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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,501 - 127,520건 출력
  • 127501
    Book Info
    Tusser redivivus: being part of Mr. Thomas Tusser's Five hundred points of husbandry; ... To which are added notes and observations explaining many obsolete terms in the said Mr. Tusser ... and what is agreeable to the present practice
  • 127502
    Book Info
    Two delightful novels: or, the unlucky fair one. Being the amours of Milistrate and Prazimene. Illustrated with variety of chance of fortune. Translated from the French, by a person of quality
    Le Maire
  • 127503
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    Two odes from the Latin of the celebrated Rapin, imitated in English pindaricks. By a gentleman at Cambridge
    Rapin, Ren{acute}e
  • 127504
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    Two sermons, preached in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury: the first, on the fifth of November, ... the second, on the seventh of November, ... 1710. By ... Gilbert Lord Bishop of Salisbury.
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 127505
    Book Info
    Two sermons, preached in the Cathedral church of Salisbury: the first, on the fifth of November, Gun-Powder-Treason Day; the second, on the seventh of November, Being the Thanksgiving-Day: in the year 1710. By the Right Reverend Father in God Gilbert Lord Bishop of Salisbury
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 127506
    Book Info
    Tythes no gospel ordinance, nor ever instituted of God for the maintenance of a gospel ministry; but ended with the Levitical priesthood, and abolished by the offering up of Christ, proved by Scripture. As also, the Levitical and scriptural tythers with the unscriptural tythers compared. And the moderation of the one, and insatiable avarice of the other manifested. By William Morris
    Morris, William
  • 127507
    Book Info
    Undone again; or, The Plot discover'd. Being a detection of the practices of Paptists with sectaries, for ovethrowing the government, and the national church. Collected from the Speeches, Letters, and Writings, of the Lord Keeper Puckering, Sir Francis Walsingham, Archbishop Bramhall, Sir William Boswell, Mr. Prynne, Mr. Richard Baxter, Bishop Stillingfleet, Archbishop Whitgift, Dr. Sutcliff, Dean
  • 127508
    Book Info
    Unity and unanimity. A sermon preach'd at Loddon [sic] April 26. 1710. At the visitation held there by the Reverend Dr Cannon, Arch-Deacon of Norfolk. By Cha. Buchanan, M. A. Rector of Ditchingham, and Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk
    Buchanan, Cha
  • 127509
    Book Info
    University loyalty: or, the genuine explanation of the principles and practices of the English clergy, as established and directed by the decree of the University of Oxford, past in their convocation 21 July 1683. and republish'd at the trying of Dr. H. Sacheverell for High Crimes and Misdemeanours
  • 127510
    Book Info
    V. Cl. Andre{aelig} Tacquet Soc. Jesu sacerdotis & : Matheseos Professoris Elementa geometri{aelig} plan{aelig} ac solid{aelig}; et selecta ex Archimede theoremata. Accedunt corollaria non pauca illustrandis elementis accommodata, & varios propositionum plurimarum usus continentia. Summa cura emendata, & XL schematibus novis {aelig}ri incisis illustrata. A Gulielmo Whiston, A.M. Matheseos Profe...
  • 127511
    Book Info
    View here the pourtrait of a factious priest, who (spight of proverbs) dares defile his nest: ...
  • 127512
    Book Info
    Vindiciæ fratrum dissentientium in Anglia, adversus V.C. Gulielmi Nicholsii, S.T.P. Defensionem Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Pars Prima: In qua Historicus ejus Apparatus excutitur, veriorque traditur. Auctore Jacobo Peircio, Presbytero
    Peirce, James
  • 127513
    Book Info
    Virgil's Æneis, translated into Scottish verse, by The Famous Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkeld. A new edition. Wherein the many errors of the former are corrected, and the Defects supply'd, from an excellent Manuscript. To which is added a large glossary, Explaining the Difficult Words: Which may serve for a Dictionary to the Old Scottish Language. And to the whole is prefix'd an exact account of t
  • 127514
    Book Info
    Votes of the new parliament of women
  • 127515
    Book Info
    Vulgar and decimal arithmetic demonstrated and made easie to the meanest capacity. By Tho. Lydal. Accomptant to the Honourable Commissioners of Her Majesties Revenue of Excise
    Lydal, Thomas
  • 127516
    Book Info
    Vulgus Britannicus: or the British Hudibras. In fifteen canto's. The five parts compleat in one volume. Containing the secret history of the late London mob; their rise, progress, and suppression by the Guards. Intermix'd with the civil-wars betwixt High-Church and Low-Church, down to this time: being a continuation of the late ingenious Mr. Butler's Hudibras. Written by the author of the London
    Ward, Edward
  • 127517
    Book Info
    Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibrass. Part the second
    Ward, Edward
  • 127518
    Book Info
    Vulgus Britannicus: or, the British Hudibrass. Part the third
    Ward, Edward
  • 127519
    Book Info
    Vulgus Britannicus:or, the British Hudibrass.
    Ward, Edward
  • 127520
    Book Info
    Warnings of the eternal spirit, to the City of Edinburgh, In Scotland; By the Mouths of Thomas Dutton, Guy Nutt, and John Glover: In their Mission, by the spirit, to said city. As they were deliver'd in the Year 1709, and faithfully taken in Writing, while they were spoken. Together with The foregoing, and occurring Orders, or Directions, relating to the said Mission
    Dutton, Thomas