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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,601 - 127,620건 출력
  • 127601
    Book Info
    A help to English history, containing a succession of all the kings of England, the English, Saxons, and the Britains; ... By P. Heylyn, D.D. And since his death, continu'd to this present year, 1709. ...
    Heylyn, Peter
  • 127602
    Book Info
    A hymn to peace. Occasion'd, by the two Houses joining in one address to the Queen. By the author of The true-born English-Man
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 127603
    Book Info
    A joint-letter from the most considerable proprietors of the island of Barbadoes, to Colonel Richard Scot, ... and other friends in England, ... touching the petition which they lately transmitted to the ... House of Commons, for having the trade to Africa carried on by a company of a sufficient joint-stock, ...
  • 127604
    Book Info
    A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian experiences and labour of love in the work of the ministry of that ancient, eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox.
    Fox, George
  • 127605
    Book Info
    A just reprimand to Daniel de Foe. In a letter to a gentleman in South Britain
    Clark, James
  • 127606
    Book Info
    A letter from Dr. Robert Wild, to his friend Mr. J. J. upon occasion of His Majesty's declaration for liberty of conscience. Together with his Poetica licentia, and a freindly [sic] debate between a conformist and a non-conformist.
    Wild, Robert
  • 127607
    Book Info
    A letter from Italy, to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Halifax. By Mr. Joseph Addison. 1701. Together with The mourning muse of Alexis. A pastoral. ... By Mr. Congreve. 1695. To which is added The despairing lover.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 127608
    Book Info
    A letter from Italy, to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Halifax. By Mr. Joseph Addison. 1701. Together with the Mourning muse of Alexis. A pastoral. Lamenting the death of our late gracious Queen Mary. By Mr. Congreve. 1695. To which is added The despairing lover
    Addison, Joseph
  • 127609
    Book Info
    A letter from Scotland, to a member of the House of Commons, against the eldest sons of Scots peers sitting in the House
  • 127610
    Book Info
    A letter from Sir R- S-, to Dr. Archibald Pitcairn
    Sibbald, Robert
  • 127611
    Book Info
    A letter from Sir Thomas Bodley, Kt. sometime Queen Elizabeth's agent in Holland, to a great privy counsillor, concerning England and the States General, their entring upon a treaty of peace with Philip King of Spain. Published as a seasonable caution at this juncture, with respect to a treaty with France
    Bodley, Thomas
  • 127612
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of the House of Commons in Ireland, to a Member of the House of Commons in England, concerning the Sacramental Test
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 127613
    Book Info
    A letter from a friend to Mr. John Mackmillan, wherein is demonstrate the contrariety of his principles and practices to the scripture, our covenants, confession of faith, and practice of Christ and the primitive Christians; containing also remarks on his and Mr. John Mackniely's printed protestation, ... compared vvith vvhat [sic] they gave in to the commission of the late General Assembly, upon
    Linning, Thomas
  • 127614
    Book Info
    A letter from a gentelman [sic] in North Britain to the Right Honourable, the Earl of Seafield, concerning the improvement of the salmon fishing of North Britain
    J. H
  • 127615
    Book Info
    A letter from a member of the Society, For Promoting Christian Knowledge in London, to his Friend in the Country, Newly chosen a Corresponding Member of that Society
  • 127616
    Book Info
    A letter from a student in Oxford, to his friend in the country. Containing a short account of the late proceedings of Trinity-College in that university
    Student in Oxford
  • 127617
    Book Info
    A letter of advice to a young clergy-man, Entring upon a Cure of Souls
  • 127618
    Book Info
    A letter of advice, presented to Mr. Hoadly, With abundance of that Modern sort of Humility, For which his own writings Are Remarkable
  • 127619
    Book Info
    A letter to Mr. Dodwell, concerning the immortality of the soul of man. In answer to one from him, relating to the same matter. Being a farther pursuance of the Philosophical discourse. By John Norris, ...
    Norris, John
  • 127620
    Book Info
    A letter to a Member of Parliament concerning the African trade