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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,261 - 128,280건 출력
  • 128261
    Book Info
    The cherubim with a flaming sword, that appear'd on the fifth of November last, in the cathedral of St. Paul, to the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and sheriffs, and many hundreds of people, &c. Being a letter to my Lord M --, with remarks upon Dr. Sa--ll's sermon
  • 128262
    Book Info
    The christian hero: an argument proving that no principles but those of religion are sufficient to make a great man. Written by Mr. Steele
    Steele, Richard
  • 128263
    Book Info
    The christian institutes, or, the sincere word of God. Being a plain and impartial account of the whole faith and duty of a Christian. Collected out of the writings of the Old and New Testament: Digested under Proper Heads, And Delivered in the Words of Scripture. By Francis Gastrell, D. D. Canon of Christ-Church, and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inn
    Gastrell, Francis
  • 128264
    Book Info
    The christian's support under all afflictions: being the divine meditations of John Gerhard, D.D. Contemplating God's Love to Mankind, The Benefits of Christ's Passion, & The Advantages of a Holy Life, with Prayers Suited to each Meditation. Render'd into English from the Latin original. By Thomas Rowell, M. A. Rector of Great Cressingham, Norfolk
    Gerhard, Johann
  • 128265
    Book Info
    The church-Catechism explained: for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph
    Beveridge, William
  • 128266
    Book Info
    The circus: or, British olympicks. A satyr on the ring in Hide-Park
    Browne, Joseph
  • 128267
    Book Info
    The circus: or, British olympicks. A satyr on the ring in Hide-Park.
    Browne, Joseph
  • 128268
    Book Info
    The circus: or, British olympicks. A satyr on the ring in Hyde-Park
    Browne, Joseph
  • 128269
    Book Info
    The clergy-Man's vade mecum. Part II. Containing the canonical codes of the primitive, universal, Eastern, and Western Church, Down to the Year of our Lord, DCCLXXXVII. Done from the original Greek and Latin, omitting no Canon, Decree, or any Part of them that is Curious or Instructive; With explanatory notes, a large index, and a preface shewing the Usefulness of the Work; with some Reflections o
    Johnson, John
  • 128270
    Book Info
    The clergy-Man's vade-mecum: or, an account of the ancient and present Church of England; the duties and rights of the clergy; and of Their Privileges and Hardships. Containing Full Directions relating to Ordination, Institution, Induction, and most of the Difficulties which they commonly meet with in the Discharge of their Office
    Johnson, John
  • 128271
    Book Info
    The common obstructions to faith, and a good life considered. A sermon preach'd in the Chapel-Royal at St. James's, Novemb. the 6th, 1709. By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 128272
    Book Info
    The communication of sin: a sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Derby, August 15th 1709. By Henry Sacheverell, ...
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 128273
    Book Info
    The communication of sin: a sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Derby, August 15th, 1709. By Henry Sacheverell, ...
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 128274
    Book Info
    The communication of sin: a sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Derby, August 15th, 1709. By Henry Sacheverell, ...
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 128275
    Book Info
    The compleat gamester: or, instructions how to play at all manner of usual and most gentile games, either on cards, dice, billiards, trucks, bowls, chess. Also the arts and misteries of riding, racing, archery, cock-fighting. To which is added, the game of basset, never before Printed in English. All Regulated by the most Experienc'd Masters
    Cotton, Charles
  • 128276
    Book Info
    The compleat geographer: or, the chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. To which is premis'd an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements. Containing A True and Perfect Account of I. The Situation, Bounds and Extent, Climate, Soil, Productions, History, Trade, Manufactures: The Religion, Manners and Customs of the People; with the Revol
  • 128277
    Book Info
    The confession and last words of Bessy Turnbul, who was execute [sic] at Edinburgh, April 6th. 1709; for murdering her own child
    Turnbul, Bessy
  • 128278
    Book Info
    The constitution, Laws and Government, of England, Vindicated. In a Letter to the Reverend Mr. William Higden. On Account of his View of the English Constitution, with Respect to the Soveraign Authority of the Prince, &c. In Vindication of the Lawfulness of Taking the Oaths, &c. By a Natural Born Subject
    Leslie, Charles
  • 128279
    Book Info
    The court in mourning. Being the life and worthy actions of Ralph Duke of Mountague [sic], master of the Great Wardrobe to Queen Anne. Who dyed at his house in Russell-street, in Bloomsbury, on Wednesday the 9th of March, 1708/9
  • 128280
    Book Info
    The coy shepherdess a pastoral as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal By Antho: Aston Comedian
    Aston, Anthony