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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,541 - 128,560건 출력
  • 128541
    Book Info
    Winter meditations, or, A sermon concerning frost and snow and winds &c. and the wonders of God therein by John Shower.
    Shower, John
  • 128542
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    Wisdom and innocency. A sermon preach'd at St. Saviours Southwark, February 12. 1709. By the Reverend Joseph Bagnold, ...
    Bagnold, Joseph
  • 128543
    Book Info
    Wit and mirth: or pills to purge melancholy: being a choice collection of the best merry ballads, and above a hundred of the best songs, old and new. ... The second edition with additions. Being carefully corrected by Mr. J. Lenton. Vol. IV.
    Playford, Henry
  • 128544
    Book Info
    Y gwrandawr, neu, lyfr yn dangos pa Gynheddfau sydd reidiol, i'r rhai a ewyllyssiant, gael bydd a lles wrth, wrando yr gair a bregethir. O waith yr awdwr Parchedig Joan Edwards, D.D. ac o gyfiaithied H. Powel, Ewyllysiwr da i Gymru
    Edwards, John
  • 128545
    Book Info
    Youth undone: a tragick poem: compos'd by way of discourse between youth, Satan, wisdom, time, death, the soul. With reflections. For the caution and direction of young people
    T. S
  • 128546
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    [A catalogue of the] fellows : candidates, honorary-fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 128547
    Book Info
    Æsop at Oxford: or, a few select fables in verse, under the following heads, viz. Æsop matriculated. Æsop's thanks. Aesop's Case. The Pay-Master General. The famous Hist Goodman I did it. The Paradox. The Devil on two Sticks. The Female Hypocrite. A notable A Present for a Courtier. Worse and Worse. Whitehall and St. James's. A Woman that did Good in her Life. Diamonds cut Diamonds. The Foreigner.
    Pittis, William
  • 128548
    Book Info
    1. Catonis disticha de moribus. 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Græciæ. 3. Mimi Publiani, sive, Senecæ proverbia, anglo-latina. Cato item grammatice interpretatus Latinis & vernaculis vocibus pari ordine, sed diversis lineis alternatis. Quo se aetatula Pueriles Praecepta vitae communis ita legant ut intelligant. A Carolo Hoolo, A. M. Privatae Scholae Grammaticae Institutore in ... viciculo apud
    Cato, Marcus Porcius
  • 128549
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    A Dialogue between Adam and John, two citizens of Bristol, about electing of Parliament-men.
  • 128550
    Book Info
    A brief account of the rise and progress of the people, call'd Quakers in which the fundamental principle, doctrines, worship, ministry and discbpline are plainly declared, to prevent the Mistakes and Perversions that Ignorance and Prejudice may make to abuse the Credulous. With a summary relation of the former dispensations of God in the world, by way of Introduction. The 4th edition. By W. Penn
    Penn, William
  • 128551
    Book Info
    A brief account of the woollen manufactury of England, with relation to the prejudice it receives by the clandestine exportation of wooll from Ireland into France
    Knox, Thomas
  • 128552
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    A brief answer to Mr. M. D'Assigny's book; entitled, An antidote against the pernicious errors of the Anabaptists, or of the Dipping sect. Wherein His Arguments for Infants Baptism are answered; his difingenuous perverting the Greek Texts, discover'd; his falsifying not only the Sense of the Fathers, but also placing them almost an Age nearer to our Lord, than it appears from the best Chronologers
    Morgan, R
  • 128553
    Book Info
    A brief epistle for unity and good order, among all Friends professing the blessed truth. And recommended to their monthly and quarterly-meetings; and other meetings concerned about truth's affairs. By George Whitehead
    Whitehead, George
  • 128554
    Book Info
    A brief history of the joint use of precompos'd set forms of prayer; shewing, I. That the ancient Jews, our Savior, his apostles and the primitive Christians, never join'd in any prayers but precompos'd set forms only. II. That those precompos'd set forms in which they join'd, were such as the respective congregations were accustomed to, and throug
    Bennet, Thomas
  • 128555
    Book Info
    A brief reply to the scriptural and argumentative part of Mr. Bennet's Brief history of the joint use of precomposed set forms of prayer
    Horsley, John
  • 128556
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    A brief treatise of the eyes. Wherein not only the structure of the same is anatomically demonstrated; but the diseases (which for the most are incident thereto) are likewise distinctly describ'd. To which is added, some particular Directions for preserving the Sight. Together with a Table explaining the Terms of Art made use of in the Treatise; thereby rendering the same intelligible and useful t
    Crosse, William
  • 128557
    Book Info
    A cat may look on a Queen: or, a satyr on Her present Majesty. Attempted by John Dunton, author of the Satyr on King William. The second edition. To which is added, a distinct account of the several jewels in the crown of England
    Dunton, John
  • 128558
    Book Info
    A catalogue of Friends books; written by many of the people, called Quakers, from the beginning or first appearance of the said people. Collected for a general service, by J. W.
    Whiting, John
  • 128559
    Book Info
    A caveat against new prophets, in two sermons at the merchants lecture in Salters Hall, on Jan. the 6th. and Jan. the 20th. 1707/8. By Edmund Calamy, E.F. & N.
    Calamy, Edmund
  • 128560
    Book Info
    A certain rule, to find out how many honest men are in this nation. Of all sorts, whether Church-of-England-men, Presbyterians, Independants, Anabaptists, Quakers, or Papists