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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,301 - 127,320건 출력
  • 127301
    Book Info
    The plain path-way to heaven; or, a sure guide to eternity, in fifteen excellent rules. To which is added, those excellent sayings of old Mr. Dodd. Fit for the perusal of all Christian families. - Those Charitable Persons who buys a Quantity to give away to their poor Neighbours, shall have them after the Rate of 20 s. one Hundred
  • 127302
    Book Info
    The plain-Dealer, a comedy. Written by Mr. Wycherley
    Wycherley, William
  • 127303
    Book Info
    The play-House scuffle, or, passive obedience kickt off the stage. Being a true relation of a new tragi-comedy, as it was acted last week at the Play-House in Drury-Lane; by several notorious actors, frequently call'd Her Majesties Servants, but of late turn'd their own masters. In two canto's
  • 127304
    Book Info
    The pleasant and delightful history of Tom of Lincoln, The most Valiant and Renowned Red-Rose Knight; Surnamed for his many Wonderful Exploits, The Glory and Pride of England. Containing an Account of his Princely Birth, strange Education Noble and Valourous Exploits at Home and Abroad; his Amours with the Fairy Queen; his Marriage with the Emperour of Æthiopia's Daughter; also the manner of his U
    Johnson, Richard
  • 127305
    Book Info
    The poetical vvorks of the Honourable Sir Charles Sedley Bar. and his speeches in Parliamemt [sic], with large additions ... Published from the original MS. by Capt. Ayloffe. To which is perfixed [sic], The Earl of Rochester's mountebank speech, ... With a new miscelany [sic] of poems by several ... hands. As also a compleat collection of all the remarkable speeches in both Houses of Parliament: .
    Sedley, Charles
  • 127306
    Book Info
    The political union. A discourse shewing the dependance of government on religion in general: and of the English monarchy on the Church of England in particular. By Henry Sacheverell, ...
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 127307
    Book Info
    The poll (taken October 16. 1710.) for the election of knights of the shire of Rutland, Digested under the several Towns in the said County
    Rutland (England)
  • 127308
    Book Info
    The poll for Knights of the Shire for the county of Surrey. Taken at Guildford the 11th and 12th Days of October 1710. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen and Freeholders of the County: By the order of The Honble Heneage Finch, Esq;
    Surrey (England)
  • 127309
    Book Info
    The poll of the livery-men of the City of London, at the election for Members of Parliament: Begun Munday, October 9th, 1710. and ended the Saturday following. Shewing Who each Person Poll'd for. The Names of those that did not Poll. And the Objections made at the Scrutiny. Compar'd with the Clerks Lists of the several Companies deliver'd on Oath to the Right Honourable Sir Samuel Garrard, Bart. L
    Corporation of London
  • 127310
    Book Info
    The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers. By the most Reverend Father in God, James late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Faithfully published out of
    Ussher, James
  • 127311
    Book Info
    The practice of devotion: or, a treatise of divine love. Wherein the rules of this excellent vertue are explain'd, according to the Spirit of the Gospel, and in Opposition to false Devoto's. For the Use of all the Faithful, and particularly, for those who Suffer for Christ. In two parts
    Jurieu, Pierre
  • 127312
    Book Info
    The presbyterians not guilty of the unjust charge of being concern'd in the murther of King Charles I. ...
    Burges, Cornelius
  • 127313
    Book Info
    The presbyterians not guilty of the unjust charge of being concern'd in the murther of King Charles I. As appears by their Abhorrence of the then Proceedings against His Majesty: Faithfully Printed from the Original Copy, sign'd by Fifty Seven of the most Eminent Presbyterian Ministers then possess'd of the Parish-Churches in and about the City of London. With A Vindication of Moderate Churchmen a
    Burges, Cornelius
  • 127314
    Book Info
    The present state of Trinity College in Cambridg [sic], in a letter from Dr. Bentley, Master of the said College, to ... John Lord Bishop of Ely. Publish'd for general information by a gentleman of the Temple
    Bentley, Richard
  • 127315
    Book Info
    The present state of Trinity College in Cambridg, [sic] in a letter from Dr. Bentley, ... to the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of Ely. Publish'd for general information by a gentleman of the Temple
    Bentley, Richard
  • 127316
    Book Info
    The present state of physick in the island of Cajamai. To the members of the R.S.
    King, William
  • 127317
    Book Info
    The primer set furth by the kinges maiestie & his clergie, to be taught lerued [sic], and red: & none other to be vsed thorowout all his Dominions. Imprinted at London within the precinct of the late dissolued house of the graye Friers by Richard Grafton Printer to the Princes grace, the xvii. day of August, the yeare of our lorde M,D.XLVI
    Church of England
  • 127318
    Book Info
    The principal acts of the General Assembly, of the Church of Scotland; conveened at Edinburgh, the 26th day of April, 1710 ...
    Church of Scotland
  • 127319
    Book Info
    The principles and duties of the Christian religion, consider'd & explain'd; in order to retrieve and promote the Christian life, Or that Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. By John Mapletoft, D. D. Vicar of St. Lawrence Jewry. With a collection of suitable devotions, &c. for several occasions
    Mapletoft, John
  • 127320
    Book Info
    The proceedings of both Houses of Parliament, in the years 1702, 1703, 1704, upon the bill to prevent occasional conformity, interspers'd with speeches for and against the bill, ... As also the arguments made use of ... by a select committee of Lords and Commons. To which i added, reasons for bringing in such a useful bill, ...
    England | Wales