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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 109,001 - 109,020건 출력
  • 109001
    Book Info
    Dictionaire oeconomique: or, the family dictionary. Containing the most experienc'd methods of improving estates and of preserving health, ... All sorts of rural sports and exercises, ... Done into English from the second edition, lately printed at Paris, ... written by M. Chomell. With considerable alterations and improvements. Revised and recommended by Mr. R. Bradley, ... In two volumes. ...
    Chomel, Noel
  • 109002
    Book Info
    Dictionaire royal, françois-anglois, et anglois-françois; tiré des meilleurs auteurs qui ont écrit dans ces deux langues, par Mr. Boyer. Nouvelle edition, revue avec soin & considerablement augmentee. ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 109003
    Book Info
    Die sabbati 2°martii, 1727. The House ... proceeded to take into consideration the standing order of ... the 26th of January, 1710. in relation to the entring into recognizances on appeals, ...
    Great Britain
  • 109004
    Book Info
    Directions given to the clergy of the diocese of London, in the year 1724. To which are now added, directions, given to the masters and mistresses of the charity-schools within the Bills of Mortality, and Diocese of London, Nov. 14, 1724. Nov.14, 1724. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund Lord Bishop of London
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 109005
    Book Info
    Dissertations on a dropsy, a tympany, the jaundice, the stone, and a diabetes. By Sir Richard Blackmore, Knt. M. D. and Fellow of the College of Physicians in London
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 109006
    Book Info
    Dissertations on six texts of scripture, viz. Rom.XV.7-9. 2 Cor.iv.13. John xiii.18,19. Matth.V.14-16. Mark vi.39,40. 1 Cor.viii.3. By the late Reverend and Learned Mr. James Peirce, of Exon
    Peirce, James
  • 109007
    Book Info
    Dissertations on the following subjects; viz. Samuel's appearance at Endor. Pilate's Wife's Dream concerning Christ. Moses and Elias Appearing to three Disciples. St. Peter's Deliverance by an Angel. Abraham's reply to Dives. Written at the request of a lady. By Tho. Dawson, D. D. late Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge
    Dawson, Thomas
  • 109008
    Book Info
    Distressing dangers, and signal deliverances, religiously improv'd. A sermon preach'd at New-Castle in New-Hampshire, January 1. 1726,7. By William Shurtleff, M.A. In commemoration of the sufferings, preservation and deliverance of a company of marriners, many years since ship-wreck'd upon Boon-Island Rock. To which is added, a narrative of the same published by the commander of said company. [Two
    Shurtleff, William
  • 109009
    Book Info
    Divine entertainments: in English and Latin. Selected from the works of the learned Hermanius Hugo; and translated by the Revd. Mr. Edmund Arwaker, M.A. Fit for the use of schools. It being a Book the most sit to promote Knowledge, Virtue and Piety; both for the Use of the more Learned in the Latin Tongue, as the English of it is delightfully fitted to the Capacities of the Readers in our own Lang
    Hugo, Herman
  • 109010
    Book Info
    Divine poems on several occasions. By J. Auther
    Auther, John
  • 109011
    Book Info
    Divine songs attempted in easy language, for the use of children. By I. Watts
    Watts, Isaac
  • 109012
    Book Info
    Down-Hall: a poem. By the late Mr. Prior
    Prior, Matthew
  • 109013
    Book Info
    Dydd y farn Fawr, neu sain yr udgorn diweddaf. Sef Ymddangosiad oilys a ... Crist I Farnu'r Byd. Gan Tho. Vincent. Wedi ei osod allan yn feis'nig yn Lloegr, yr Albain a'r Iwerldon. Ac yn awr wedi ei gyfieithu, ci gyfamseru, ei gysaddasu a'i osod allan, gorau agy gellid, at Wafanaeth ac Achos presennoly Cymru, gan Jencin Jones
    Vincent, Thomas
  • 109014
    Book Info
    Earthquakes the works of God & tokens of his just displeasure. Two sermons on Psal. xviii. 7. At the particular fast in Boston, Nov. 2. and the general thanksgiving, Nov. 9. Occasioned by the late dreadful earthquake. Wherein among other things is offered a brief account o the natural causes of these operations in the hands of God: with a relation of some late terrible ones in other parts of the w
    Prince, Thomas
  • 109015
    Book Info
    Eik{macr}on Basilik{macr}e : The pourtraiture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles I. In his Solitudes and Sufferings. Rom. Viii. More than Conqueror, &c. To which is added, The royal martyr; or, the life and death of the said king. Written by Richard Perencheif, D. D. one of His Majesty's Chaplains, .
    Gauden, John
  • 109016
    Book Info
    Eloge du Czar Pierre I. Par M. de Fontenelle. Prononcé à l'assemblée publique de l'Academie des sciences, le 14 novemb. 1725
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 109017
    Book Info
    English examples to Lily's Grammar-Rules, for children's Latin exercises: with an explanation to each rule. For the use of Eton School. The 4th edition, with an addition of an index. By William Willymot, L L D. Fellow of King's College in Cambridge, and late Master of a Private School at Isleworth in Middlesex
    Willymott, William
  • 109018
    Book Info
    English exercises to be made in French, comprising all the rules of the French syntax, and fitted to them, with an explanation of them. A Work never extant before, and yet absolutely Necessary for the perfect and expeditious Way both of Teaching and Learning French. By Means of which, Youth of either Sex not only will save themselves half the Pains the others took, and half the Time they spent in
    Malard, Michel
  • 109019
    Book Info
    Erasmi Colloquia selecta: or, the select colloquies of Erasmus. With an English translation, as literal as possible, design'd for the use of beginners in the Latin Tongue. Third edition. By John Clarke, Master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 109020
    Book Info
    Etat de la France, dans lequel on voit tout ce qui regarde le gouvernement Ecclesiastique, le Militaire, la Justice, les Finances, le commerce, les Manufactures, le Nombre des habitans, & en general tout ce qui peut faire connoître à fond cette Monarchie: extrait des mémoires dressez par les intendans du Royaume, par ordre du Roi, Louis XIV. à la sollicitation de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne, P
    Boulainvilliers, Henri