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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 127,961 - 127,980건 출력
  • 127961
    Book Info
    Extract out of the report of the Lords Commissioners of Trade, Laid before the House of Commons in 1708/9. setting forth the Fictitious and Real Accounts of the African Company for the 10 per Cent. Duty. As also The True Estimate of the annual Charge of the British Settlements in Africa
    Great Britain
  • 127962
    Book Info
    Faction display'd. A poem. From a corrected copy
    Shippen, William
  • 127963
    Book Info
    Faction display'd. A poem. From a corrected copy.
    Shippen, William
  • 127964
    Book Info
    Fair warning betimes: Being a Particular narration or prophecy of the most Wonderful and Surprizing calamities. Which will befall the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Parts adjacent, on Thursday the fourth of November 1709
  • 127965
    Book Info
    Faith in Christ, inconsistent with a sollicitous concern about the things of this world. A sermon preach'd on the XV Sunday after Trinity, 1708. at Hall in Saxony. By Augustus Hermannus Franck. Now done into English
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 127966
    Book Info
    Familiares colloquendi formul{aelig} : in usum scholarum concinnat{aelig}; ... Partim collect{aelig}, partim composit{aelig}. Editio decima octava, correctior & castigatior, & aliqua parte auctior.
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 127967
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preached on several occasions. By the most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York, Primate of England, and Metropolitan
    Sharp, John
  • 127968
    Book Info
    Fight the good fight of faith, in the cause of God against the Kingdom of Satan, exemplified, in a sermon preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Clements Danes, Westminster, on the 24th of March, 1708/9. At the funeral of Mr. John Dent, Who was barbarously murder'd in the doing his Duty, in the Execution of the Laws against Profaneness & Immorality. By Thomas Bray, D. D. Minister of St. Botolph, Ald
    Bray, Thomas
  • 127969
    Book Info
    For God, or for Satan: being a sermon preached at St. Mary Le Bow, before the Societies for reformation of manners, December 27. 1708. By Thomas Bray, ...
    Bray, Thomas
  • 127970
    Book Info
    For God, or for Satan: being a sermon preached at St. Mary le Bow, before the Society for Reformation of Manners, December 27. 1708. By Thomas Bray, D. D. Minister of St. Botolph's, Aldgate. Printed at the Desire of the Society
    Bray, Thomas
  • 127971
    Book Info
    Four discourses on the following subjects: viz. I. Of obedience to the supreme powers, and the Duty of Subjects in all Revolutions. II. Of the laws of nations, and the Rights of Sovereigns. III. Of the power of the magistrate, and the Rights of Mankind, in Matters of Religion. IV. Of the liberty of the press
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 127972
    Book Info
    Fruit from Canaan; or, fore-tasts [sic] of glory: in several discourses on assurance. Wherein the nature, excellency, and usefulness of it are open'd, for comfort to the pious, and encouragement of all. With a discourse on Christian diligence, ... By Samuel Acton
    Acton, Samuel
  • 127973
    Book Info
    Geography and navigation compleated; being a new theory and method whereby the true longitude of any place in the world may be found: Whether Differing in Longitude only, or both in Longitude and Latitude, from any Other Place in the Habitable World. By George Keith, M. A. Rector of Edburton in Sussex. Most Humbly Proposed to the Consideration of the First Present Parliament of Great Britain after
    Keith, George
  • 127974
    Book Info
    Glory to God, and gratitude to benefactors a sermon preach'd before the Queen, in Her Royal Chapel of St. James's, on Tuesday the 22d. of Nov. 1709. The Day of Publick Thanksgiving, For the signal and glorious victory at Blaregnies, near Mons in Hainault. By White Kennett, D. D. Dean of Peterborough, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Published by Her Majesties special command
    Kennett, White
  • 127975
    Book Info
    Glory to God, and gratitude to benefactors. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, In Her Royal Chapel of St. James's on Tuesday the 22d. of Nov. 1709. The Day of Publick Thanksgiving, For the Signal and Glorious Victory at Blaregnies, near Mons in Hainault. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command. By White Kennett, D. D. Dean of Peterborough, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Kennett, White
  • 127976
    Book Info
    Glory to God, and gratitude to benefactors. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, In Her Royal Chapel of St. James's, on Tuesday the 22d. of Nov. 1709. The Day of Publick Thanksgiving, For the Signal and Glorious Victory at Blaregnies, near Mons in Hainault. Published by Her Majesty's Special Command. By White Kennett, D. D. Dean of Peterborough, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Kennett, White
  • 127977
    Book Info
    Gnomonicks, or, the art of shadows improved. Plainly set forth in the drawing of sun-dials on all sorts of planes by different methods. With the geometrical demonstrations of all the operations. By Mr. Delahire of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris. Englished and illustrated with cutts. By J. Leek, math
    La Hire, Philippe de
  • 127978
    Book Info
    Gonosologium novum: or, a new system of all the secret infirm and diseases, natural, accidental, and venereal in men and women, that defile and ruin the healths of themselves and their posterity, obstruct conjugal delectancy and pregnancy, with their various methods of cure. To which is added, something particular concerning generation and conception, and of miscarriages in women from venereal cau
    Marten, John
  • 127979
    Book Info
    Good advice to the ladies: shewing, that as the world goes, and is like to go, the best way for them is to keep unmarried. By the author of the true born Englishman
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 127980
    Book Info
    Good brother, having reduced my last visitation articles, ... to such of them as I esteem most proper for my present enquiry; I cannot but take this opportunity to recommend it to you, to assist, and excite your church-wardens, to make such a full, and impartial return to them, ... as both their oath requires, and in duty they ought to do. ...
    Church of England