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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,141 - 109,160건 출력
  • 109141
    Book Info
    Discourses on several subjects. The first containing a new account of the rise and fall of the Papacy. The second upon God's dwelling with men. The third concerning the ministerial office. The fourth being a brief account of religion as it centers in the Lord Jesus Christ. By Robert Fleming, V.D.M.
  • 109142
    Book Info
    Discourses upon several divine subjects, Viz. The Measure of Divine Love. The Natural and Moral Vanity of Man. That the Law is not made void through Faith. The Origin and the Relief of all Trouble and Uneasiness of Mind. The Natural and Moral Union of the Soul with God. The Honour due to good Men, and the Crime of treating them with Scorn and Contempt. The several Ways where by God Addresses himse
  • 109143
    Book Info
    Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1701. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the worlds Creation 5703. Wherein contained an account of several Saints as they are in the Breviary, the Planets, Eclipses, Terms both at London and Cambridge, Inclination of the Air, and other things of note. Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambr
  • 109144
    Book Info
    Draught of an act anent coal and salt
  • 109145
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    Effigies amoris in English, or, The picture of love unveil'd
  • 109146
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    Elegia in obitum celsissimi, potentissimi, illustrissimiq; principis, Henrici Ducis de Beaufort ... qui ex hac vita emigravit Jan. 20. die anno 1699. ... A Jos. Perkins
  • 109147
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    Elegie on the death of Mr. George Campbell, Professor of Divinity in the College of Edinburgh
  • 109148
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    Elegie on the death of Mr. Gilbert Rule, principal of the College of Edinburgh. Who departed this life, June 7th. 1701. ...
  • 109149
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    Enchiridion clericale: or, a manual of proper and useful presidents in clerkship, relating to contracts and agreements, obligations, recognizances and statutes. Also an Anatomy of a Bond, with most usual and necessary Conditions, abbreviation of Words, proper Names of Men and Women, Cities, Counties, Sums of Money, Reigns of Kings and Queens, and Years of our Lord: Tables of Interest and Purchase,
  • 109150
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    England's danger by Indian manufactures
  • 109151
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    Englands golden fleece preserv'd, in proposals humbly lay'd before a committee of the honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament. By William Symonds, ...
  • 109152
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    Episcopacy asserted and recommended as the great bond of union; in a sermon preach'd before the ... Ld. Bp. of Lincoln, at his visitation held at Loughborough, ... August the 13th 1700. By John Alleyne, ...
  • 109153
    Book Info
    Eruditæ pronuntiationis Catholici indices. Opus omnibus, qui vel ex scripto vel memoriter; ex plano vel suggestu; in Choro, Scholis, Triclinio; publicis privatisve Congressibus, Latinè loqui, recitare ac perorare debent, omninò necessarium. Operâ & studio Philippi Labbe biturici, Soc. Jesu Sacerdotis. Nuper ab Edwardo Leedes, Scholae Buriensis Magistre, quantum per otium licuit, recogniti; & eo Au
  • 109154
    Book Info
    Essays upon I. The ballance of power. II. The right of making war, Peace, and Alliances. III. Universal monarchy. To which is added, an appendix containing the records referr'd to in the second essay
  • 109155
    Book Info
    Essays, moral and divine; in five discourses: Viz. I. Against Atheism. II. Of Providence. III. Of Learning and Religion. IV. Of Triffling Studies, Stage-Playes, and Romances. V. Upon the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, and Redemption of Mankind. By Sir William Anstruther of Anstruther, One of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice
  • 109156
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    Eucharistical devotions: or, a form of prayers To be daily used The week before Receiving of the Holy Sacrament
  • 109157
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    Examen de deux grandes questions, la premiére, ce que le Roi de France fera au sujet de la monarchie d'Espagne, la seconde, quelles mesures doit prendre l'Angleterre. Traduit de l'anglois
  • 109158
    Book Info
    Executing judgment, counted for righteousness. A sermon preach'd to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, in the cities of London and Westminster. Upon Monday, June the 30th. 1701. ... By Benjamin Robinson
  • 109159
    Book Info
    Familiar and courtly letters, to persons of honour and quality, by Mons. Voiture, A Member of the Royal Academy at Paris. ... Made English by John Dryden, Esq; Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis, Henry Cromwell, Esq; Mr. Raphson, F. R. S. Dr. - , &c. with A Collection of Translations, and Original Letters on several Subjects. Written by Mr. T. Brown, and now much Improved. The third edition with addition
  • 109160
    Book Info
    Familiar forms of speaking, compos'd for the use of schools; ... Partly gathered, partly composed. The fourteenth edition, corrected and amended, and somewhat enlarged. ...