • 108978
    Book Info
    Comes commercii: or, the trader's-companion : Containing I. An exact and useful table, shewing the value of any quantity of goods or wares ready cast up, ... II. A table calculated for universal use, which use is shewn in the solution of questions, ... III. The manner of casting up dimensions in general, whether the same be taken in inches, feet and inches, yards, perches, &c. ... IV. The sever...
    Hatton, Edward
  • 108979
    Book Info
    Commentarium nosologicum morbos epidemicos et aeris variationes in urbe Eboracenci locisque vicinis, ab anno 1715, usque ad finem anni 1725, grassantes complectens. Authore Cliftono Winteringham
    Wintringham, Clifton
  • 108980
    Book Info
    Concio ad clerum in synodo provinciali Cantuariensis Provinci? ad D. Pauli die 26to Januarij, A.D. MDCCXXVII. A Gulielmo Trimnell, S. T. P. Eccl. Cathed. Winton. Decano
    Trimnell, William