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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,301 - 128,320건 출력
  • 128301
    Book Info
    The eagle and the robin. An apologue. Translated from the original of Aesop, written Two Thousand Years since, and now rendered in familiar verse. By H. G. L. Mag. With an old cat's prophecy. Taken out of an old copy of verses, supposed to be writ by John Lidgate, a monk of Bury
    H. G
  • 128302
    Book Info
    The eagle and the robin. An apologue. Translated from the original of Aesop, written Two Thousand Years since, and now rendred in familiar verse. By H. G. L. Mag. -Fabula Narratur. Aquila non captat Muscas. Together with Taffey's triumph: or, a new translation of the Cambro-Muomaxia: in Imitation of Milton. By a gentleman of Oxford
    H. G
  • 128303
    Book Info
    The eagle and the robin. An apologue. Translated from the original of Æsop, written Two Thousand Years since, and now rendred in familiar verse. By H. G. L. Mag
    H. G
  • 128304
    Book Info
    The eagle and the robin. An apologue. Translated from the original of Æsop, written two thousand years since, and now rendred into familiar verse. By H. G. L. Mag
    H. G
  • 128305
    Book Info
    The elements of that mathematical art, commonly called algebra. Compiled by John Kersey
    Kersey, John
  • 128306
    Book Info
    The entire speech of Caius Memmius to the people of Rome, translated from Sallust. In Latin and English. Dedicated to my Lord Haversham
  • 128307
    Book Info
    The famous tragedy of K. Charles I. Basely butchered by those who are, Omne nefas proni patare pudoris inanes Crudeles, violenti, Importunique tyranni Mendaces, falsi, perversi, perfidiosi, Faedifragi, falsis verbis infunda loquentes. In which is Included, The several Combinations and Machinations that brought that Incomparable Prince to the Block, the overtures hapning at the Famous Seige of Colc
  • 128308
    Book Info
    The female reign
    Cobb, Samuel
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 128309
    Book Info
    The female reign: an ode, alluding to Horace, B.4. Od. 14. ... Occasion'd by the wonderful successes of the arms of Her Majesty and her allies. With a letter to a gentleman in the University. By Samuel Cobb, M.A.
    Cobb, Samuel
  • 128310
    Book Info
    The fifteen pleasures of a virgin. Written by the suppos'd author of The fifteen plagues of a maidenhead
  • 128311
    Book Info
    The forgiving husband, and adulteress wife: or, a seasonable present to the unhappy pair in Fanchurch-Street [sic]. By the author of the London-Spy
    Ward, Edward
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 128312
    Book Info
    The fourth volume of the works of Mr. Thomas Brown, serious, moral, comical, and satyrical. Consisting of Poems on several Occasions. Laconics; or, new Maxims of State and Conversation. The Praise of the Bottle. A Match for the Devil, a Poem. An Essay on Women. The Charms of the Bottle, a Friend to the Ladies. A new Million-Adventure, invented for Ladies that want Husbands, and younger Brothers th
    Brown, Thomas
  • 128313
    Book Info
    The french King's dream, as it was publish'd in the Paris-Gazette, with his promise to give 20000 louis d'ors for the interpretation. With an interpretation that was sent unto him. By the famous Mons. Brousson
  • 128314
    Book Info
    The french favorites: or, the Seventh Discourse of Balzac's Politicks. Publish'd by the Reverend Dr. Kennet, Dean of Peterborough, February 13th, 1708/9
    Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez
  • 128315
    Book Info
    The french politick detected, with the characters of the French politicians display'd; in IV. parts. By way of allegory. Where the Maxims of both Governments of that Nation, Ecclesiastical and Civil, are prov'd Immutable from its Legislators, Druides or Priests of the Guals, to this Day; notwithstanding the usurp'd Name of Christian. By F. Gandouet. M.P.
    Gandouet, Fr
  • 128316
    Book Info
    The gazetteer's: or newsman's interpreter. Being a geographical index. Of all the considerable cities, patriarchships, ... in Europe, ... The tenth edition, corrected and very much enlarged with the addition of a table of the births, marriages, &c. of all the kings, ... of Europe.
    Echard, Laurence
  • 128317
    Book Info
    The general history of the Mogol empire, from it's foundation by Tamerlane, to the late emperor Orangzeb. Extracted from the memoirs of M. Manouchi, A Venetian, and Chief Physitian to Orangzeb for above Forty Years. By F. F. Catrou
    Manucci, Niccolao
  • 128318
    Book Info
    The gentleman's assistant, tradesman's lawyer, and country-man's friend. 1. Directing them in Contracts, Bargains and Agreements, whereby they may learn to buy and contract safely, and cautiously avoid being over-reached in their Bargains, &c. 2. Concerning borrowing, lending and restoring, and of Goods pledged and pawned. 3. Setting forth several other adjudged Cases relating to Tradesmen, &c. 4.
  • 128319
    Book Info
    The gentleman's auditor: or, a new and easy method for keeping accompts of gentlemens estates, as well in relation to their layings-out, as comings-in. With the Manner of Auditing and Stating the Accompts of their Cashiers, Stewards, Bayliffs, Rent-Gatherers, and other Servants, through whose Hands any Part of their Estate does pass; and transposing them to a Ledger kept after the Italian Manner;
    T. R
  • 128320
    Book Info
    The geography and history of Mons: or, a description of what is to be seen, and an account of what passes in and about that town. First, Written in French, for the Service of an Imperial Officer, in the Army about Mons; and Now Done, a Second Time, in English, for the Satisfaction of our British Officers. By John Mack Gregory, L L. L. Professor of Geography and History
    MacGregory, John