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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,541 - 127,560건 출력
  • 127541
    Book Info
    A blow to France. Or, a sermon preach'd at the meeting in Mill-Yard, in Good-Man's-Fields; Nov.22. 1709. Being the day appointed by Her Majesty, for a general thanksgiving, for the late Glorious Victory obtain'd over the French, at Blaregnies, near Mons; by the Forces of Her Majesty, and Her Allies, under the Command of His Grace, John, Duke of Marlborough, and Prince Eugene: And other Successes o
    Harris, Samuel
  • 127542
    Book Info
    A book of fairs: or, a new guide to the West-Country-travellers: shewing them all the fairs in these thirteen several counties ... The seventh impression, faithfully collected by John Bridges of Chippingham ...
    Bridges, John
  • 127543
    Book Info
    A bridle for the tongue: or, some practical discourses under these following heads, viz. Of prophane, or atheistical discourse. Of blasphemy. Of rash and vain swearing. Of False-Accusing, or bearing False-Witness. Of Calumny, or Slander. Of Detraction, or Backbiting, and of Tale-Bearing, and Reproof. Of Censoriousness, or Rash Judging. Of Scoffing, Derision, or Mocking. Of Contumely, or Reproach.
    Hooton, Henry
  • 127544
    Book Info
    A brief account of a specifick remedy for curing the King's-Evil, confirmed by many extraordinary experiments: Containing likewise some other Useful Observations. In a letter to a friend. By William Vickers, M.A.
    Vickers, William
  • 127545
    Book Info
    A brief account of a specifick remedy for curing the king's evil, confirmed by seventy nine extraordinary cures, since October, 1706. Containing likewise some other useful observations. In a letter to a friend. The second edition. By William Vickers, M.A.
    Vickers, William
  • 127546
    Book Info
    A brief epistle to Henry Sacheverel, the high-flying doctor. In behalf of the peaceable people called Quakers, whom he damns by wholesale. In a sermon (as he calls it) preach'd at Paul's [sic], November. 5. 1709. By W. P.
    W. P
  • 127547
    Book Info
    A brief narration of the life : Service, and Sufferings, of that Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, John Peters; who departed this life, in the 63d year of his age; on the 11th day of the 7th month, 1708. And was Buried in Friends Burying-Place, at Minver, in the County of Cornwall, the 13th of the same. Together with the Testimonies of His Relations, and other Faithful Friends, Concerning his C...
    Gwin, Thomas
  • 127548
    Book Info
    A brief treatise of the anatomy of humane bodies. In a new method Plain and Easy to all Capacities. Demonstrating the circulation of the blood, and all Muscular Motion, from the pressure of the atmosphere. By Hen. Nicholson formerly of Trinity College Dublin, and late of University College in Oxford
    Nicholson, Henry
  • 127549
    Book Info
    A brief vindication of the antient prophets from the imputations and misrepresentations of such as adhere to our present pretenders to inspiration. In a letter to Sir Richard Bulkeley, Bart
    Hoadly, Benjamin
  • 127550
    Book Info
    A call to the Sacrament. Setting forth the great obligation that lies upon all Christians, to a constant attendance upon that divine ordinance; from The Infinite Love, as well as Power of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, in Giving and Calling of us to partake of that Holy Sacrament; And from The Necessity all Men are under to receive the same, who expect any Benefit by the Death of Christ. By S.
    Colby, Samuel
  • 127551
    Book Info
    A cap of grey hairs for a green head: or, the good man's meditation on death. By S. F.
    S. F
  • 127552
    Book Info
    A catalogue of the charitable gifts, rents, and revenues belonging to the parish of Enfield in the county of Middlesex; with the names of those who gave them; for what uses; and how to be disposed of according to the wills of the givers, and Constitutions of every respective Gift and Settlement. Collected by Samuel Mitchell, Anno Domini 1709
    Church of England
  • 127553
    Book Info
    A clear demonstration, from points of fact, that the recovery, preservation and improvement of Britain's share of the trade to Africa, is wholly owing to the industry, care and application of the Royal African Company
    Davenant, Charles
  • 127554
    Book Info
    A collection of Mr. J. Boyse's several scurrilous and abusive reflections on the civil and ecclesiastical government, Test-Act, Canons, Ceremonies, Common-Prayer, Convocation, Bishops, Clergy, and Particular Persons of the Church, as by Law Established. To which is added a postscript containing some Remarks on Mr. J. Boyse's Opinion on that Collection, grounded upon bare Hear-Say. By Matthew Frenc
    French, Matthew
  • 127555
    Book Info
    A collection of divine hymns and poems on several occasions: by the E. of Roscommon, Mr. Dryden, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Norris, Mrs. Kath. Phillips, Philomela, and others. Most of them never before Printed
  • 127556
    Book Info
    A collection of poems, viz. I. Venus and Adonis. II. The rape of Lucrece. III. The passionate pilgrim. IV. Sonnets to sundry notes of musick. By Mr. William Shakespeare
    Shakespeare, William
  • 127557
    Book Info
    A commendatory sermon preach'd November the 4th, 1709. Being the birth-day of King William, of glorious memory. By Daniel de Foe:
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 127558
    Book Info
    A commentary on the prophet Isaiah, wherein the literal sense of his prophecy's is briefly explain'd. By Samuel White, M. A. Fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Portland
    White, Samuel
  • 127559
    Book Info
    A comparison between old Rome in it's glory, as to the extent and populousness of it and London as at present. The second edition. To which is added a comparison between the beauties and advantages of old Rome, and London. By a person of quality
  • 127560
    Book Info
    A comparison between the French and Italian musick and opera's. Translated from the French; with some remarks. To which is added A critical discourse upon opera's in England, and a means proposed for their improvement
    Raguenet, Fran{cedil}cois