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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,041 - 109,060건 출력
  • 109041
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    An act for the better settling and preserving the library kept in the house at Westminster, called Cotton-house, in the name and family of the Cottons, for the benefit of the publick
  • 109042
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    An advertisement, necessary to be observed in the navigation up and down the Channel of England. Communicated by a Fellow of the Royal Society.
  • 109043
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    An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1701. And from the Creation 5701. Calculated for them eridian of the Centre or Middle of England, whose Latitude is 54 deg. and therefore far more usefull for this kingdom in general, than any other extant. As also, for the whole kingdom of Ireland. By W. Turner, Gent. In this almanack are contained these particulars. 1. A description of England, and a gen
  • 109044
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    An anatomy of atheisme: a poem. By the author of The duties of the closet. A verse may find him who a Sermon flyes, And turn Delight into a Sacrifice. Herbert's Poems
  • 109045
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    An answer to A letter from a clergy-man in the country to a dignify'd clergy-man in London, &c. Concerning The bill brought in the last Session of Parliament for preventing the Translation of Bishops
  • 109046
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    An answer to The pleasures of a single life: or, The comforts of marriage confirm'd and vindicated: vvith the misery of lying alone, prov'd and asserted.
  • 109047
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    An answer to a pamphlet, Intituled, An Account of an Occasional Conference between George Keith and Thomas Upsher, at Colchester, &c. January 1. 1701. With some remarks on a former Book of George Keith's, falsly Entituled, A True Relation of a Conference had between Geo. Keith, and Tho. Upsher, at Colchester, the 6th of the fifth Month, 1699. By Thomas Upsher
  • 109048
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    An answer to an infamous libel entituled, A list of one unanimous club of Members of the late Parliament, Nov. 11. 1701. that met at the Vine Tavern in Long Acre. Wherein all those gentlemen, mention'd in the said scandalous pamphlet, are vindicated, from its malicious and false suggestions and insinuations
  • 109049
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    An answer to the black-list; or, the Vine-Tavern queries: ...
  • 109050
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    An answer to the case of George Taylor, Esquire, against the last Clause of the Prison-Bill
  • 109051
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    An answer to the dissenters pleas for separation, or, An abridgment of the London cases wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse.
  • 109052
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    An answer to the most material objections that have been raised against restraining the East-India trade; With Five Queries
  • 109053
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    An answer to the panegyric on the late Lord Jeffreys. By a friend of the lady's, to whom 'twas directed
  • 109054
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    An appendix: being an answer to a libel, intituled Patrick Hurly's vindication: with some remarkable passages of his life and actions
  • 109055
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    An argument against war: in opposition to some late pamphlets, particularly; the first and second pa r [sic] of The Duke of Anjou's succession consider'd: Wherein is plainly prov'd that it is directly contrary to the Interest of England and Holland to side with the Emperor against France and Spain, from the present posture of Affairs
  • 109056
    Book Info
    An argument against war: in opposition to some late pamphlets, particularly; the first and second part of The Duke of Anjou's succession consider'd: Wherein is plainly prov'd that it is directly contrary to the Interest of England and Holland to side with the Emperor against France and Spain, from the present posture of Affairs
  • 109057
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    An argument for war, in answer to The argument for peace: being a vindication of two books, entituled, The Duke of Anjou's succession consider'd. Wherein is plainly proved, that a Just War is more eligible than a Slavish Peace, and that it is directly contrary to the Interest of England and Holland to side with France and Spain against the Emperor, from the present Posture of Affairs, and the Meas
  • 109058
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    An argument proving that it is more the interest of the Government and nation of England, that the forfeited estates in Ireland be purchased by an incorporated company, than by single purchasers
  • 109059
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    An argument proving, that the imposition of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, as a qualification for a secular office, is I. Contrary to the express laws of God. II. Contrary to the Doctrines of the Church of England. III. Contrary to the Doctrines of the Dissenters. And, IV. Contrary to the National and Natural Rights of all Mankind. In which the Reasonableness and Necessity of taking away the
  • 109060
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    An argument, shewing, that the Prince of Wales, tho' a Protestant, has no just pretensions to the crown of England. With some remarks on the late pretended discovery of a design to steal him away: