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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,921 - 128,940건 출력
  • 128921
    Book Info
    Catechisme, ou instruction familiere sur les principaux points de la religion chrétienne. Fait par Monsieur Drelincourt, ...
    Drelincourt, Charles
  • 128922
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    Celadon, or, the bright example; a pastoral on the death of His Royal Highness the P. of Denmark. Inscrib'd to the Court and Quality of Great Britain
  • 128923
    Book Info
    Cerinthus and Ebion: or, the heresie of tything under the Gospel detected: in some observations upon a book entituled, An essay concerning the divine right of tythes: by the author of the Snake in the grass. Together with an essay concerning the first rise of tythes: and a essay against their divine right
    Lindley, Benjamin
  • 128924
    Book Info
    Charity and unity. In a sermon preach'd at the Hertford School-feast, August 19. 1707. By Henry Nelson, ...
    Nelson, Henry
  • 128925
    Book Info
    Charity and unity. In a sermon preach'd at the Hertford school-feast, August 19. 1707. By Henry Nelson, ...
    Nelson, Henry
  • 128926
    Book Info
    Chyrurgic memoirs: being an account of many extraordinary cures which occurred in the series of the author's practice, especially at Sea, when imploy'd in the Governments Service. Among which are some things of the greatest Importance, not formerly discovered, very useful to be known in the Art of Chyrurgery. By John Moyle, Sen. One of Her. Majesties Antient Navy Chyrurgions
    Moyle, John
  • 128927
    Book Info
    Cinquiême lettre d'un particulier, à Monsieur Misson, l'honnête homme, pour montrer que son Mélange de litterature, est rempli de pauvretez, & d'ignorances, & d'impertinences. Ce 15 de Janvier, 1708
  • 128928
    Book Info
    Cl. Quilleti Callipædia, seu de pulchræ prolis habendæ ratione, poema didacticon. Cum uno & altero ejusdem authoris carmine. Juxta editionem Parisiensem, adjectis versibus aliquot ex Lugduno-Batavâ
    Quillet, Claude
  • 128929
    Book Info
    Cocker's arithmetick : Being a plain and familiar method, ... for the full understanding of that incomparable art, ... Compos'd by Edward Cocker, ... Perused and published by John Hawkins, ... The six and twentieth edition carefully corrected, with additions.
    Cocker, Edward
  • 128930
    Book Info
    Communication of property. Or, a voluntary contribution for publick and charitable uses to be distributed by lot. Cleared to be, as it is here propos'd, the best way of improving a part of every one's stock, ... With three discourses ... Most humbly offer'd to Her Majesty, an both Houses of Parliament
  • 128931
    Book Info
    Compassionate warning and advice to all, especially to young persons. Being the gift of the author, Richard Baxter
    Baxter, Richard
  • 128932
    Book Info
    Concerning holy resolution. A sermon Preach'd before the King, at Kensington, Decemb. 30, 1694. Pralm 119. 106. Old Translation. I have sworn, and am stedfastly purposed to keep thy righteous Judgments. New Translation. I have sworn and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous Judgments. By his Grace Thomas Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Elect
    Tenison, Thomas
  • 128933
    Book Info
    Concio ad clerum Londinensem, Habita in Ecclesia Parochiali S. Alphagi, juxta Collegium Sionense, Londini, Mensis Apr. die 27. A. D. MDCCVIII. Per Josephum Rawson, A. M. Non Ita pridem e Senioribus Collegii Regalis apud Cantabrigienses Sociis. Rogatu eorum publici juris facta
    Rawson, Joseph
  • 128934
    Book Info
    Corn. Nepotis excellentium imperatorum vit?. Editio novissima; Nunc denuò recognita. Accessit Aristomenis Messenii vita, ex Pausania
    Nepos, Cornelius
  • 128935
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    Crvms of comfort and godly prayers with, thankful remembrance of Gods wonderful deliverances of this land
    Sparke, Michael
  • 128936
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    Cyder. A poem. In two books.
    Philips, John
  • 128937
    Book Info
    Cyder. A poem. In two books.
    Philips, John
  • 128938
    Book Info
    Cyder. A poem. In two books. With The splendid shilling. Paradise lost, and two songs, &c.
    Philips, John
  • 128939
    Book Info
    Cyder. A poem. In two books. With The splendid shilling. Paradise lost, and two songs, &c.
    Philips, John
  • 128940
    Book Info
    Dade, 1708. The country-man's kalendar, for the year of Christ 1708. ...
    Dade, William