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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,201 - 109,220건 출력
  • 109201
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    Josiah Thwaits, the son of James, the son of William Thwaits, by Dorothy his mother, appellt. John Deye, respondt. The said respondent's case
  • 109202
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    Judas and the chief priests conspiring to betray Christ and his followers; or, an apostate convicted, and truth defended. In answer to George Keith's fourth (false, Partial) narrative, of his proceedings at Turners-Hall (against the Quakers) in the XIth month 1699. And some other of his late Books. In which his Apostacy from the Truth, and Enmity against it, is Manifested. His Deceit, Hypocrisie,
  • 109203
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    Jura populi Anglicani: or the subject's right of petitioning set forth. Occasioned by the case of the Kentish petitioners. With some thoughts on the reasons which induc'd those gentlemen to petition: and of the Commons right of imprisoning
  • 109204
    Book Info
    Justinus de historiis Philippicis, et totius mundi originibus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cantel, ? Societate Jesu. Jussu christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini. Huic editioni accessere Jacobi Bongarsii excerptiones chronologic? ad Justini Historias accommodat?
  • 109205
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    Kyriake Hemera. A discourse in six dialogues on the name, notion, and observation of the Lord's day. With an account of several canons, decrees, and laws, foreign and English, for the keeping it holy. The Way of Worship in the Church of England, vindicated. And, An Office, or Collection of devotions, proper for the Day. By Tho. Morer, Rector of the United Parishes of SS. Ann and Agues, within Alde
  • 109206
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    La clef, pour ouvrir la voye à quiconque à le sens commun, afin de Reconnoître la difference qu'il y a entre la religion de ceux qu'on appelle Trembleurs, & les renversemens, déguisemens & calomnies, dont plusieurs de leur adversaires se servent, pour representer leurs principes & leur pratique. Avec une exhortation, addressée à tous les Hommes, pour les engager à examiner leur Religion & leurs Ma
  • 109207
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    Light and truth discovering and detecting sophistry and deceit or, a reply To a Book, call'd, A Plain Discovery of many Gross Falshoods, &c. By George Keith. Together, With Animadversions on G. K's Answer to his own Queries, concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (so called.) By John Feild
  • 109208
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    Limitations for the next foreign successor, or new Saxon race. Debated in a conference betwixt two gentlemen. Sent in a letter to a Member of Parliament
  • 109209
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    Litaneia tessarakoste. Or, a lenten litany, Compiled for the Use of the Reverend clergy of the English Convocation, And the Rest of their worthy brethren
  • 109210
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    Love makes a man: or, the fop's fortune. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by C. Cibber
  • 109211
    Book Info
    Love makes a man: or, the fop's fortune. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by C. Cibber
  • 109212
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    Love's victim
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  • 109213
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    M. Valerii Martialis epigrammatum libri XIV. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Vincentius Collesso J.C. jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini
  • 109214
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    Marci Hieronymi Vidæ cremonensis Albæ episcopi, Poeticorum libri tres. Accedunt, Bombycum libri duo et Scacchia ludus, eodem autore
  • 109215
    Book Info
    Medicamentorum Euporiston thesaurus, succincte comprehendens, ad omnes fere totius microcosmi morbos, experta, nec non specifica, remedia, Ex celeberrimis, tam Veterum quam Neotericorum, scriptis excerpta, Ordineque Alphabetico digesta. Opera & cura Joannis Cruso Pharmacop. Credo Simplicia in sua simplicitate esse sufficientia, pro sanatione omnium Morborum. Helmont
  • 109216
    Book Info
    Meditations and prayers, upon the first week; with observations on each day's creation: and Considerations on the Seven Capital Vices, To be oppos'd: and their opposit Vertues To be Studied and Practised. Written by the Lady Halket
  • 109217
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    Meditations on the several ages of man's life: representing, the vanity of it, from his cradle to his grave. Adorn'd with proper emblems. To which is added, Scriptural poems. Being several Portions of scripture Digested into English Verse. I. The Book of Ruth. II. The History of Sampson. III. Christ's Sermon on the Mount. IV. The Prophecy of Jonah. V. The Life of Joseph. VI. The Epistle of James.
  • 109218
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    Meditations on the twentieth and fifth Psalm. By one who had found how beneficial it was to have the Soul continually placed upon Divine Objects, and therefore made choice of this Psalm, to raise her Contemplations
  • 109219
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    Memoires of the reign of King Charles I. Containing The most remarkable Occurrences of that Reign, and setting many Secret Passages thereof in a clear Light. With Impartial Characters of many Great Persons on both Sides, who chiefly govern'd the Counsels and Actions of that Scene of Affairs. Together with A Continuation to the Happy Restauration of King Charles II. By Sir Philip Warwick, Knight. P
  • 109220
    Book Info
    Memoires of the reigne of King Charles I. With a continuation to the happy restauration of King Charles II. By Sir Philip Warwick, Knight. Published from the original manuscript. With an alphabetical table