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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,381 - 128,400건 출력
  • 128381
    Book Info
    The measures of Christian obedience: or, a discourse shewing, what obedience is indispensibly necessary to a regenerate state, and what defects are consistent with it; ... By John Kettlewell, ...
    Kettlewell, John
  • 128382
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    The method of computing the customs made plain to the meanest capacity. With Examples of One and 100 pound Weight, Hundred Weight, Yards, Gallons, &c. Of each kind of Goods likely to be Imported into North Britain. Also of Prize-Goods. And each Duty distinctly Computed, Gross, Discompt and Neat. By which Merchants before they send for their Goods Over-Seas, may know what Dutys they are to pay for
  • 128383
    Book Info
    The method of procedure by Presbyteries, in settling of schools in every parish, providing ministers with manses Glebes and Grass, repairing ruinous churches and Church-Yard Dikes, and Furnishing Churches with Necessary Utensils, and in Disposing of Vacant Stipends, in pursuance of the Acts of Parliament impowering them to these effects
    Dundas, John
  • 128384
    Book Info
    The mischief of separation. A sermon preach'd at Guild-Hall chappel, May II. MDCLXXX. being the first Sunday in Easter-Term, before the Lord-Mayor, &c. By Edward Stillingfleet, D. D. Dean of St Paul's And Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Stillingfleet, Edward
  • 128385
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    The moralists, a philosophical rhapsody. Being a recital of certain conversations upon natural and moral subjects
    Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
  • 128386
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    The most humble address of the French refugees for religion in Ireland, to His Excellency the Earl of Wharton, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governour of this Kingdom, to crave the assistance of his good offices ... in favour of the Protestants of France
  • 128387
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    The mouse-Trap: or, the Welsh engagement with the mice
    Holdsworth, E
  • 128388
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    The much greater blessedness of giving than of receiving. A sermon preach'd, on Tuesday June 7th, 1709. In the parish-church of Warrigton [sic], in Lancashire. ... By ... William Lord Bishop of Chester. ...
    Dawes, William
  • 128389
    Book Info
    The much greater blessedness of giving, than of receiving. A sermon preach'd, on Tuesday June 7. 1709, in the Parish-Church of Warrington, in Lancashire. At a meeting of the clergy of the Arch-deaconry of Chester. ... By ... William Lord Bishop of Chester. ...
    Dawes, William
  • 128390
    Book Info
    The mystery of anabaptism unmask'd; being a full and satisfactory vindication of infant baptism in the Church of England, as to subjects and mode. In answer to the ... arguments, and ... errors of Mr. Morgan, Mr. Stennet, ... and other principal leaders of the dipping-sect. Publish'd again ... to which is added, discources [sic], ... By Marius D'Assigny, B.D.
    D'Assigny, Marius
  • 128391
    Book Info
    The mystery of anabaptism unmask'd; being a full vindication of infant baptism in the Church of England, in answer to the fallacious arguments, and pernicious errors of Mr. Morgan, Mr. Stennet, and other the Principal Leaders of the anabaptists. To which are added, discourses, I. Upon the Christian Sabbath, II. Original Sin, III. Forms of Prayer and our Liturgy, IV. Sinfulness of Schism, V. The Da
    D'Assigny, Marius
  • 128392
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    The natural history of superstition
    Trenchard, John
  • 128393
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    The nature and necessity of a Christian conversation. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at her Royal Chapel at St. James's, on Sunday, November 19. 1704. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D.D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Published by her Majesties Special Command
    Dawes, William
  • 128394
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    The nature and necessity of religious resolution, in the defence and support of a good cause, in times of danger and trial. A sermon preach'd at the Assizes, and before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, on Thursday, July 19th. 1705. By William Tilly, M. A. Fellow of C. C. C. Oxon.
    Tilly, William
  • 128395
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    The nature, title and evidence of eternal life given in Jesus Christ by the Gospel briefly stated. In three parts. By William Nokes
    Nokes, William
  • 128396
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    The navy Royal: or a sea-cook turn'd projector. Containing a few thoughts, about manning our ships of war with the best of sailors, without violences, and in the most pleasing manner: According to the Fourth Article of a late Proposal, Publish'd by our Worthy Chaplain of Her Majesty's Ship the Lyme. By Barnaby Slush, Cook of the said Ship
    Slush, Barnaby
  • 128397
    Book Info
    The necessity of self-reflexion, in order to a holy life. A sermon Preach'd before the Court of Aldermen, &c. at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, On Sunday, May 1. 1709. By Nath. Gower, M. A. Vicar of Battersea in Surrey
    Gower, Nathaniel
  • 128398
    Book Info
    The new metamorphosis: or, the pleasant transformation: being The golden ass of Lucius Apuleius of Medaura. Alter'd and improv'd to the modern times and manners ; exposing the Secret Follies and Vices of Maids Wives, and Widows, Nuns Fryars Jesuits: Statesmen, Courtiers, &c. Written in Italian by Carlo Monte Socio, Fellow of the Academy of the Humoristi in Rome, and Translated from the Vatican Man
    Gildon, Charles
  • 128399
    Book Info
    The new-Years-Gift, complete: in six parts. Composed of meditations and prayers for every day in the week: With Devotions For The Sacrament, Lent, And Other Occasions
  • 128400
    Book Info
    The observations or reflections on a virulent sermon preached at Exeter, on the 31st of January last; with a vindication of those now called whigs and dissenters, from having any hand in the murder of King Charles the I which is likewise unjustly charg'd upon the whole Nation by the High-Flyers, But justly charged on the High-Flyers in these times