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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,781 - 127,800건 출력
  • 127781
    Book Info
    Advice to Mr. Vario, the painter. A poem. On the defeat of the French and Bavarians, by the confederate forces, commanded by His Grace, the Duke of Marlborough
  • 127782
    Book Info
    Advice to protestants residing in popish countries. In a sermon Preach'd at The British Church in Lisbon, February the 10th. 1708/9. By Joseph Wilcocks, A. M. Chaplain to the Factory at Lisbon, and Fellow of Magdalen College in Oxon.
    Wilcocks, Joseph
  • 127783
    Book Info
    Afflictions, the Lot of God's Children. being a sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. James's Clerkenwell. October the 31st 1708. upon the death of Her Majesty's royal consort, Prince George of Denmark. By William Nicholls, D.D.
    Nicholls, William
  • 127784
    Book Info
    Against judging and censuring. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at Windsor, on Sunday, August 31. 1707. By Symon Patrick, M. A. Published by Her Majesties Special Command
    Patrick, Simon
  • 127785
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    Age rectified: or, some cautionary hints for the rendring it less obnoxious to our selves and others. Recommended to serious matrons. By one of the same sex
    One of the same sex
  • 127786
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    Alcander: a poem, occasion'd by the victories of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough
  • 127787
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    Aldenardum carmen Duci Malburiensi, datum, donatum, dedicatumque anno salutis human?, 1708
    Wilson, Bernard
  • 127788
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    All for love: or, the world well lost. A tragedy, acted by Her Majesty's servants. Written in imitation of Shakespear's stile, by Mr. Dryden
    Dryden, John
  • 127789
    Book Info
    Although my innocency is shelter'd with a bulwark of vertues, nevertheless I find the same undermin'd in its own garrison; therefore I must call to the allies to assist against so many legions: and if that don't do, I shall implore our sovereign to grant me Hercules that h may perform the thirteenth blow
    Beverland, Adriaan
  • 127790
    Book Info
    An Act for appointing commissioners to treat and agree for such lands, tenements and hereditaments as shall be judged proper to be purchased for the better fortifying Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich
    Great Britain
  • 127791
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    An Act for ascertaining and directing the payment of the allowances to be made for or upon the exportation from Scotland, of fish, beef, and pork cured with foreign salt imported before the first day of May, one thousand seven hundred and seven; and for disposing such salt still remaining in the hands of Her Majesties subjects there; and for ascertaining and securing the allowances for fish and fl
    Great Britain
  • 127792
    Book Info
    An Act for charging and continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and nine
    Great Britain
  • 127793
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing several impositions and duties, to raise money by way of loan; and for exporting British copper and brass-wire duty-free; and for circulating a further sum in Exchequer bills, in case a new contract be made in that behalf; and concerning the oaths t be administred in relation to Italian thrown silks, and touching oyls and plantation-goods of foreigners, taken or to be taken a
    Great Britain
  • 127794
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing the former Acts for the encouragement of the coinage, and to encourage the bringing foreign coins and British or foreign plate to be coined, and for making provision for the mints in Scotland, and for the prosecuting offences concerning the coin in England
    Great Britain
  • 127795
    Book Info
    An Act for enlarging the capital stock of the Bank of England, and for raising a further supply to Her Majesty, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and nine
    Great Britain
  • 127796
    Book Info
    An Act for explaining and making more effectual that part of an Act passed in the fifth year of Her present Majesties reign, concerning the buying and selling of cattle in Smithfield, and for giving leave for bringing up calves dead to London as formerly
    Great Britain
  • 127797
    Book Info
    An Act for giving the commissioners of sewers for the city of London the same powers as the commissioners of sewers for counties have; and to oblige collectors for the sewers to account
    Great Britain
  • 127798
    Book Info
    An Act for granting an aid to Her Majesty, to be raised by a land-tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and nine
    Great Britain
  • 127799
    Book Info
    An Act for improving the union of the two kingdoms
    Great Britain
  • 127800
    Book Info
    An Act for making more effectual an Act made in the sixth year of Her Majesties reign, for the better preventing of mischiefs that may happen by fire
    Great Britain