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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,121 - 109,140건 출력
  • 109121
    Book Info
    Christian charity. A sermon Preached before the Honourable Society Of the Natives of the County of Kent, Novemb. 20. 1701. At St. Mary-le-Bow, London. By George Stanhope, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, and Vicar of Lewisham in Kent. Published at the Request of the Stewards
  • 109122
    Book Info
    Christianity in short: or, the way to be a good Christian recommended to the use of such as want either time or capacity for reading longer and learneder discourses. By C. Ellis, author of the Gentile-sinner.
  • 109123
    Book Info
    Christianity the great ornament of humane life: or, man considered in his spiritual, civil, and moral capacities. Being an humble essay towards the furtherance of universal piety and charity, and removing all unreasonable Prejudice and animosities respecting both the Church and State
  • 109124
    Book Info
    Cocker's Arithmetick: Being a plain and familiar method, suitable to the meanest capacity for the full understanding of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest school-masters in city and country. Composed by Edward Cocker, late practitioner in the arts of writing, arithmetick, and engraving. Being that so long since promise'd to the world. Perused [sic] and published by John Hawki
  • 109125
    Book Info
    Coelii Sedulii Scoti poemata sacra Denuo Recognita, Collata & brevibus notis Illustrata, nec non Prior Ejusdem Epistola ad Macedonium Presbyterum
  • 109126
    Book Info
    Concio ad clerum habita coram Academiâ Cantabrigiensi Oct.9°. A°. 1700. Pro Gradu Baccalaureatus in S. Theologia Ubi praescrtim Fidei Natura Justificantis traditur. A Roberto Marsden, S. T. B. Coll. Jes. Soc
  • 109127
    Book Info
    Concio ad sanctam synodum, ab archiepiscopo, Episcopis & Clero, Provinciae Cantuariensis celebratam. Habita In Ecclesia Cathedrali S. Pauli, London. XXX. Die Decembris. AD. MDCCI. Per Gulielmum Sherlock, Ejusdem Ecclesiae Decanum
  • 109128
    Book Info
    Concio ad synodum, ab archiepiscopo, episcopis & clero, Provinciæ Cantuariensis celebratam. Habita in æde Paulina Londinensi X. die Februarii A.D. MDCC. Per Guilielmum Hayleium,...
  • 109129
    Book Info
    Concio habita in Ecclesiâ sti. Alphegi, Londini, Maii die 13tio A. D. MDCCI. coram reverendis viris, Praeside, Decanis, & Assessoribus, Caeterisque Sionensis Collegii sociis: Et Eorum Rogatu in Lucem Edita. A Thoma Manningham, S. T. P. Et Ecclesiae Sti. Andreae de Holborn Rectore
  • 109130
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    Considerations upon corrupt elections of members to serve in Parliament
  • 109131
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    Considerations upon the East-India trade
  • 109132
    Book Info
    Copy of a letter written by one eminent citizen to another, dated the 19th of this instant November 1701. Relating to a mutual agreement continued between himself and three other eminent citizens, to stand candidates, for Parliament men for the city of London. ...
  • 109133
    Book Info
    Corrupt ministers the cause of publick calamities; or, the interest of the King and his people, one. Being a brief relation of some publick crimes committed in the government, ... Humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons
  • 109134
    Book Info
    Cosmologia sacra: or a discourse of the universe as it is the creature and kingdom of God. Chiefly written, to demonstrate the truth and Excellency of the Bible; which contains the Laws of his Kingdom in this Lower World. In five books. By Dr. Nehemiah Grew, Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society
  • 109135
    Book Info
    Crums of comfort and godly prayers. With Thankful remembrance of Gods wonderful deliverances of this land
  • 109136
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    Danmonii orientales illustres: or, the worthies of Devon. A work, wherein the lives and fortunes of the most famous divines, statesmen, Swordsmen, Physicians, Writers, and other eminent persons, natives of that most noble province, from before the Norman Conquest, down to the present Age, are memoriz'd, in an Alphabetical Order, out of the most approved Authors, both in Print and Manuscript In whi
  • 109137
    Book Info
    Daphnis or, a pastoral elegy upon the unfortunate and much-lamented death of Mr. Thomas Creech.
  • 109138
    Book Info
    De intellectu humano. In Quatuor Libris. Authore Johanne Lockio Armigero
  • 109139
    Book Info
    Devota, y humilde suplicacion. Dirigida al grande, y omnipotente .a. Dios de Israel, por la congrega delos hebreos de Londres, en la qual implora la assistencia, ... del Cielo alas deliberaciones dela Majestad del ... Rey Guillelme III. ...
  • 109140
    Book Info
    Diatriba de Suida, in qua varia ejus auctoris loca partim mutila supplentur, partim corrupta emendantur et nonnulli interpretis errores notantur. Futuræ editioni speciminis loco præmisit. Ludolphus Neocorus