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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,581 - 128,600건 출력
  • 128581
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the unchangeable obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Christian revelation. Being eight sermons preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St Paul, in the year 1705, at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By Samuel Clark, M.A. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty, and Chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God John, Lord Bishop of
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 128582
    Book Info
    A discourse of election, shewing I. The nature. II. The Proof III. The Properties IV. The improvement of election. To which is added, a vindication of this doctrine of election, in answer to a late pamphlet, entituled, Absolute predestination not scriptural. With a letter to a friend, once in danger of the Quakers delusion. By John Atkinson, Minister of the Gospel at Cockermouth in Cumberland
    Atkinson, John
  • 128583
    Book Info
    A discourse of joint prayer; shewing, I. What is meant by joint prayer. II. That the joint use of prayers conceiv'd extempore hinders devotion, and consequently displeases God: whereas the joint Use of such precompos'd set Forms, as the Congregation is accustom'd to, and throughly acquainted with, does most effectually promote Devotion, and consequently is commanded by God. III. That the lay disse
    Bennet, Thomas
  • 128584
    Book Info
    A discourse on praying by the spirit, in the use of the common prayers. Wherein it is maintain'd, that this may be done, and directed. By Theophilus Dorrington, Rector of Wittresham in Kent
    Dorrington, Theophilus
  • 128585
    Book Info
    A discourse publish'd to instruct and undeceive the people in the point of tithes. Wherein is shewed, I. That never any Clergy in the Church of God hath been, or is maintain'd with less Charge to the Subject, than the Establish'd Clergy of the Church of England. II. That there is no Subject in the Realm of England, who giveth any thing of his own, towards the maintenance of his Parish-Minister but
    Heylyn, Peter
  • 128586
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    A dissertation concerning the Lord's Supper. By the Author of the Dissertation concerning Water-Baptism
    Salmon, William
  • 128587
    Book Info
    A dissuasive against enthusiasm: wherein the pretensions of the modern prophets to divine inspiration, and the power of working miracles, are examin'd and confuted by scripture and matter of fact. In a letter to a person of quality
  • 128588
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    A faithful and true history of the life and actions of K. John
  • 128589
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    A farther account of our late prophets, in two letters to Sir Richard Buckley, which may be added to the three sent to Mr. Lacy. By Mr. Humfrey, his neighbour
    Humfrey, John
  • 128590
    Book Info
    A farther vindication of the short view of the profaneness and immorality of the English stage, in which the objections of a late book, entituled, A defence of plays, are consider'd. By Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Collier, Jeremy
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  • 128591
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    A fence for the English dissenters, against the reflexions cast upon them in the Letters betwixt those of Geneva and the University of Oxon; and the Slanders of the Rehearsal as if they were Schismaticks from all Churches. Containing the opinion of foreign protestant churches about episcopacy and ceremonies, from the Confessions call'd the Helvetick, French, Belgick, Polish, Bohemian, Augsburg, Wi
  • 128592
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on Thursday the nineteenth day of August next, throughout England, Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed: for rendring [sic] most hearty thanks to almighty God, for the happy success of Her Majesties Councils and forces against the late insolent and unjust attempt of the common enemy and the Pretender, to invade Her Majesties Kingdom of Great Britain;
    Church of England
  • 128593
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving, to be used on Thursday the seventeenth day of February next, throughout England, Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed: for rendring [sic] most hearty thanks to almighty God, for protecting Her Majesty this year from many great attempts an treacherous designs of Her enemies; and for blessing the arms of Her Majesty and Her allies, under the command of the Duke of
    Church of England
  • 128594
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed: on Wednesday the fourteenth day of January, ... for obtaining the pardon of our sins, and imploring Gods blessing and assistance on the arms of Her Majesty, and Her allies, engaged in the present war: and for restoring and perpetuating peace, safety and prosperity to Her and
    Church of England
  • 128595
    Book Info
    A form of prayer, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England, and Wales, and the town of Berwick upon Tweed: on Wednesday the fourteenth day of January, being the Day appointed by Her Majesty for a General Fast and Humiliation, to be Observed in a most Solemn and Devout manner: for obtaining the pardon of our sins, and imploring Gods blessing and assistance on the arms of Her Majest
    Church of England
  • 128596
    Book Info
    A form of thanksgiving, to be used throughout the cities of London and Westminster, and elsewhere within the bills of mortality, on Sunday the eighteenth day of this instant April; and in all other places throughout England and Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, on Sunday the ninth day of May next ensuing, immediately after The General Thanksgiving, both at Morning and Evening Prayer. By Her M
    Church of England
  • 128597
    Book Info
    A fourth defense of an argument made use of in a letter to Mr Dodwel, to prove the immateriality and natural immortality of the soul. In a letter to the author of the Answer to Mr Clark's Third defense, &c. With a postscript, relating to a book, entitled, a vindication of Mr Dodwel's epistolary discourse, &c.
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 128598
    Book Info
    A full account of the rise, progress, & advantages of Dr. Assheton's proposal (as now improved and managed by the Worshipful Company of Mercers, London) for the benefit of widows of clergy-men, and others; By Settling Jointures and Annuities at the Rate of Thirty per Cent. With Directions for the Widow How to Receive her Annuity, Without any Delay, Charges, or Deductions
    Assheton, William
  • 128599
    Book Info
    A funeral poem, Sacred to the Immortal Memory of the Deceas'd Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Kt. Rear Admiral of Great Britain, and Commander in Chief of Her Majesties Fleets in the Mediterranian, &c. In which is inserted, a short description of the procession at his interment in Westminster-Abbey. By Will. Pittis, late Fellow of New-College in Oxford, and Dedicated to his Disconsolate lady
    Pittis, William
  • 128600
    Book Info
    A funeral poem, sacred to the immortal memory of the deceas'd Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Kt. Rear Admiral of Great Britain, and Commander in Chief of Her Majesties Fleets in the Mediterranean, &c. In which is inserted, a short description of the procession at his interment in Westminster-Abbey. By Will. Pittis, late Fellow of New-College in Oxford, and Dedicated to his Disconsolate Lady
    Pittis, William