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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,241 - 109,260건 출력
  • 109241
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    On the tenth of June, MDCCI. Being the birth-day of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales; at which time he happily compleats the thirteenth year of his age
  • 109242
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    On the very much lamented death of the truly noble, and universally respected, Lord Basil Hamiltoun, ... who was unfortunatly drown'd August 27. 1701. ...
  • 109243
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    Original letters Of his Excellency Sir Richard Fanshaw, during his embassies in Spain and Portugal: which, together with divers letters and answers from the chief ministers of state of England, Spain and Portugal, contain the whole negotiations of the treaty of peace between the three crowns
  • 109244
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    Origines sacrae: or a rational account of the grounds of the Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the scriptures, and matters therein contain'd. By Edward Stillingfleet, M.A.
  • 109245
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    Peace the end of the upright. Opened and applied at the interment of that reverend, holy and faithful minister of Christ, Mr. Samuel Clark, M.A. and sometime fellow of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge; who slept in Jesus, Feb.24. 1700/1. ætat.75. at Wiccomb in Bucks. With his True (but too Short) Character. By S. C V.D.M.
  • 109246
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    Peleus & Thetis: a masque. In the comedy call'd The Jew of Venice. As it is acted at the theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Set to musick by Mr. Eccles
  • 109247
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    Penitential cries, begun by the author of the songs of praise, and carried on by another hand
  • 109248
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    Phædri, Aug. liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum libri V. Notis doctorum selectioribus, novisque passim & conjecturis & explicationibus illustrati operâ Tho. Johnson, A.M. in usum Scholæ etonensis
  • 109249
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    Piracy destroy'd: Or, A short discourse shewing The Rise, Growth and Causes of Piracy of late; with a sure Method how to put a speedy stop to that growing Evil. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the present Parliament. In a Letter from an Officer of an East-India Ship Lately arriv'd in the River, to the Deputy Governour of the East-India-Company, London
  • 109250
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    Plain instructions for the young & ignorant. Comprised in a short and easy exposition of the church catechism. Adapted to the understanding and memory of those of the meanest capacity. To which is added, A Preface concerning the Office of Catechising, and the most advantageous and profitable Way of performing it. By the author of the Excuses and pretences which men make for their not coming to th
  • 109251
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    Plantation justice, shewing the constitution of their courts, and what sort of judges they have in them. By which Merchants may see the occasions of their great Losses and Sufferings in the Plantation Trade: Lawyers may see such a Model of Justice as they could not have thought of; and Others may see how those Parts of the World are governed
  • 109252
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    Poems on various occasions; and translations from several authors. By Mr. John Dryden. Now first publish'd together in one volume
  • 109253
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    Poems upon several occasions and to several persons. Written by Mr. Manning
  • 109254
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    Polygraphice: or, the arts of drawing, engraving, etching, limning, painting, vernishing, japaning, gilding, &c. In two volumns [sic]. ... The eighth edition. Enlarged, ... By William Salmon, M.D.
  • 109255
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    Practical phonography: or, the new art of rightly speling and writing words by the sound thereof. And of rightly sounding and reading words by the sight thereof. Applied to the English tongue. Design'd more especially for the Use and Ease, of the Duke of Glocester. But that we are lamentably disappointed of our Joy and Hopes in him. By J. Jones, M.D.
  • 109256
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    Pray mony or no mony, right or wrong, Irish or no Irish, bastard or no bastard, lawyer or no lawyer, bawdy or not bawdy, alive, or dead, read from the first to the last word in this present case, to the honourable knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled the humble petition of Prince Butler, ...
  • 109257
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    Pray read from the first to the last word in this present case, nicely and attentively before giving your judgement in it, ... A malicious man makes reasons. To the honourable knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of Prince Butler: ...
  • 109258
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    Prayer in the name of Christ. A sermon preach'd before the King, at Hampton-Court, June 1. 1701. By W. Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Published by His Majesty's Special Command
  • 109259
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    Presbyterial government as now established and practised in the Church of Scotland methodically described, speciaily [sic] of the church's intrinsick power, as also of the power of the civil [sic], in and about sacred [sic]. Things Gathered out of the Confessions of Faith, and other publick Records of that Church. By a Presbyter of the Church of Scotland
  • 109260
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    Primitive baptism in three parts; consider'd under three heads. I. That it was Baptizing Infants as well as Adult. II. That it was Baptizing with Water, and that a standing Ordinance, and permanent Duty. III. That it was Baptizing by pouring on, or Sprinkling with Water, not by Dipping or Immersing into Water. All Proved from the Command of Christ, and the Practice of his Disciples and Apostles, R