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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 109,677건 중 109,281 - 109,300건 출력
  • 109281
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    Remarks upon the two great questions. Part II. Wherein the Grand Question of all is Considered, viz. What the Dutch ought to do at this Juncture?
  • 109282
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    Rheol buchedd sanctaidd yn dangos y moddion a'r arfeu i ynnill pob grâs, ... Ynghyd â gweddiau yn cynnwys hôll ddyledswydd Cristion. ... Gan Jer. Taylor, D.D.
  • 109283
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    Right to those that suffer wrong: or, a full confutation Of the Assertions of that grand impostor Fuller, al' Fullee, al' Fouler, al' Elleson, al'-&c. concerning the birth of the pretended Prince of Wales
  • 109284
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    Rose 1701. A new almanack for the year from the nativity of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, 1701. Being the first from Bissextile or Leap-Year. And From the Creation of the World; 5650. Calculated for the Meridian of the Honourable City of London, whose Latitude is 51 Degrees 32 Minutes, and may serve for any other part of England. By George Rose, Mathem
  • 109285
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    Rules, orders, and directions by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, for the regulating of all cities, walled towns and corporations in this Kingdom of Ireland
  • 109286
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    Schola sepulchri the school of the grave, or, the many practicall [sic] lessons of wisdom, which the Scriptures teach us, from the consideration of mortalitie
  • 109287
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    Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse / by John Bunyan.
  • 109288
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    Scripture religion: or, a short view of the faith and practice of a true Christian, as plainly laid down in the Holy scriptures, and faithfully taught in the Church of England. With suitable devotions. By a divine of the Church of England
  • 109289
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    Seasonable advice to those who are in strength and health, Frequently to Think upon death and judgment. With proper motives, and suitable assistances to prepare for both. By Joseph Ward, A.M. Rector of Clay Juxta mare in Norfolk
  • 109290
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    Select letters, to the Prince of Orange (now King of England,) King Charles the II.d and the Earl of Arlington, upon important subjects. Vol.III. To which is added An essay upon the state and settlement of Ireland. All written by Sir William Temple, Baronet. Published from the Originals of Sir William Temple's own Hand-Writing. And never before Printed
  • 109291
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    Self-Imployment in secret; containing I. Evidences upon self-examination. II. Thoughts upon painful afflictions. III.. Memorials for practice. Left under the hand-writing of that learned and Reverend divine, Mr John Corbert, late of Chichester with a prefatory epistle of M John Howe
  • 109292
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    Self-Love the great cause of bad times. A sermon preach'd before the Society of the Mystery of Goldsmiths, at the parish church of St. Lawrence Jewry, on Tuesday the 4th of February, 1700/1. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D.D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. Published at the Request of the Stewards
  • 109293
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    Serious exhortations to the practice of religious duties, both publick and private. With some particular prayers
  • 109294
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    Sermons on several texts in Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus. By Thomas Wilson, M. A. Presbyter of the Church of England
  • 109295
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    Several Proceedings and Resolutions of the House of Peers, in Relation to the Lords Impeached or Charged
  • 109296
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    Several circular letters to the clergy of Mary-Land, subsequent to their late visitation, to enforce such resolutions as were taken therein. By Thomas Bray, D.D.
  • 109297
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    Several discourses of death and judgment, and a future state. Viz. Of the Immortality of the Soul, as discover'd by Nature, and by Revelation. Of the Certainty of a future Judgment. Of the Person by whom the world shall be judged. Of the Persons who are to be judged. Of the Actions for which men will be accountable. Of the Sentence to be past at the day of Judgment. The Uncertainty of the Day of J
  • 109298
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    Several letters between two ladies: wherein the lawfulness and unlawfulness of artificial beauty in point of conscience, are nicely debated. Published For the Satisfaction of the Fair Sex
  • 109299
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    Several objections against the Lynn poor-bill humbly offer'd, &c.
  • 109300
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    Short remarks upon the late Act of resumption of the Irish forfeitures, and upon the manner of putting that act in Execution