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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,801 - 128,820건 출력
  • 128801
    Book Info
    An Act for assuring to the English company trading to the East-Indies, on account of the united stock, a longer time in the fund and trade therein mentioned, and for raising thereby the sum of twelve hundred thousand pounds for carrying on the war, and other Her Majestie occasions
    Great Britain
  • 128802
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    An Act for better securing the duties of East India goods
    Great Britain
  • 128803
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    An Act for charging and continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight
    Great Britain
  • 128804
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing an Act made in the third year of Her Majesties reign, intituled, An Act for punishing mutiny and desertion and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters
    Great Britain
  • 128805
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing one half part of the subsidies of tonnage and poundage, and other duties upon wines, goods and merchandizes imported, which were granted to the Crown in the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, and for settling a fund thereby, and b other ways and means, for payment of annuities, not exceeding eighty thousand pounds per annum, to be sold for raising a further
    Great Britain
  • 128806
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing several duties therein mentioned, upon coffee, chocolate, spices, pictures and muslins, and additional duties upon several of the said commodities, and certain duties upon callicoes, china-wares, and drugs; and for continuing the duties called the two third subsidies of tonnage and poundage, for preserving the publick credit; and for ascertaining the duties of coals exported
    Great Britain
  • 128807
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    An Act for continuing the Act for ascertaining the tythes of hemp and flax
    Great Britain
  • 128808
    Book Info
    An Act for continuing the half-subsidies therein mentioned, with several impositions and other duties, to raise money by way of loan, for the service of the war, and other Her Majesties necessary and important occasions, and for charging of prize-goods and seizures, and for taking off the drawbacks of foreign cordage, and to obviate the clandestine importation of wrought silks
    Great Britain
  • 128809
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    An Act for granting an aid to Her Majesty, to be raised by a land tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight
    Great Britain
  • 128810
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    An Act for incouraging the dressing and dying of woollen clothes within this kingdom, by laying a duty upon broad cloth exported white
    Great Britain
  • 128811
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    An Act for limiting a time to persons to come in and make their claims to any of the forfeited estates, and other interests in Ireland, sold by the trustees for sale of those estates to the governor and company for making hollow sword-blades in England, and divers other purchasers
    Great Britain
  • 128812
    Book Info
    An Act for raising a further supply to Her Majesty, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight, and other uses, by sale of annuities charged on a fund, not exceeding forty thousand pounds per annum, to arise by appropriating several surplusses, and by granting further terms in the duties on low-wines, and on hawkers, pedlars and petty-chapmen, the stamp-duties, the one third
    Great Britain
  • 128813
    Book Info
    An Act for raising the militia of this kingdom for the year one thousand seven hundred and eight, although the months pay formerly advanced be not repaid
    Great Britain
  • 128814
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    An Act for regulating the qualifications of the elections of the governor, deputy-governor, directors and voters of the governor and company of the Bank of England
    Great Britain
  • 128815
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    An Act for rendering the union of the two kingdoms more intire and complete
    Great Britain
  • 128816
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    An Act for repealing and declaring the determination of two Acts passed in the Parliament of Scotland, the one intituled, Act for the security of the Kingdom: the other, Act anent peace and war
    Great Britain
  • 128817
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    An Act for repealing the Act of the first year of King James I, intitued, An Act for the well garbling of spices; and for granting an equivalent to the city of London, by admitting brokers
    Great Britain
  • 128818
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    An Act for settling and establishing a court of Exchequer in the north part of Great Britain called Scotland
    Great Britain
  • 128819
    Book Info
    An Act for the avoiding of doubts and questions touching the statutes of divers cathedral and collegiate churches
    Great Britain
  • 128820
    Book Info
    An Act for the better preventing mischiefs that may happen by fire
    Great Britain