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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,121 - 128,140건 출력
  • 128121
    Book Info
    Pyrrhus and Demetrius. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market
    Morselli, Adriano
  • 128122
    Book Info
    Quackery unmask'd : or, reflections on the sixth edition of Mr. Martin's Treatise of the venereal disease, and its appendix; and the pamphlet call'd, The charitable surgeon, &c. Containing A Full and Plain Detection and Refutation of some gross Errors, &c. of those Authors: Interspers'd with many new and useful observations concerning the Venereal Disease; and the Method and Medicines proper fo...
    Spinke, John
  • 128123
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    Quakerism anatomized, and finally dissected: shewing, from plain fact, that a rigid Quaker is a cruel persecutor. Prepar'd, By Way of Dialogue (together, with the Four foregoing Parts) as an Antidote against the Venom of three large Folio's, put forth by the Quakers, Since the Death, And as the Works, of their Founder, George Fox, thus Entitled, 1. A Journal, &c. Of the Travels, Sufferings, Life,
    Bugg, Francis
  • 128124
    Book Info
    Readiness for death, urg'd from our not knowing the time of it. In a sermon occasion'd by the death of Mr. Norwich Salisbury, jun. Who was kill'd aboard a merchant-ship near Gravesend, by a cohorn, on Friday the 22d. of October, 1708. By Thomas Bradbury
    Bradbury, Thomas
  • 128125
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    Reasons against the bill for the better improvement of the trade to Africa, by establishing a regulated-company. Humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons
  • 128126
    Book Info
    Reasons for preventing the scarcity and dearth of victual, that the poor may not starve: Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable Justices of Peace, and Gentlemen Heritors &c, met at the Quarter Session at Edinburgh, instant 1709
  • 128127
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    Reasons for suppressing the yearly fair in Brook-Field, Westminster; commonly called May-Fair. Recommended to the Consideration of all Persons of Honour and Virtue
  • 128128
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    Reasons humbly offer'd by the Portugal, Spanish, and Italian merchants, against admitting French wine to be imported into Great-Britain
  • 128129
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    Rectius declinandum, or a testimonie discovering the nakedness of the dissenting parties declinatur. Also the state and constitution of the present church is opened and illustrated, ...
  • 128130
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    Reflections on men's prejudices against religion, and their mistakes in the practice of it. Translated from the French. In two parts
    Villiers, Pierre de
  • 128131
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    Reflections upon a letter concerning enthusiasm, To my Lord *****. In another letter to a lord
    Fowler, Edward
  • 128132
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    Reflections upon the constitution and management of the trade to Africa, ... Wherein the nature and uncommon circumstances of that trade are particularly consider'd; ...
    Davenant, Charles
  • 128133
    Book Info
    Reflections upon the constitution and management of the trade to Africa, ... Wherein the nature and uncommon circumstances of that trade are particularly consider'd; ... Part II
    Davenant, Charles
  • 128134
    Book Info
    Reflections upon the constitution and management of the trade to Africa, through The whole Course and Progress thereof, from the Beginning of the last Century, to this Time. Wherein the nature and uncommon circumstances of that trade, are particularly consider'd; and all the Arguments urg'd alternately, by the Two contending Parties here, touching the different Methods now proposed by them, for ca
    Davenant, Charles
  • 128135
    Book Info
    Reflexions upon the idolatry of the Jesuits, and other affairs relating to religion in China. Written originally in Italian; translated into French; now made English from the Paris copy, by a gentleman at the Hague, and sent in a letter to The Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury
    Ceva, Tommaso
  • 128136
    Book Info
    Reformation of manners promoted by argument, in several essays, viz. of reproof. of drunkenness. Of lust or impurity. of swearing. Of the Lord's day. By Samuel Walker, M. A. Vicar of Croft in the County of Lincoln
    Walker, Samuel
  • 128137
    Book Info
    Religion and allegiance: in two sermons, preach'd before the King's Majesty. The one, on the 4th of July, an. 1627, at Oatlands. The other, on the 29th of July, the same year, at Alderton. By Roger Maynwaring, Doctor in Divinity, One of His Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary, and then in his Month of Attendance. By His Majesty's Special Command. But afterwards burnt by Order of both Houses, suppress'
    Maynwaring, Roger
  • 128138
    Book Info
    Remarks on Dr. Sach-'s sermon, at the cathedral of St. Paul, November the 5th, being design'd as a seasonable antidote against the spreading malignity of that pestilent discourse. By William Bisset, ...
    Bisset, William
  • 128139
    Book Info
    Remarks on some books lately publish'd, viz. Mr. Basnage's History of the Jews. Mr. Whiston's Eight sermons. Mr. Lock's Paraphrase and notes on St. Paul's epistles. Mr. Le Clerc's Bibliotheque choisie
    Jenkin, Robert
  • 128140
    Book Info
    Remarks on some passages in Mr. Boyse's sermons, vol.I. More particularly in the preface, and the last sermon, entituled, The office of a scriptural bishop