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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 109,021 - 109,040건 출력
  • 109021
    Book Info
    Examen variantium lectionum Johannis Millii, S.T.P. in Novum Testamentum. I. Lectionum harum fundamenta incerta plane esse, & ad lectionem textus hodierni convellendam protinus inidonea. II. Lectiones variantes quae sunt momenti alicujus, aut sensum textus mutent, paucissimas esse, atque in iis omnibus lectionem textus defendi posse. Ubi ostenditur III. Lectiones variantes levioris momenti, quas l
    Whitby, Daniel
  • 109022
    Book Info
    Excerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Tristium, with English notes; fitted for the use of schools. By William Turner, ...
  • 109023
    Book Info
    Exercise for the horse, dragoons, and foot forces
    Great Britain
  • 109024
    Book Info
    F----na's answer to S----no's epistle
  • 109025
    Book Info
    Familiaria colloquia, operâ Christophori Helvici D. & Professoris Giessensis olim, ex Erasmo Roterodamo, Ludovico Vive, & Schottenio Hasso selecta
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 109026
    Book Info
    Farther reasons humbly offered against levying a pound rate in some of the new parishes proposed to be taken out of the parish of Stepney, alias Stebbonheath, towards the Maintenance of the Ministers of the same
  • 109027
    Book Info
    Febrifugum magnum, Proved to be Morbifugum Magnum: or, the grand febrifuge improved. Being an essay, to prove, that common water is good for many distempers that are not mentioned in Dr. Hancocke's Febrifugum Magnum. Particularly, Phrensy, Madness, Melangholy, the Jaundice, Scurvy, Apoplexy, Palsy, a Catarrhe, Convulsions and Falling-Sickness, the Cholick, Iliack Passion, a Diarrhea, Dysentery, th
    Hancocke, John
  • 109028
    Book Info
    Female grievances debated in six dialogues between two young ladies, concerning love and marriage. Viz. I. Proving that Women, as well as Men, are Inclin'd to Love, and equally desirous of Propagating their Kind. II. Shewing what Love is; its Sorts & Power, and the difference between Love & Last. III. How to discern whether a Man or Woman be in Love. IV. Directions for Young Ladies prudent Managin
  • 109029
    Book Info
    Fidelity to Christ and to the Protestant succession in the illustrious House of Hannover. A sermon preached at Boston in New-England, the Lord's-Day after the proclaiming of King George the Second; August 9. 1727. By Benjamin Colman, Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two line from Proverbs]
    Colman, Benjamin
  • 109030
    Book Info
    Fifteen discourses upon the following subjects, Viz. The Dignity and Humiliation of the Son of God. The Resurrection of Christ. The Exaltation of Christ; and the Descent of the Holy Ghost. The Certainty of a future Judgment. The Goodness of God Almighty. The Triumphs of a true Christian Faith. The Necessity of Christian Practice in order to Happiness, and the Certainty of Happiness upon Christian
    Clarke, Stephen
  • 109031
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Edward Lake, D.D. The second edition, dedicated to Her late Majesty Queen Anne. Cui additur, Concio ad clerum, habita juxta Collegium Sionense
    Lake, Edward
  • 109032
    Book Info
    Free-Thinking in matters of religion stated and recommended. By a Church of England divine
    Synge, Edward
  • 109033
    Book Info
    Gibraltar; a poem ... address'd to ... the Earl of Portmore.
    Breval, John
  • 109034
    Book Info
    God and the King: or, a dialogue shewing, that our sovereign lord, the King of England, now reigning, doth rightly claim whatsoever is required by the oath of allegiance. ... To which is added an appendix, of Bishop Saunderson's ... Now publish'd by Nathaniel Booth, ...
    Mocket, Richard
  • 109035
    Book Info
    God the judge, putting down one, and setting up another : A sermon upon occasion of the death of our late sovereign lord King George, and the accession of His present Majesty, King George II to the British throne. By Thomas Foxcroft, A.M. Minister of the Old Church in Boston.
    Foxcroft, Thomas
  • 109036
    Book Info
    Great news from the stars: or, an ephemeris for the year 1727. With Observations upon the Eclipses, Solar Ingresses and Configurations of Heaven happening therein. Being the Third after Bissextile, or Leap-Year, And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of History, 5676 Years. Wherein You have an Account of many Things about the Heavenly Bodies, and their Portents, in the same year
    Andrews, William
  • 109037
    Book Info
    Gulliver decypher'd: or remarks on a late book, intitled, Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vindicating the reverend Dean on whom it is maliciously father'd. With Some probable Conjectures concerning the Real Author
  • 109038
    Book Info
    Heaven invaded. Or, a contest between Jupiter and the giants; being a musical entertainment, to be represented on the birthday of His most sacred Majesty George, By the Grace of God King of Great-Britain, &c. at the Castle of Dublin, the 28th of May, 1727. By their Excellencies the Lords Justices Special Command. Compos'd by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser, Master of the Musick, attending His Majesty's
    Kusser, Johann Sigismund
  • 109039
    Book Info
    His Majesties commission for building fifty new churches
    Great Britain
  • 109040
    Book Info
    His Majesty's commission for the Royal Hospital, for Seamen at Greenwich
    Great Britain