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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,481 - 127,500건 출력
  • 127481
    Book Info
    This day the following address was presented to Her Majesty by the Right Honourable Sir John Holland, Barronet, Comptroller of Her Majesty's Houshold, and Ash Windham, Esq; Knights of the shire for the county of Norfolk, accompany'd by several gentlemen of the said county, and the city of Norwich, Introduc'd by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Steward of Her Majesty's Houshold: Which Address
    Norwich (England)
  • 127482
    Book Info
    This is the time: or serious advice to a country friend, concerning the election of members of parliament
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 127483
    Book Info
    Thomas Amory, Esq, administrator of Katherine Amory, ... appellant. Colonel Henry Luttrell. Respondent Et e contra. The respondent Luttrell's case
    Luttrell, Henry
  • 127484
    Book Info
    Thomas Amory, Esq; administrator to Katherine Amory, alias Luttrell his late Wife, appellant. Henry Luttrell, of Luttrellstown in Ireland, Esq; respondent. Et e contra. The appellants case
    Amory, Thomas
  • 127485
    Book Info
    Thomas Gills of St. Edmund's Bury in Suffolk, upon the recovery of his sight, and the second loss thereof
    Gills, Thomas
  • 127486
    Book Info
    Three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation, and repentance. Containing full instructions for a holy life: With Earnest Exhortations, especially to young Persons, drawn from the Consideration of the Severity of the Discipline of the Primitive Church. The third edition. By Samuel Clark, M. A. Rector of St. James's Westminster, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 127487
    Book Info
    Tint for taunt. The manager managed: or, the exemplary moderation and modesty, of a Whig low-church-preacher discovered, from his own mouth. In remarks, observations and reflections, upon a sermon, preach'd on Sunday, the fifth of November ... in the parish church of St. Paul Covent-Garden. by [sic] ... Robert Lumley Lloyd, ...
  • 127488
    Book Info
    To His Excellency Thomas Earl of Wharton, lord lieutenant general and general governor of Ireland. The humble address of the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled
  • 127489
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    To Mr. Stanhope, one of the managers of the House of Commons, and general of Her Majesty's forces
  • 127490
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    To all people every where, who do profess your selves to be Christians, and yet live in your sins, and in the vain customs, and fashions of this world
    Nicolls, Apphia
  • 127491
    Book Info
    To my son. Father Mr. Robt. More writing Mr. in Kingstreet Westmr Dear Sr. Duty, love & gratitude, to so good a father, oblige me to this publick acknowledgmt. of ye innumerable obligacons you have laid on Yor. most dutifull son Robert More
    More, Robert
  • 127492
    Book Info
    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty: the humble address of the Lord-Mayor, and the rest of your Majesty's commissioners of lieutenancy, for the City of London
    Corporation of London
  • 127493
    Book Info
    To the Wh--s nineteen queries, a fair and full answer, by an honest Torie; purely for the publick good of his country
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 127494
    Book Info
    To the inhabitants of the diocese of Landaff. Brethren, I need not acquaint you with the calamitous state of the cathedral church of Landaff, ...
    Tyler, John
  • 127495
    Book Info
    To the ministers and elders met at Edinburgh, April 26, 1710. The just complaint and remonstrance of the National Covenant ...
  • 127496
    Book Info
    Tractatus philosophico-theologicus de persona. Or, a treatise of the word person. She wing, I. How it signifies in respect of Men. II. How it came in use with respect to the Deity. III. How it hath been used since by Divines. IV. How it is to be understood with respect to the Doctrine of the Trinity as held by the Church of England, and established by our Law, and particularly by the Act of 9no an
    Clendon, John
  • 127497
    Book Info
    True passive obedience restor'd in 1710. In a dialogue between a country-man and a true patriot
  • 127498
    Book Info
    Truth defended, and boldness in error rebuk'd: or, a vindication of those Christian commentators, who have expounded some prophecies of the Messias not to be meant Only of Him. Being a confutation of part of Mr. Whiston's book, entituled, The accomplishment of Scripture-Prophecies; Wherein he pretends to Disprove all Duplicity of Sense in Prophecy. To which is Subjoin'd, an Examination of his Hypo
    Clagett, Nicholas
  • 127499
    Book Info
    Truth try'd: or, Mr. Agate's pretended Plain-Truth proved an untruth: in which moderate dissenters are vindicated from the imputation of schism, as charg'd upon them in his late Pamphlets; and the validity of Presbyterian Ordination is prov'd, both from Scripture and Antiquity. By John Withers
    Withers, John
  • 127500
    Book Info
    Tryal of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburn
    Lilburne, John