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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,141 - 128,160건 출력
  • 128141
    Book Info
    Remarks upon a letter printed in a pamphlet intituled, Partiality Detected: Relating to the Convocation of Ireland. By a Member of the Lower House of Convocation
    Percivale, William
  • 128142
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    Remarks upon some passages in Dr. Edwards's Preacher, discovering his false reasonings and unjust reflections upon his brethren the clergy. By Robert Lightfoot, B. D. and Rector of Odel in Bedford-Shire
    Lightfoote, Robert
  • 128143
    Book Info
    Resolves: divine, moral, political. With several new additions both in prose and verse, not extant in the former impressions. By Owen Feltham, Esq; In this twelfth edition, references are made to the poetical citations, heretofore much wanted: and the Language refin'd
    Felltham, Owen
  • 128144
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    Richard Gee, Esq; and Philippa his wife ... Appell' Edwin Lewis, ... Edward, Earl of Jersey, and ... his wife, and William Blakeway, ... Respond' The respondents case
    Lewis, Edwin
  • 128145
    Book Info
    Richard Gee, Esq; and Phillippa his wife, ... appellants. Edwin Lewis ... Edward, Earl of Jersey, and ... his wife, ... and William Blackway, ... Respondents. The appellants case
    Gee, Richard
  • 128146
    Book Info
    Richard Gee, Esq; and his wife, appellants. Edwin Lewis, and others, respondents. A true copy of Mr. Eden's minutes ... with Colonel Beaumont's objections, mention'd in the appellant's case, both prov'd in this cause
    Lewis, Edwin
  • 128147
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    Richard Smith, Esq; appellant. Sir Thomas Dolman, respondent. The Respondent's Case. To be Heard on Wednesday the 19th of January, Instant
    Dolman, Thomas
  • 128148
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    Riches increas'd by giving to the poor: or, Mr. Thomas Gouges's surest and safest way of thriving. Being a Conviction of that grand Mistake in many, that what is given to the Poor, is a Loss to their Estate, which is directly contrary, as to the Experiences of the Charitable, so to the Testimony of God's Spirit in divers Places of Scripture. To which is added, a sermon of good works, wherein sever
    Gouge, Thomas
  • 128149
    Book Info
    Robin red-breast and the wren: or, Robin's complaint on the vanity of the times ... Compyled above sixty years ago
  • 128150
    Book Info
    S. Ignatii epistolæ genuinæ, Juxta Exemplar Mediceum denuo recensitae, Una cum Veteri Latina Versione: annotationibus D. Joannis Pearsoni Nuper Episcopi Cestriensis, et Thomae Smithi S.T.P. illustratae. Accedunt Acta Genuina Martyrii S. Ignatii, Epistola S. Polycarpi ad Philippenses, et Smyrnensis Ecclesiae Epistola de S. Polycarpi Martyrio; cum Veteribus Latinis Versionibus, & Annotationibus Thom
  • 128151
    Book Info
    Sacred history: or, the historical part of the holy scriptures of the Old Testament: gathered out from the other parts thereof, and Digested (as near as well could be) into due Method, with respect to Order of Time and Place. With some observations, here and there, Tending to Illustrate some Passages therein. And a table to the whole. By Thomas Ellwood
    Ellwood, Thomas
  • 128152
    Book Info
    Scipio Britannicus. The scourge of France, an heroic poem: inscrib'd to the immortal glory of His Grace John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of Mindleheim, &c. Also a Latine poem, annex'd to the Christian Hannibal, the most illustrious Prince Eugene of Savoy, &c. By T. G. physitian in Essex
    Gibson, Thomas
  • 128153
    Book Info
    Scrinia reclusa: or, brief remarks upon the reigns Of several of our English princes; with the characters of their favourites, their rise, preferments, &c. And also of the most Eminent Persons both in Church and State, that have Flourished in England, from the Beginning of King Henry VIII. to the End of the last Century. Collected from publick histories and private memoirs
  • 128154
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    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italiam [sic].
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128155
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128156
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian, and translated from the third edition of the French. The second volume
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128157
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian, and translated from the third edition of the French. The second volume.
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128158
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian.
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128159
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs and manners of several persons of quality, of both sexes. From the new Atalantis, an island in the Mediteranean. Written originally in Italian.
    Manley, Delariviere
  • 128160
    Book Info
    Select sentences divine and humane, collected from the most orthodox divines, and the best moralists, ancient and modern. Publish'd for the improvement of piety and vertue