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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,521 - 127,540건 출력
  • 127521
    Book Info
    Warnings of the eternal spirit, to the city of Dublin. Pronounc'd by the mouths of John Moult, Guy Nutt and John Parker
    Moult, John
  • 127522
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    Warnings of the eternal spirit, to the city of Edenburgh, pronounced by the mouths of Margaret Mackenzie, and James Cuninghame
    MacKenzie, Margaret
  • 127523
    Book Info
    What has been, may be again: or an instance of London's loyalty, in 1640, &c. being the substance of a traiterous play, acted in the Guild-Hall of that city, by some of the Aldermen and Chief Leaders of the Party, in the year 1642. Together with The Pulpit-Doctrine of those Times, which brought on that Unnatural Rebellion. Publish'd to let us see the Advantage we may expect from those New-Reviv'd
  • 127524
    Book Info
    What will it come to? Or, a great-do at Westminster
  • 127525
    Book Info
    William Henry, Earl of Bath, ... an infant ... and Robert Clarges, ... and George Granville, ... appellants. William Sherwin, Ann Gibbs, an infant, ... and Charlotte Barnadiston. Respondents. The appellant's case
    Bath, William Henry Granville
  • 127526
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    William Rider, Esq; appellant. The respondent's case. Priscilla Baylie, widow, respondent.
    Baylie, Priscilla
  • 127527
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    Wine and wisdom: or, the tipling philosophers. A lyrick poem. To which are subjoin'd, the most remarkable memoirs of the following ancients. Thales. Solon. Pheresydes. Anaxagoras Archelaus. Socrates. Xenophon. Aristippus. Hegesias. Theodorus. Bion. Euclides. Eubulides. Menedemus. Plato. Speusippus. Polemo. Arcesilaus. Aristotle. Theophrastus. Strato. Lycon. Diogenes. Menippus. Zeno. Antipater. Pyt
    Ward, Edward
  • 127528
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    Winter meditations: or, a sermon concerning frost, and snow, and winds, &c. and the wonders of God therein. By John Shower.
    Shower, John
  • 127529
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    Wisdom toward the wicked; or the Christian-Man's Wisdom, in the care of his conversation and behaviour toward the ungodly in the world. Set forth in the good ends he proposes to himself therein, and the Means to obtain them, in order to their Conversion, and his own Salvation. By a minister too old for the pulpit, but not willling to have his age quite unprofitable. J. H.
    Humfrey, John
  • 127530
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    Wonder upon wonders, or, the London histories. I. The running of the rats in Smithfield. II. The whipping of the blind bears at Islington. ...
  • 127531
    Book Info
    Your ladyship may well be in amaze, think either Magget or Windmill in my Crown, for being a Meddler out of my own Sphere; yet had I Wings, I would fly to your Feet, and rely on your Justice in hope of Pardon. A Fool is an Extinguisher of Loves Flames. May some good Angel shield you from that lamentable Cross. I was neither Baboon nor Hedghog for all the Owls of Tunbridge to gaze at. If your Galla
    J. W
  • 127532
    Book Info
    Zeal for religion recommended: in a sermon preach'd at the assizes at Salop, August the 4th, 1710. By Fred. Cornewall, M.A. Vicar of Bromfield, and Lecturer of Ludlow in the County of Salop. Publish'd at the Unanimous Request of the High-Sheriff, and the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury of the said County
    Cornwall, Frederick
  • 127533
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    [A catalogue of the] fellows : candidates, honorary fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 127534
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    [A table of the statutes publick and private, passed anno octavo Annæ Reginæ.]
    Great Britain
  • 127535
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    [Advertisement from Parnassus. Apollo on the first of June 1710, at the desire of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh, summon'd Dr. D. Mitchell, one of their present Censors. to answer to this complaint, given in to Apollo. That ... D. Mitchell ... had ... taken upon himself to publish ... an advertisement, 'That he will give any person a
  • 127536
    Book Info
    [An Act explaining and making more effectual an act for the better enabling the master, wardens, and assistants of Trinity House to rebuild the light house on the Edystone rock.]
    Great Britain
  • 127537
    Book Info
    [An Act for discharging the attendance of noblemen, barons, and freeholders, upon the lords of justiciary in their circuits, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for abolishing the method of exhibiting criminal information by the porteous roll.]
    Great Britain
  • 127538
    Book Info
    [The] case of John Price, gent. one of the coroners of the county of Cardigan; and John Knolles, gent. and Rice Vaughan, gent. and Tho. Lewis, blacksmith
    Price, John
  • 127539
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    Æsop at Westminster; or, a tale of the jack-daws
  • 127540
    Book Info
    A bill to explain the act of the first year of Her Majesties reign, entituled, An act to oblige Edward Whitaker to account for such sums of publick money as hath been received by him
    Great Britain