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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,821 - 127,840건 출력
  • 127821
    Book Info
    An account of the number of negroes delivered in to the islands of Barbadoes, Jamaica, and Antego, from the year 1698 to 1708. Since the trade was opened, taken from the accounts sent from the respective governours of those islands to the Lords Commissioners of Trade, ...
  • 127822
    Book Info
    An account of the proceedings and care of the Directors of the Governour and Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England, with relation to their accounts, their charter, and other the affairs of this Company. Carefully extracted out of the Company's books ...
    Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England
  • 127823
    Book Info
    An address to those of the Roman communion in England: occasioned by the late Act of Parliament, for the further preventing the growth of popery. Recommended to those of the Roman communion in Ireland, upon a late like occasion
    Willis, Richard
  • 127824
    Book Info
    An agent turn'd inside out: or, a peace officer with his heels upwards
  • 127825
    Book Info
    An answer to J. B.'s ordination sermon, entituled, The office of a scriptural bishop: and to it's appendix. By Matthew French, A. M. Junior Fellow of Trinity-College, and Curate of St. Warbrough's-Church, Dublin
    French, Matthew
  • 127826
    Book Info
    An answer to Mr. Agate's expostulatory letter. By John Withers. To which is added, Mr. Tross's vindication of himself, from several aspersions cast upon him in the pamphlet falsly call'd Plain truth
    Withers, John
  • 127827
    Book Info
    An answer to Mr. de Fontenelle's History of oracles. In which Mr. Van-Dale's System concerning the Authors of the Heathen Oracles, and the Cause and Time of their Silence is confuted: and the opinion of the Fathers upon that subject vindicated. Translated from the French. With some reflections upon the remarks of Mr. Le Clerc, in his Bibliotheque Choisie, In a Preface. By a priest of the Churc of
    Baltus, Jean Fran{cedil}cois
  • 127828
    Book Info
    An answer to all the excuses and pretences which men ordinarily make for their not coming to the Holy Communion. To which is added, a brief account of the end and design of the Holy Communion, ... By a divine of the Church of England.
    Synge, Edward
  • 127829
    Book Info
    An answer to some things contain'd in Dr. Hicks's Christian priesthood asserted, and, in his preface, concerning the Christian sacrifice. Wherein Some notice is taken of what Bishop Bull, Dr. Grabe, and Mr. Mead, have said on that Subject. As also Some Remarks on Dr. Cudworth's True Notion of the Sacrament: With an Answer to what Dr. Hicks has said against it. By a Presbyter of the Church of Engla
    Hancocke, John
  • 127830
    Book Info
    An answer to the petition of George Ross, esq; eldest son to the Lord Ross, ... touching the late election of a member to serve in Parliament, for the barons of Ross-shire
    Cromarty, John Mackenzie
  • 127831
    Book Info
    An apology for a Latin verse in commendation of Mr. Marten's Gonosologium novum; or appendix to his sixth edition of The venereal disease: Proving That the same Liberty of Describing the Infirmities and Diseases of the Secret Parts of both Sexes, and their Cure, (which in his Appendix is said by some to be Obscene) has been all along us'd both by Ancient and Modern Authors, in their Physical and C
    Physician in the Country
  • 127832
    Book Info
    An apology to Christians for the Gospel, and its ministers. In a sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Durham, upon the XIth. Sunday after Trinity. By John Smith, ...
    Smith, John
  • 127833
    Book Info
    An appendix to Mr. Sintelaer's late treatise of the venereal disease; entituled The scourge of Venus and Mercury; being an answer to Mr. John Marten's personal invectives, malicious reflections, and false aspersons, ...
    Sintelaer, John
  • 127834
    Book Info
    An effort against biggotry, and for Christian catholicism. By Henry Chandler, minister at Bath
    Chandler, Henry
  • 127835
    Book Info
    An elegy, on the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Meath; who dy'd on Tuesday the 22d of February, 1709
  • 127836
    Book Info
    An enchiridion of fevers, incident to sea-men, (during the summer) in the Mediterranean; Explicating their Causes, Antecedents, and Conjunct; Likewise their Symptoms, and Method of cure. The second edition, corrected and amended. With several medicinal observations, and Necessary remarks thereon. By Thomas Bates, Surgeon
    Bates, Thomas
  • 127837
    Book Info
    An english-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory: anciently used in the English-Saxon church. Giving an account of the conversion of the English from paganism to christianity. Translated into modern English, with notes, &c. By Eliz. Elstob
  • 127838
    Book Info
    An epistle from the Duke of Burgundy to the French King. By Tho. Newcomb, of Stopham in Sussex
    Newcomb, Thomas
  • 127839
    Book Info
    An epistle of advice to Friends, to look to the Lord: and to beware of the snares of Satan. By Thomas Gwin
    Gwin, Thomas
  • 127840
    Book Info
    An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony
    Collins, Anthony