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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,101 - 128,120건 출력
  • 128101
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions.
    Prior, Matthew
  • 128102
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. With imitations from Horace, Ovid, Martial, ... To which is prefix'd A discourse on criticism, and the Liberty of writing. In a letter to a friend. By Samuel Cobb, M.A.
    Cobb, Samuel
  • 128103
    Book Info
    Poetical miscellanies: the sixth part. Containing a collection of original poems, with several new translations. By the most eminent hands
  • 128104
    Book Info
    Politics in select discourses of Monsieur Balzac. Which he call'd his Aristippus, or wise scholar. Done into English by Basil Kennett, Fellow of C. C. C. Oxford; now Chaplain in a British Factory abroad. To which are added, an advertisement of the translation; and an account of the life and writings of the author
    Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez
  • 128105
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    Poor Robin. 1709. An almanack. Of the old and new fashion: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William
  • 128106
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    Pr. Eugene's catechism concerning a general peace
  • 128107
    Book Info
    Practical discourses upon the parable of the ten virgins. Being a serious call and admonition to watchfulness and diligence in preparing for death and judgment. / By Benjamin Colman ...
    Colman, Benjamin
  • 128108
    Book Info
    Prayers to be used next after the prayer in time of war and tumults, in all cathedral, collegiate, and parochial churches and chapels, within England, Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed, on all Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, during the present war: ...
    Church of England
  • 128109
    Book Info
    Prayers, and offices of devotion; for families, and for particular persons, upon most occasions. By B. Jenks, Rector of Harley, in Shropshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bradford
    Jenks, Benjamin
  • 128110
    Book Info
    Private thoughts upon religion, digested into twelve articles, with practical resolutions form'd thereupon. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph
    Beveridge, William
  • 128111
    Book Info
    Private thoughts upon religion, digested into twelve articles, with practical resolutions form'd thereupon. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Written in his Younger Years, for the settling of his Principles, and Conduct of his Life
    Beveridge, William
  • 128112
    Book Info
    Private thoughts upon religion, digested into twelve articles; with practical resolutions form'd thereupon. By ... William Beveridge, ... Written in his younger years, ...
    Beveridge, William
  • 128113
    Book Info
    Propagation of the Gospel in the East: being an account of the success of two Danish missionaries, lately sent to the East-Indies, for the conversion of the heathens in Malabar. In several Letters to their Correspondents in Europe; Containing A Narrative of their Voyage to the Coast of Coromandel, their Settlement at Tranquebar, the Divinity and Philosophy of the Malabarians, their Language and Ma
    Ziegenbalg, Bartholomaeus
  • 128114
    Book Info
    Proposals for establishing a perpetual assurance-office by a voluntary subscription of two thousand persons; who, for certain Annual Payments into a Joint-Stock during their Lives, may and will secure to Themselves, or to any Person or Persons they shall name, (at or before their respective Deaths) such advantageous Sum or Sums of Money as are hereafter expressed
  • 128115
    Book Info
    Proposals humbly offered to the Honourable House of Commons, for enlarging and protecting the trade to Africa
  • 128116
    Book Info
    Provision for the poor in time of dearth & scarcity : Where there is an account of such food as may be easily gotten when corns are scarce, or unfit for Use: And of such Meats as may be used when the ordinary Provisions fail, or are very dear. Written for the relief of the poor, by R. S. Doctor of medicine.
    R. S
  • 128117
    Book Info
    Pr{aelig}lectiones chymic{aelig} : in quibus omnes fere operationes chymic{aelig} ad vera principia & ipsius natur{aelig} leges rediguntur, ann. 1704. Oxonii, in Museo Ashmoleano habit{aelig}. A Johanne Freind, ...
    Freind, John
  • 128118
    Book Info
    Psychrolousia: or, the history of cold bathing : both ancient and modern. In two parts. The first, written by Sir John Floyer, of Litchfield, Kt. The second, treating of the genuine use of hot and cold baths. Together with The wonderful Effects of the Bath Water, drank hot from the Pump, in decay'd Stomaths, and in most Diseases of the Bowels, Liver and Spleen, &c. Also proving, That the best C...
    Floyer, John
  • 128119
    Book Info
    Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Heroidum epistol?, unà cum A. Sabini epistolis tribus ad totidem Ovidianas responsoriis. Amorum [libri] III. De arte amandi libri III. De remedio amoris [libri] II. Aliaq; quae sequens Pagella indicabit. Guidonis Morilioni argumenta in epistolas. Totum Opus, nunc demum optimis Exemplaribus collatum, & ab innumeris fere Mendis repurgatum
  • 128120
    Book Info
    Publick peace ascertain'd; with some cursory reflections upon Dr. Sacheverel's two late sermons. In a sermon preach'd on Tuesday, Nov. 22. 1709. being the day of thanksgiving for the signal and glorious victory obtained near Mons, and for the other Great Successes of Her Majesties Arms, this last Year, under the Command of the Duke of Marlborough. By Richard Chapman, M. A. Vicar of Cheshunt in Har
    Chapman, Richard