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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,181 - 128,200건 출력
  • 128181
    Book Info
    Some objections against settling the trade to Africa, in any of the open methods proposed by the separate-traders, ... like the present Russia Company. Humbly offered to the consideration of the honourable House of Commons
    Davenant, Charles
  • 128182
    Book Info
    Some proposals humbly offer'd to the consideration of the Parliament: for the advancement of learning
  • 128183
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    Some remarks on Mr. French's collection, &c. In a letter to a Member of Parliament
    Boyse, J
  • 128184
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    Some remarks on a pamphlet, call'd, Reflections, on the constitution and management of the trade to Africa. Demonstrating, The Author's abusive Aspersions therein contained, to be ill Grounded, the Matters of Fact wrong Represented, and the late Management of that Trade set in a True Light. With An Account, of the Needful Charge of the British Settlements in Africa; in what manner they may be best
  • 128185
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    Some remarks on the Quakers written paper, Presented by them to Members of Parliament; Humbly represented to their Christian Consideration
    Bugg, Francis
  • 128186
    Book Info
    Some short remarks, on two pamphlets lately printed; the one entituled Considerations upon the trade to Guinea; the other entituled Proposals for raising a new company, for carrying on the trades of Africa and the Spanish-West-Indies, under the title of the United-company
  • 128187
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    Some thoughts concerning education. By Mr. John Locke.
    Locke, John
  • 128188
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    Some thoughts on the present state of printing and bookselling. By John How
    How, John
  • 128189
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    Spinoza reviv'd: or, a treatise, proving the book, entitled, The rights of the Christian church, &c. (in the most notorious parts of it) to be the same with Spinoza's rights of the Christian clergy, &c. and that both of them are grounded upon downright atheism. To which is added, A preliminary discourse relating to the said books, By the Reverend Dr. George Hicks
    Carroll, William
  • 128190
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    St. James's park: a satyr
    Browne, Joseph
  • 128191
    Book Info
    St. Paul and St. James reconcil'd. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at St. Mary's Church, on Commencement-Sunday in the afternoon, June 30. 1700. By Offspring Blackall, ...
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 128192
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    Stephanorum historia, vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens
    Maittaire, Michael
  • 128193
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    Synopsis algebraica, opus posthumum Johannis Alexandri, Bernatis-Helvetii. Editio secunda, emendatior, Cui adjungitur Appendix per Humfredum Ditton. In usum utriusque schol? mathematic? apud Hospitium-Christi Londinense
    Alexander, Johannes
  • 128194
    Book Info
    Synopsis communium locorum Praecipue ad Mores spectantium: ex poetis latinis tum antiquioribus tum recentioribus collecta: Et in Capita cuique propria digesta. In usum puerorum, qui in Scholis Grammaticis Poetarum Latinorum tum Lectione tum Imitatione prima faciunt Tyrocinia
  • 128195
    Book Info
    Synopsis mathematica universalis : or a system of the mathematics, for young students, and such as have not arrived to a great Perfection in those Studies. Containing Variety of useful Practices, in Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dialling, Chronology, Geography, Optics, Catoptrics, Dioptrics, Statics, Together with astionomical and geographical tables with their uses, and also t...
    Hainlin, Johann Jacob
  • 128196
    Book Info
    Taffi's master-piece: or, the Cambro-British invention. A mock poem. Being the Muscipula Oxoniensis translated into burlesque verse. By a Cantab
    Holdsworth, E
  • 128197
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    Taffy's triumph: or a new translation of the Cambro-Muo-Maxia: in imitation of Milton. By a gentleman of Oxford
    Holdsworth, E
  • 128198
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    Tentamen medicum de medicastrorum audacitate autore Alex. Russel, M.D.
    Russell, Alexander
  • 128199
    Book Info
    The African company's property to the forts and settlements in Guinea, consider'd; and the necessity of establishing the trade in a regulated company, demonstrated
  • 128200
    Book Info
    The Character of a Whig, under several denominations to which is added, The reverse, or, The character of a true English-man, in opposition to the former.