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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,001 - 128,020건 출력
  • 128001
    Book Info
    James, Prince of No-Land: or, an answer to Dr. Woodward's false Friend, In Vindication of the Reverend Mr. Sharp, the Curate of Stepney. Herod and Pontius Pilate are agreed. King Charles I. Part 1
  • 128002
    Book Info
    Joh. Alphonsi Turretini Pastoris, S. Theol. & Hist. Ecclesiast. Professoris, Academiae p. t. Rectoris, De variis Christianæ doctrinæ fatis, oratio academica, Dicta statis Academiae Genevensis Solennibus, XI. Mai. An. M.DCCVIII. = An university oration concerning the different fates of the Christian religion. Spoke in the publick Act of the University of Geneva, the Eleventh Day of May, A. D. M. DC
    Turretin, Jean-Alphonse
  • 128003
    Book Info
    Joh. Alphonsi Turretini Pastoris, S. Theol. & Hist. Ecclesiast. Professoris, Academiae p. t. Rectoris, De variis christianæ doctrinæ fatis, oratio academica, Dicta statis Academiae Genevensis. Solennibus, XI. Mai. An M.DCCVIII. Cui addita est Gulielmi Nicholsii Epistola, qua, jussu Societatis, de Evangelia in exteris, &c. gratias egit D. J. Alphonso Turretino, pro Oratione de variis Christianae Do
    Turretin, Jean-Alphonse
  • 128004
    Book Info
    Joh. Alphonsi Turrettini Pastoris, S. Theol. & Hist. Ecclesiast Professoris, Academiae p. t. Rectoris, De variis christianæ doctrinæ fatis, oratio academica, Dicta statis Academiae Genevensis Solennibus, XI. Mai. An. M.DCCVIII. = An university oration concerning the different fates of the Christian religion. Spoke in the publick Act of the University of Geneva, the eleventh day of May, A.D. MDCCVI
    Turretin, Jean-Alphonse
  • 128005
    Book Info
    John Harrington, executor of Philip Higginbottom, Richard Mackrill and John Ratcliff, appellants. Thomas Horton, respondent. The appellants case. ...
    Harrington, John
  • 128006
    Book Info
    Joshua redivivus; or Mr. Rutherfoord's letters, divided into three parts. The First, Containing those which were written from Aberdeen, where he was Confined by a Sentence of the High-Commission, drawn forth against him, partly upon the Account of his Declining them, partly upon the Account of his Non-Conformity. The Second, and Third, Containing some which were written from Anwoth before he was b
    Rutherford, Samuel
  • 128007
    Book Info
    Knavery unmask'd, in a letter to Mr. P-y. N.B. the following letter superscrib'd to Mr. P-y at the T- exchange - H- in H- garden, being drop'd in the street, it was printed at the request of the person who took it up.
    B. D
  • 128008
    Book Info
    L'origine, le Progáres, et la fin tragique des quiétistes de Bourgogne, en France. Par Jean Bion, Cy-Devant Prestre Curé D'Ursy ancien Aumosnier des Galeres de France; Et a present Ministre de L'Eglise françoise de Black Friars
    Bion, Jean Fran{cedil}cois
  • 128009
    Book Info
    La gitanilla: the little gypsie. A novel. Written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. And done from the Spanish, By J. Ozell
    Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
  • 128010
    Book Info
    Labour in vain, or coals to Newcastle: in a sermon to the people of Queen-Hith
  • 128011
    Book Info
    Lay baptism invalid : or, an essay to prove that such baptism is null and void; when admininister'd [sic] in opposition to the divine right of the Apostolical succession. Occasioned chiefly by the Anti-Episcopal Usurpations of our English Dissenting Teachers. The second edition corrected and enlarged, with an appendix. By a lay hand. To which is prefix'd a letter to the author by the Reverend G...
    Laurence, R
  • 128012
    Book Info
    Letters to a nobleman from a gentleman travelling thro' Holland, Flanders and France. With a description of Ghent, Lisle, &c. and of the courts of Versailles and St. Germains
    Shaw, Joseph
  • 128013
    Book Info
    Licentia poetica discuss'd: or, the true test of poetry. Without which it is difficult to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. ... A poem. By W. Coward, ...
    Coward, William
  • 128014
    Book Info
    Licentia poetica discuss'd: or, the true test of poetry. Without which it is impossible to judge of, or compose, a correct English poem. To which are added, critical observations on the principal, antient and modern poets. ... A poem. By W. Coward, ...
    Coward, William
  • 128015
    Book Info
    Life and death, consider'd, as the important concern of the gospel dispensation. To which is added, an exhortation to young ministers. By Michael Pope
    Pope, Michael
  • 128016
    Book Info
    Light prevailing, and Expelling Darkness: or, a vindication of that Most Noble Principle, The Light of Christ in Men. Recommended by many Scripture Testimonies unto All, that they may Believe therein. By William Robinson
    Robinson, William
  • 128017
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, A Gweinidogaeth y Sacramentau. A Chynneddfau a Ceremoniau Eraill yr Eglwys, Yn ol arfer Eglwys Loegr. Ynghyd a'r Psallwyr new Psalmau Dafydd Wedi Nodi [iw] Darllain a'u canu yn yr Eglwysydd
    Church of England
  • 128018
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau, Wedi Eu Cyfieuthu, A'U Cyfansoddi Ar Fesur Cerdd, yn Gymraeg. Drwy waith Edmund Prys Archdiacon Meirionnydd
  • 128019
    Book Info
    Los triunfos de la pobreza, panegirico predicado enla solemnidad dela fundacion de la pia, y santa hebra de bikur holim
    Nieto, David
  • 128020
    Book Info
    Love and liberty
    Johnson, Charles
    ProQuest One Literature
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