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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,941 - 128,960건 출력
  • 128941
    Book Info
    Dangerous positions: or, blasphemous, profane, immoral, and jesuitical assertions, faithfully discovered by way of information to the Christian magistrate; As they are industriously dispers'd throughout the Nation in a late book falsly entitled, The rights of the Christian church asserted. As likewise a brief discovery made o f the discoverer of pretended false churches; Wherein the Rights of the
  • 128942
    Book Info
    Dangerous positions: or, blasphemous, profane, immoral, and jesuitical assertions, faithfully discovered by way of information to the Christian magistrate; As they are industriously dispers'd throughout the Nation in a late book falsly entitled, The rights of the Christian church asserted. As likewise a brief discovery made o the discoverer of pretended false churches; Wherein the Rights of the Ch
  • 128943
    Book Info
    Debtor and creditor made easy: or, a short instruction, for the attaining the right use of accompts, after the best method used by merchants. Fitted to the trades, or Ways of Dealing, in these several capacities: Viz. The Youth, or Young Scholar, The Husband-Man, or Farmer, The Country-Gentleman, The Retailing Shop-Keeper, The Handicrafts-Man, The Merchant. The fourth edition, corrected and amende
    Monteage, Stephen
  • 128944
    Book Info
    Definitio studii theologici, una cum adhortatione ad capessendam & constanter observandam genuinam illius methodum; S. Theologiae in Academia, Quae Saxonum est, Studiosis Proposita, ab August. Herm. Franckio, SS. Theol. Prof. & Past. Ob utilitatem suam nunc recusa
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 128945
    Book Info
    Dennis Kelly, Esq; & Mary his wife, appellants. Richard Ld. Bellew, respondt, & e contra. Observations on the printed case of the said Mr. Kelly and his wife
    Bellew, Richard Bellew
  • 128946
    Book Info
    Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum: or, a general English dictionary, comprehending a brief, but emphatical and clear explication of all sorts of difficult words, ... By John Kersey, ...
    Kersey, John
  • 128947
    Book Info
    Dionysiou he tes oikoumenes [sic] periegesis [sic], ... Dionysii mundi descriptio Stephano interprete. ...
  • 128948
    Book Info
    Directions for the profitable reading of the Holy Scriptures. Together with some observations for the confirming their divine authority, and illustrating the difficulties thereof. By William Lowth, ...
    Lowth, William
  • 128949
    Book Info
    Discourses on several useful subjects. Viz. 1. A scriptural essay about the woman's seed. II. A short Essay about a more Effectual Preaching of God's Word by the Ministers with Benefit to the Hearers. III. Antichrist is the Serpent's Seed. IV. Some few Remarks on the Mass. V. Some Observations on the Council of Trent. VI. A Discourse about Prophets and Inspirations. Vii. A Short Catechism after th
    Gailhard, J
  • 128950
    Book Info
    Dublin, July 13th, 1708. This Day arrived a Packet from Great Britain, which brought the following Advices
  • 128951
    Book Info
    Dublin, September 7th. 1708. This Morning a Ship arriv'd in 18 hours from Whitehaven, the Master being an Intelligable understanding Man, says he Read the News at Whitehaven before he came away, which was Printed in London this Day 7 Night, and took a Copy of it which gives the following Account. London, Aug. 31. Two Holland Mails being arriv'd brings the following Account. From the Camp before Li
  • 128952
    Book Info
    Early piety recommended in the life and death of Christlieb Leberecht von Exter. son of Dr. Von-Exter, Physician to His Prussian Majesty. Written soon after his decease by William Erasmus Arends, Pastor of Crottorff, his late Tutor. And recommended by Augustus Hermannus Franck, Divinity Professor at Hall, and Founder of the Hospital at Glaucha. To which are added, The testimonials of his serene hi
    Arends, Wilhelm Erasmus
  • 128953
    Book Info
    Ebenezer; or, a monument of thankfulness. Being a true account of a late miraculous preservation of nine men in a small boat which was inclosed within Islands of Ice about Seventy Leagues from Land, and continuing in Distress Twenty eight Days. Drawn up by Allen Geare, who was a Principal Sharer both in the Misery and the Mercy
    Geare, Allen
  • 128954
    Book Info
    Edifying death. Or, an account of the last hours of Mademoiselle. Translated out of French
  • 128955
    Book Info
    Edward Pennyfeather and Robert Bridgeman, appellants. Edward Shaller, respondent. The respondent's case.
    Shaller, Edward
  • 128956
    Book Info
    Elegy on the never enough to be lamanted death of Lord John Hamilton of Balhaven, &c. who departed this life, (at London.) 21. June 1708
  • 128957
    Book Info
    En Oligo Christianos. The almost Christian discover'd: or, the false professor tryed and cast. Being the substance of seven sermons, First Preached at Sepulchres, London, 1661. And now at the Importunity of Friends made Publick. The twelfth edition. By Matthew Mead
    Mead, Matthew
  • 128958
    Book Info
    England's newest way in all sorts of cookery, pastry, and all pickles that are fit to be used. Adorn'd with copper plates, ... By Henry Howard, ...
    Howard, Henry
  • 128959
    Book Info
    Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1708. ... By Job Gadbury, ...
    Gadbury, Job
  • 128960
    Book Info
    Epicedium cantabrigiense in serenissimum Daniæ principem Georgium, augustissimæ reginæ Annæ conjugem, per universam regni britannici ditionem rei navalis ac maritimæ præfectum, &c.
    University of Cambridge