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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,821 - 128,840건 출력
  • 128821
    Book Info
    An Act for the better recruiting Her Majesties land-forces and the marines, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight
    Great Britain
  • 128822
    Book Info
    An Act for the better securing the trade of this kingdom by cruisers and convoys
    Great Britain
  • 128823
    Book Info
    An Act for the better security of Her Majesties person and government
    Great Britain
  • 128824
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    An Act for the encouragement of the trade to America.
    Great Britain
  • 128825
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    An Act for the exportation of white woollen cloth
    Great Britain
  • 128826
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    An Act for the further directing the payment of the equivalent-money
    Great Britain
  • 128827
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    An Act for the importation of cochineal from any ports in Spain, during the present war, and six months longer
    Great Britain
  • 128828
    Book Info
    An Act for the publick registring of all deeds, conveyances, wills, and other incumbrances that shall be made of, or that may affect any honors, manors, lands, tenements or hereditaments within the east-riding of the county of York, or the town and county of the town of Kingston upon Hull, after the nine and twentieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and eight; and for the rendring the
    Great Britain
  • 128829
    Book Info
    An Act for the security of Her Majesties person and government, and of the succession to the Crown of Great Britain in the Protestant line
    Great Britain
  • 128830
    Book Info
    An Act to enable Her Majesty to make leases and copies of offices, lands, and hereditaments, parcel of her dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the same
    Great Britain
  • 128831
    Book Info
    An Act to explain the Act of the last session of Parliament, for the ease of Her Majesty's subjects in relation to allowances out of the duties upon salt carried coastwise, and also an Act of the first year of Her Majesty's reign, in relation to certain salt-works near the sea-side and bay of Holyhead in the county of Anglesea
    Great Britain
  • 128832
    Book Info
    An Act to impower her Majesty to secure and detain such persons as Her Majesty shall suspect are conspiring against her person or government
    Great Britain
  • 128833
    Book Info
    An Act to inlarge the time for returning the certificates of all ecclesiastical livings, not exceeding the yearly value of fifty pounds; as also for discharging all livings of that value from the payment of first-fruits; and for allowing time to archbishops and bishops, and other dignitaries, for payment of their first-fruits
    Great Britain
  • 128834
    Book Info
    An Act to repeal a clause in an Act of the seventh year of the reign of His late Majesty (for amending and repairing the highways) which enjoyns waggoners and others to draw with a pole between the wheel-horses, or with double shafts, and to oblige them to draw only with six horses or other beasts, except up hills
    Great Britain
  • 128835
    Book Info
    An abridgement of those Acts, passed Anno Sexto Annae Reginae; Which relate to the Equivalent Money. And The Settling and Establishing a Court of Exchequer in Scotland
    Great Britain
  • 128836
    Book Info
    An abstract of the rules, orders, and constitutions, of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen,
    Company of Watermen | Lightermen (London, England)
  • 128837
    Book Info
    An account of Mr. Thomas Ridgly, an independent minister and preacher at the Three Cranes in Thames-street, wilful and malicious blaspheming the work of the spirit of God in a member of that Church; and how he and Mr. Peter Pindar, and Mr. Robert Handcock, has [sic] labour'd to drive her to distraction or despair. ...
    Peirce, Sarah
  • 128838
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    An account of a dream at Harwich. In a letter to a Member of Parliament about the Camisars
    M----m, A----r
  • 128839
    Book Info
    An account of a dream at Harwich. In a letter to a Member of Parliament about the Camisars.
    M----m, A----r
  • 128840
    Book Info
    An account of a most dreadful, sudden and amazing fire; that unfortunately happened near Exeter-Change in the Strand, on Saturday last, about midnight, which burned down & destroyed above threescore dwelling houses, besides many other extreamly damnified to the loss of 80000 l. With a true list of the names of those persons, who suffered most by this sad calamity