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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,761 - 128,780건 출력
  • 128761
    Book Info
    A short treatise of geography general & special to which are added tables of the principal coins in Europe and Asia; with those mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, and Ancient Roman Authors. Collected from the best authors upon that subject, for the use of schools. By M.G.D.
    Drummond, Gawin
  • 128762
    Book Info
    A short view of the present state of Ireland: with regard particularly to the difficultys ... in holding of a parliament. Written in ... 1700. By the Reverend Dr. Burridge
    Burridge, Ezekiel
  • 128763
    Book Info
    A short view of the pretended spirit of prophecy, taken from its first rise in the year 1688, to its present state among us. Together with some Observations upon their Doctrines and pretended Miracles. And Examples of such like Delusions in the World. By Francis Hutchinson, D. D. Minister of Bury St. Edmonds in Suffolk
    Hutchinson, Francis
  • 128764
    Book Info
    A supplement to the abridgment of all the statutes of King William and Queen Mary, and of King William III. and Queen Anne. From the twenty fourth of October, 1704. to the first of April, 1708. By Henry Boult of Grays-Inn, Esq;
    England | Wales
  • 128765
    Book Info
    A supplement to the first part of the Gentleman instructed, with a word to the ladies. Written for the instruction of the young nobility of both sexes
    W. D
  • 128766
    Book Info
    A tender and compassionate call to prophane swearers. And takers of the holy name of God in vain. By Joshua Middleton
    Middleton, Joshua
  • 128767
    Book Info
    A tender invitation to all, to embrace the Secret Visitation of the Lord to their Souls. Writ by that antient servant of Christ, Nicholas Gates of Atton in Hampshire: who departed this life the 21st day of the 10th month, 1707. With several testimonies Relating to his Gospel-Labours. Also, an account of some of his Dying Sayings
    Gates, Nicholas
  • 128768
    Book Info
    A third defense of an argument made use of in a letter to Mr Dodwel, to prove the immateriality and natural immortality of the soul. In a letter to the author of the reflexions on Mr Clarke's Second defense, &c.
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 128769
    Book Info
    A thorough examination of the false principles and fallacious arguments, advanc'd against the Christian Church, priest-hood, and religion: In a late pernicious Book, ironically Intituled, The Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, &c. In a Dialogue between Demas and Hierarcha. Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the Nobility and Gentry of England. By Samuel Hill, Rector of Killmington, and Ar
    Hill, Samuel
  • 128770
    Book Info
    A token for mariners, containing many famous and wonderful instances of God's providence in sea dangers and deliverances, in mercifully preserving the lives of his poor creatures, which, in humane probability, at the point of perishing by shipwreck, famine, or other accidents. Much enlarg'd; with the addition of many new relations; mostly accepted by the persons themselves. Also The seaman's preac
    Janeway, James
  • 128771
    Book Info
    A treatise of all the degrees and symptoms of the venereal disease : in both sexes; Explicating Naturally and Mechanically, its Causes, Kinds, various Ways of Infecting; The Nature of Hereditary infection; Certainty of knowing whether Infected or not; Infallible way to prevent Infection; Easiness of Cure when infected; Reasons why so many miss of Cure; How to know when, and when not, in Skilful...
    Marten, John
  • 128772
    Book Info
    A treatise of the five orders of columns in architecture, Toscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. Wherein The Proportions and Characters of the Members Of their several Pedestals, Columns and Entablatures, Are distinctly consider'd with respect to the Practice of the Antients and Moderns. Also A most Natural, Easie and Practicable Method laid down for determining the mostminute Part in all
    Perrault, Claude
  • 128773
    Book Info
    A trip to Dunkirk: or, a hue and cry after the pretended Prince of Wales. Being a panegyrick on the descent
  • 128774
    Book Info
    A true and wounderfull relation of a dreadfull showr [sic] of flies, which happned at London the twenty second day of Iuly
  • 128775
    Book Info
    A true copy of the paper left by Mr. William Gregg, who suffer'd for high-treason the 28th day of April, 1708
    Gregg, William
  • 128776
    Book Info
    A true copy of the paper left by Mr. William Gregg, who suffered for high-treason the 28th day of April, 1708
    Gregg, William
  • 128777
    Book Info
    A true list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, together with the members of the House of Commons, being the new parliament of Great Britain, as they now stand chosen
    Great Britain
  • 128778
    Book Info
    A view of the great encomiums and praises, attributed to our Holy Mother, the Church of England, ... In a letter from Gaius Seius, to Lucius Titius, his friend in the city. ...
    Gaius Seius
  • 128779
    Book Info
    A view of the state of the trade to Africa: wherein is laid down the present condition of the English settlements there; their use, value, strenth, and to whom the property belongs: Demonstrated from Matter of Fact, and confirm'd by divers Extracts from a Report made on this Subject, laid before the Queen and Council in Feb. 1707/8. in a letter to a new subscriber
  • 128780
    Book Info
    A view of the times, their principles and practices: ... By Philalethes
    Leslie, Charles