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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,341 - 127,360건 출력
  • 127341
    Book Info
    The respondents case. Henry Mickleburgh, Appellant, against Samuel Crispe, Clerk, Respondent
    Crispe, Samuel
  • 127342
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    The respondents case. John Cary, Esq; appellant. John White, Esq; and Katherine his wife, ... respondents.
    White, John
  • 127343
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    The rights of the clergy in the Christian church asserted. In a sermon preach'd at Newport Pagnel, in the county of Bucks, September 2. 1706. At the primary visitation of ... William Lord Bishop of Lincoln. In which the principles of a late book, entituled, The rights of the Christian church asserted, are examined. By W. Wotton, B.D.
    Wotton, William
  • 127344
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    The roasting of a parson. A ditty, that may be sung by the high-church, and said by the low. In imitation (and to the tune) of Chevy Chace
  • 127345
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    The roman history, from the total failure of the Western empire in Augustulus, to the restitution of the same by Charles the Great. Containing the Space of 324 Years. Vol. IV. By the author of the third. The fifth edition. Revis'd by Laurence Echard, A.M. Being a further continuation of his history
    Echard, Laurence
  • 127346
    Book Info
    The royal benefactress: or, the great charity of educating poor children. In a sermon preach'd in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, June 1. 1710. Being Thursday in Whitsun-Week. At the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. Publish'd at the Request of several Gentlemen concerned in that Charity. By George Smalridge,
    Smalridge, George
  • 127347
    Book Info
    The royal benefactress: or, the great charity of educating poor children. In a sermon preached in the parish-church of St. Sepulchre, June 1. 1710. Being Thursday in Whitsun-Week. At the anniversary meeting of the children educated in the charity-schools, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. Publish'd at the Request of several Gentlemen concern'd in that Charity. By George Smalridge,
    Smalridge, George
  • 127348
    Book Info
    The royal martyr and the dutiful subject, in two sermons. The royal martyr lamented, in a sermon preached at the Savoy, on King Charles the Martyr's day, 1674/5. By Gilbert Burnet, ...
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 127349
    Book Info
    The royal martyr and the dutiful subject, in two sermons. The royal martyr lamented, in a sermon preached at the Savoy, on King Charles the Martyr's day, 1674/5. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. Now Lord Bishop of Salisbury
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 127350
    Book Info
    The school of recreation: or, a guide to the most ingenious exercises of hunting, riding, racing, Fireworks, Military Discipline, The Science of Defence. Hawking, Tennis, Bowling, Ringing, Singing, Cock-Fighting, Fowling, Angling. By R. H.
    R. H
  • 127351
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    The scornful lady: a comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesty's Company of comedians. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Gent.
    Beaumont, Francis
  • 127352
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    The screw-Plot discover'd: or, St. Paul's preserv'd
  • 127353
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    The second part of The apparition. A poem
  • 127354
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    The second part of The compleat surgeon, containing an exact and compleat treatise of osteology, the decipher'd skeleton, together with the diseases of the bones, and their cure. By M. Le Clerk, Physician in Ordinary to the present French King. English'd from the French
    Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel
  • 127355
    Book Info
    The second part of the Essay towards shewing the reasonableness of the doctrine of the holy and undivided Trinity. Wherein The Ever Blessed Trinity is plainly and briefly explicated according to the Scripture and that Essay. And the Vitalities or Persons in it are farther Asserted and Maintained. By Erasmus Warren, Rector of Worlington in Suffolk
    Warren, Erasmus
  • 127356
    Book Info
    The second part of the impartial secret history of Arlus, Fortunatus, & Odolphus, ministers of state to the empress of Grand-Insula. In which are Discover'd, The True and Just Causes of the Removal of Arlus, And Justice is done to the Character of Fortunatus and Odolphus; and They prov'd to have discharg'd Their Trusts with Equal Honour, Honesty, and Success. Humbly offered to those Good People of
  • 127357
    Book Info
    The secret history of Arlus and Odolphus, ministers of state to the Empress of Grandinsula. In which are discover'd the Labour'd Artifices formerly us'd for the Removal of Arlus, and the true Causes of his late Restoration, upon the Dismission of Odolphus and the Quinquinvirate. Humbly offer'd to those good people of Grandinsula, who have not yet done wond'ring, why that princess wou'd change so n
    Cibber, Colley
  • 127358
    Book Info
    The secret history of Arlus and Odolphus, ministers of state to the empress of Grandinsula. In which are Discover'd the Labour'd Artifices formerly us'd for the Removal of Arlus, and the true Causes of his late Restoration, upon the Dismission of Odolphus and the Quinquinvirate. Humbly offer'd to those Good People of Grandinsula, who have not yet done wondering, why that Princess wou'd Change so N
    Cibber, Colley
  • 127359
    Book Info
    The secret letters and negotiations of the Mareschal D'Estrades, Monsieur Colbert, and the Count D'Avaux; the French King's plenipotentiary-ambassadors in the Treaty of Nimeguen. Together with His Most Christian Majesty's and Monsieur de Pomponne's answers and instructions
  • 127360
    Book Info
    The sensorium : a philosophical discourse of the senses: wherein their anatomy, and their several sensations, functions, and offices, are succincty[sic] and accurately describ'd. By Mat. Beare, M.D.
    Beare, Matthew