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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,621 - 128,640건 출력
  • 128621
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    A letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend in the country, concerning the threaten'd prosecution of the Rehearsal, put into the news-papers
    Leslie, Charles
  • 128622
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    A letter from a minister to his parishioners, Shewing the indispensible Duty incumbent on all Persons to give Informations to the Magistrate as well against prophane swearing and cursing, as against other Crimes and Misdemeanours
  • 128623
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    A letter from the Bishop of Salisbury, to the clergy of his diocese: to be read at the triennial visitation in April and May, 1708
    Church of England
  • 128624
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    A letter from the cobler of Glouster to the c[ur]rier of Hitchen: being remarks on a book entitu[led] The infant's cause pleaded; ...
    Cobler of Glouster
  • 128625
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    A letter to Dr. W. King, occasioned by his Art of Cookery
  • 128626
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    A letter to a citizen concerning the election of a Lord Mayor
  • 128627
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    A letter to a friend; occasion'd by a late pamphlet, call'd, Advice to the electors of Great-Britain
  • 128628
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    A letter to a li----ry man, on the present election for the city of L-----don
  • 128629
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    A list of the names of the Governour and Company of the Mine-Adventurers, of England. November the twenty-ninth, 1708
    Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England
  • 128630
    Book Info
    A list of the names of the prisoners; English, Scotch, and Irish taken on board the Salisbury, by Her Majesties ship the Leopard, who were this afternoon being the 21st of this instant April, brought to Newgate, ...
  • 128631
    Book Info
    A looking glass for children, being a narrative of God's gracious dealings with some little children; recollected by Henry Jessey in his life-time. Together with sundry seasonable lessons and instructions to youth, calling them early to remember their Creator: written by Abrahan Chear, late of Plymouth. The fourth edition, enlarg'd. To which is added many other poems very suitable. As also some El
    H. P
  • 128632
    Book Info
    A looking-Glass for children. Being a narrative of God's gracious dealing with some little children, recollected by Henry Jessey, in his Life-Time. Together with sundry seasonable lessons and instructions to youth, calling them early to Remember their Creator. Written by Abraham Chear, late of Plymouth. The fourth edition, enlarg'd. To which is added many other poems very suitable. as also some El
    H. P
  • 128633
    Book Info
    A lying-Tongue reproved: in some remarks upon a Scandalous Pamphlet lately published, Stiled, The spirit of Quakerism cloven-footed, &c. subscribed by Samuel Audland, and a preface by Thomas Dixon. The false and foul charges of forgery, &c. detected, and the Quakers cleared thereof. By Thomas Camm
    Camm, Thomas
  • 128634
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    A mechanical account of poisons in several essays. By Richard Mead, M.D. F.R.S. And Physician to St. Thomas's Hospital
    Mead, Richard
  • 128635
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    A mechanical account of the non-naturals: being a brief explication of the changes made in humane bodies, by air, diet, &c. Together With an Enquiry into the Nature and Use of Baths upon the same Principles. To which is prefix'd, The Doctrin of Animal Secretion in several Propositions. By Jer. Wainewright, M.D.
    Wainewright, Jeremiah
  • 128636
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    A memorial to the nobility of Scotland, who are to assemble in order to choose the sitting peers for the Parliament of Great Britain
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 128637
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    A method of devotion: or, rules for holy & devout living, with prayers on several occasions, and advices & devotions for the Holy Sacrament. In two parts
    Burnet, Elizabeth
  • 128638
    Book Info
    A military dictionary : Explaining all difficult terms in martial discipline, fortification, and gunnery. The third edition, improv'd. To which is likewise added, a sea-dictionary of all the terms of navigation. Both of them very useful (to all persons that read the publick news, or serve in the army, navy, or militia) for the understanding the accounts of sieges, battels, and other warlike and...
    Officers who serv'd several years at land | sea
  • 128639
    Book Info
    A murderer punish'd and pardon'd: or, a true relation of the wicked life, and shameful happy death of Thomas Savage, imprisoned, justly Condemned, and twice executed at Ratcliff, for his bloody Fact, in Killing his Fellow-Servant, on Wednesday, Octob' 28th, 1668. By us, who were often with him, in the Time of his Imprisonment in Newgate, and at his Execution. Robert Franklin, Thomas Doelittle, Hug
    Franklin, Robert
  • 128640
    Book Info
    A narrative of the late treatment of the episcopal ministers Within the City of Edinburgh since March last 1708. Until their imprisonment in July thereafter, with their Circumstances and Defences together with some Reflections upon the same. With a postscript