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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,941 - 127,960건 출력
  • 127941
    Book Info
    Eleonora: a panegyrical poem, dedicated to the memory of the late countess of Abingdon.
    Dryden, John
  • 127942
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    Elijah's first appearance to the several churches and nations of the earth: containing, first, a full account of his prophetick mission from the most high. And after, As exact a Relation of the several Particulars of his Great Office for the Benefit of Men. The Whole consisting, First, In his Personal Brief Introduction to the World. And Secondly, In his several Revelations manifested to him from
    Freke, William
  • 127943
    Book Info
    Emblemes by Fra. Quarles.
    Quarles, Francis
  • 127944
    Book Info
    Enchiridion precum, ad promovendum solidioris pietatis studium collectum. Cum introductione de natura orationis. Opera Antonii Wilhelmi Boemi
    B{uml}ohm, Anton Wilhelm
  • 127945
    Book Info
    English examples to Lily's Grammar-Rules, for Children's Latin Exercises; with an explanation to each rule. For the use of Eton School. The second edition, with an addition of an index. By William Willymot, M. A. Fellow of King's College in Cambridge
    Willymott, William
  • 127946
    Book Info
    English proverbs, with moral reflexions; in imitation of Sir Roger L'Estrange's Æsop. Familiarly Accommodated to the Humour and Manners of the present Age. The second edition. To which is added, The Union-Proverb, occasion'd by the late French Expedition to Scotland; and several other Proverbs never before printed. By Oswald Dykes, Gent. formerly of Queen's-College, Oxon. and Amanuensis to Sir Rog
    Dykes, Oswald
  • 127947
    Book Info
    Enthusiastic impostors, no divinely inspir'd prophets. Wherein the pretended French and English prophets are shewn in their proper colours; their Pretences to Inspiration refuted by Holy Scriptures; their Impostures discover'd by their own Words and Actions, and by Depositions, Declarations, and other credible Testimonies, in an Appendix subjoin'd. The second part. By the author of the first part
    Kingston, Richard
  • 127948
    Book Info
    Ephemerides of the c{oelig}lestial motions : for XX years; commencing with the year 1709, and concluding with the year 1728. Supputated from the British Tables. Together with the Times and Types of all the Visible Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, During the whole Time. Referr'd to the Meridian of London. By John Gadbury, Student in Physick and Astrologie. Verbum & Opera Jehovae meditabor.
    Gadbury, John
  • 127949
    Book Info
    Epicoene; or, the silent woman. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by Her Majesty's servants. Written by Benj. Johnson
    Jonson, Ben
  • 127950
    Book Info
    Epicteti Enchiridion made English, in a poetical paraphrase. By Ellis Walker, M.A.
  • 127951
    Book Info
    Epictetus: a poem, containing The Maxims of that Celebrated Philosopher, for the Government of the Passions in the Conduct of Life. Done from the Original Greek of Arrian, with Notes. Being an Epitome of the Morals of Epictetus, Translated from the Greek By Dr. Stanhope. To which is added, The Table of Cebes
  • 127952
    Book Info
    Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Barry, April the 7th, 1709. At a representation of Love for love: for the benefit of Mr. Betterton at his leaving the stage
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 127953
    Book Info
    Essays upon several moral subjects. In two parts. Part I. Upon Pride. Upon Cloaths. Upon Duelling. Upon General Kindness. Upon the Office of a Chaplain. Upon the Weakness of Human Reason. Part II. Of Fame. Of Musick. Of the Value of Life. Of the Spleen. Of Eagerness of Desire. Of Friendship. Of Popularity. A Thought. Of the Entertainment of Books. Of Confidence. Of Envy. Of the Aspect. Against Des
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 127954
    Book Info
    Essays upon several moral subjects. Part IV. Of Goodness. Honesty. Religious Temper. Lying. Of Fortitude. Flattery. Theft. Peace. The Resurrection. By Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 127955
    Book Info
    Estats de la distribution du reliqua de la beneficence de 1707, et de la beneficence de 1708, accordée par la reine aux pauvres Protestants françois refugiez en Angleterre, et administrée par le Committé François, jusqu'au 25 de mars, 1709. Sous Les Ordres des Seigneurs nommez par Sa Majeste', & par la Direction de Messieurs les Commissaires Anglois
    Comit{acute}e Fran{cedil}cois (London, England)
  • 127956
    Book Info
    Eusebia triumphans. The protestant succession as now establish'd, and inviolably secur'd, by the happy union of the imperial crowns of Great Britain. An heroick poem
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 127957
    Book Info
    Evangelical poverty, exemplified in the life of our Blessed Saviour and his apostles. In two parts. Written originally in High Dutch, by Dr. John Thaulerus; and now done into English
    Tauler, Johann
  • 127958
    Book Info
    Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New-Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Wherein The Sacred Text is at large Recited, the Sense Explained, and the Instructive Example of the Blessed Jesus and His Holy Apostles to our Imitation Recommended. The Whole designed to Encourage the Reading of the Scriptures in Private Families, and to render the Daily Perusal of them Prof
    Burkitt, William
  • 127959
    Book Info
    Extract of the Process of Treason, at the Instance of Sir James Steuart, Her Majesties Advocate; and as Having Special Warrant for That Effect against James Stirling of Keir, and Others
    Stirling, James
  • 127960
    Book Info
    Extract of the process, of treason: At the Instance of Sir James Steuart Her Majesties advocat, and as having special warrand for that effect, against James Stirling of Keir and others
    Stirling, James