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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,921 - 127,940건 출력
  • 127921
    Book Info
    Cursus equestris Nottinghamiensis. Carmen hexametrum, autore Ricardo Johnson, ludi literarii ibidem magistro, commentariorum grammaticorum scriptore
    Johnson, Richard
  • 127922
    Book Info
    Cyder. A poem. In two books. With The splendid shilling; Paradise lost, and two songs, &c.
    Philips, John
  • 127923
    Book Info
    Cyder. A poem. In two books. With The splendid shilling; Paradise lost, and two songs, &c.
    Philips, John
  • 127924
    Book Info
    Cynthia: with the tragical account of the unfortunate loves of Almerin and Desdemona: being a novel. ... Done by an English hand
    English Hand
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 127925
    Book Info
    Dame Anne Russell, widow, appellt. Lytton Lytton, Esq; respt. The Rt. Honble Rebecca Countess Dowager of Falkland, appellt. The said Lytton Lytton, respt. The respondent's case.
    Lytton, Lytton
  • 127926
    Book Info
    Daphnis: or, a pastoral elegy upon the unfortunate death of Mr. Thomas Creech. With a poem on the despairing lover, and the despairing shepherd
    Froud, John
  • 127927
    Book Info
    Death's vision represented in a philosophical, sacred poem
    Reynolds, John
  • 127928
    Book Info
    Death's vision represented in a philosophical, sacred poem.
    Reynolds, John
  • 127929
    Book Info
    Debtor and creditor made easy: or, the judgment of the unmerciful demonstrated, in a sermon. By Luke Milbourne, A Presbyter of the Church of England
    Milbourne, Luke
  • 127930
    Book Info
    Depositions of witnesses taken in May 1707 in two causes in chancery between the Lady Falkland, Sir George Strode (since deceased) and Mr. Lytton alias Strode his son and heir, and the Lady Russell concerning Sir William Lytton's declarations before and after making his last will, ...
    Russell, Anne
  • 127931
    Book Info
    Der kirchen-Catechismus: welchem einige der auserlesensten Sprüche der Heiligen. Schrifft hinzugesetzet worden / Darinnen Die Schuldigkeit der Kinder gegen thre Eltern, Dbrigkeiten, Predigern, und Schulmeistern, Gorgestellet wird: Dem auch noth Morgen und Ubend-Gebethe / und Gebeth bor und nach der Mashtzeit bengefuget find: = The church catechism: to which are subjoin'd, some of the most apposite
  • 127932
    Book Info
    Dialogorum sacrorum libri. IV. et ad linguam recte formandam, & ad vitam sancte instituendam, Christianæ juventuti apprime utiles. Autore Sebastiano Castalione
    Castellion, S{acute}ebastien
  • 127933
    Book Info
    Dioptrica nova. A treatise of dioptricks, in two parts. Wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses, both convex and concave, single and combined, in telescopes and microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of humane life, are explained. By William Molyneux ...
    Molyneux, William
  • 127934
    Book Info
    Discourses of the ecclesiastical and civil polity of the Jews. Viz. Of their Courts of Judicature. Laws concerning Tithes. Institution of the Priesthood. Their Liturgy. Their Schools. Their Feasts, Fasts, Coins, Weights, and Measures. Written by Isaac Abendana, a Learned Jew. Being very Useful for divines of all Perswasions
    Abendana, Isaac
  • 127935
    Book Info
    Dissertatio de humoribus. Serenissimæ Majestati Magnæ Britanniæ Reginæ Annæ dicata
    Lister, Martin
  • 127936
    Book Info
    Divine essays upon the following subjects: of reading the scriptures. Meditation. Self-Examination. Private prayer. Public worship. The Lord's supper. By Samuel Walker, A. M. Vicar of Croft in the County of Lincoln
    Walker, Samuel
  • 127937
    Book Info
    Divine predestination and fore-knowledg, consistent with the freedom of man's will. A sermon preach'd at Christ-Church, Dublin; May 15. 1709. ... By his Grace, William Lord Archbishop of Dublin
    King, William
  • 127938
    Book Info
    Doctor Leach's last legacy: or, his pious and Christian instructions, left to his parishioners of St. Peter Poor in Broad Street, London, and St. Giles's in the Fields. With his dying sayings, as he lay on his Death Bed, being very proper for all Christian Families, in order to prepare them for the Hour of Death, &c.
    Leach, Richard
  • 127939
    Book Info
    Dove. Speculum anni: or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1709. ...
    Dove, Jonathan
  • 127940
    Book Info
    El zeloso estremeno: the Jealous Estremaduran. A novel. Written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. And done from the Spanish, by J. Ozell
    Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de