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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,861 - 128,880건 출력
  • 128861
    Book Info
    An answer to several treatises lately publish'd on the subject of the prophets. The First Part. By Sir Rich Bulkeley, Bart
    Bulkeley, Richard
  • 128862
    Book Info
    An answer to the letter of John Lacy, Esq; Dated July 6. 1708. And Directed to Josiah Woodward, D. D.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 128863
    Book Info
    An antidote against the pernicious errors of the Anabaptists, or; of the dipping-sect. Wherein, the doctrine and practices of the Church of England, in relation to infants baptism are briefly justified ... By Marius D'Assigny, B.D.
    D'Assigny, Marius
  • 128864
    Book Info
    An apology for the letter from Scotland against the Sacramental Test
    Leslie, Charles
  • 128865
    Book Info
    An appeal from the prophets to their prophecies. Evidencing the new dispensation they pretend, to be of the same stamp and authority with their predictions. Which here are prov'd full of Falsity, by some notorious and undeniable Instances, that may be prov'd from Ear-Witnesses of unquestionable Credit, or other Authentick Records, when occasion serves
  • 128866
    Book Info
    An appeal of the clergy of the Church of England to my lords the bishops; humbly beseeching them to move Her most sacred Majesty to redress their grievances. Part. II. With some reflections on the scandalous club, authors of the Observator revived. To which is added, a defence of the first part of the appeal; as also, a vindication of the collection for the Episcopal clergy of Scotland. By J. Shar
    Sharp, John
  • 128867
    Book Info
    An appeal to country friends at this general yearly meeting; shewing the unchristian carriage of some city friends to such as are taught of God, under the present Dispensation of the Spirits Ministry. And a copy of their excommunicating process for the same. With animadversions thereon. By James Jackson
    Jackson, James
  • 128868
    Book Info
    An appendix to Delaune's plea: or, a new dispute which lately happen'd in the city of Bethel, between Adam Gojim & Ben Kahal, about matters of religion. Being a just vindication of ... schismaticks. Now publish'd ... by Enosh Mophet
    Mophet, Enosh
  • 128869
    Book Info
    An ecclesiastical history of Great Britain, chiefly of England: ... to the end of the reign of King Charles the Second. With a brief account of the affairs of religion in Ireland. ... By Jeremy Collier, ...
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 128870
    Book Info
    An elegy on the much lamented death of John Hamilton Lord Balhaven, &c. who departed this life, at London, June 21. 1708
  • 128871
    Book Info
    An elegy on the much lamented death of Sir Walter St. John, baronet, who departed this life July the 2d, 1708. at his dwelling-house in Battersea. By William Abbott
    Abbott, William
  • 128872
    Book Info
    An encouragement early to seek the Lord: and be faithful to Him: in an account of the life and services of that ancient servant of God, Thomas Thompson
    Thompson, Thomas
  • 128873
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the causes of the prohibition of commerce with France, during the present war: And whether, upon a Recapitulation, they will appear considerable enough to carry it against a free Importation, either immediately from thence, or from some neighbouring Country, which being in Amity with us, and maintaining an open Correspondence thither, are capable of supplying Us. With an Account of
    R. F
  • 128874
    Book Info
    An epistle of caution to all Friends professing the blessed truth to prevent injustice and injury, and the reproach thereof in divers matters herein mentioned.
    Society of Friends
  • 128875
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    An essay towards a confirming catechism, prepar'd for the use of the more adult catechumens. By John Reynolds.
    Reynolds, John
  • 128876
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    An essay towards advancing the interest of the establish'd church and state, Humbly offered, in Several Considerations, to the Queen, And Both Houses of Parliament. By a Person of Quality
    Person of quality
  • 128877
    Book Info
    An essay towards the establishing the fishery of Great Britain. Proving, I. That it lies fairer for Her Majesties subjects, than for any other nation. II. That it will be of great and certain advantage to the publick. III. That it is absolutely necessary in order to the support of our navigation by being a constant, and the best nursery of stout and able seamen: wherein all material objections aga
    Saunders, W
  • 128878
    Book Info
    An essay upon pastoral; together with some brief reflexions on eclogue verse. Written by a gentleman of quality
    Gentleman of quality
  • 128879
    Book Info
    An essay upon the execution of the laws against immorality and prophaneness. By John Disney, Esq; With a preface address'd to Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace
    Disney, John
  • 128880
    Book Info
    An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Charta. Begun by Edmund Wingate of Grays-Inn, Esq; and since continued under their proper Titles Alphabetically down to the year 1689. In this Impression the Statutes which are Expired or Repealed are left out, and an exact Account taken of Statutes Revived, Continued or Altered by any Statute made since the begin
    England | Wales