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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 128,981 - 129,000건 출력
  • 128981
    Book Info
    God the only happiness of man. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March the 20th. 1691/2. By John Tillotson, late Archbishop of Canterbury. Published by Her Majestics Special Command
    Tillotson, John
  • 128982
    Book Info
    God's revenge against the crying and execrable sin of adultery, express'd in ten several tragical histories. Shewing The Various Stratagems, Subtile Practices, and Deluding Oratory, used by many Gentlemen, to seduce Young Ladies to their Unlawful Pleasures. To which we added the triumphs of chastity. In some Heroick Examples, and Delightful Histories. The whole Illustrated with several Elegant Epi
    Wright, Thomas
  • 128983
    Book Info
    Goliah's head cut off with his own sword, and the Quakers routed by their own weapons: by a dialogue tripartite. Shewing the Quakers Hypocrisie and Dissimulation; their several Advances thereby; their Ingratitude to the Government, by their fresh attacking the Church Establish'd. Whereby The great mystery of the little whore is farther unfolded. Written by a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. Hu
    Bugg, Francis
  • 128984
    Book Info
    Grammar made easie: containing Despauter's Grammar reform'd, and render'd plain, and Obvious to the Capacity of Youth. Together with a new method of teaching Latin, by ten English particles. To which is added, a critical syntax
    Watt, Thomas
  • 128985
    Book Info
    Great Britain's glory: or, the lives and glorious actions of all the Protestant kings and queens, that ever reign'd in England, viz. King Edward VI. Queen Elizabeth. ... Containing all the most memorable passages both of church and state: ... But more especially a compleat account of King William's reign, ... And the whole narration of Queen Anne's reign, ...
  • 128986
    Book Info
    Great Britain's hope, in an address to my Lord Pembroke. By the author of The merchants advocate
    Author of The merchants advocate
  • 128987
    Book Info
    Gulielmi Nicholsii presbyteri defensio ecclesiæ anglicanæ. In qua vindicantur omnia, quae ab Adversariis in Doctrina, Cultu, & Disciplina ejus, improbantur. Praemittitur apparatus, Qui Historiam Turbarum, e Secessione ab Ecclesia Anglicana, exortarum continet
    Nicholls, William
  • 128988
    Book Info
    Hallifax, and its gibbet-law placed in a true light. Together with a description of the town; the Nature of the Soil; the Temper and Disposition of the People; the Antiquity of its Customary Law, and the reasonableness thereof: With an Account of the Gentry, and other Eminent Persons Born and Inhabiting within the said Town, and the Liberties thereof: With many other Matters and Things of great Re
    Bentley, William
  • 128989
    Book Info
    Hard measures; or a true and faithful relation of the cruel oppression, and miserable sufferings of George Adams, Clerk, Rector of Upton, in the County of Huntingdon, by some Irish papists and their adherents. In three parts. Written with his own hand
    Adams, George
  • 128990
    Book Info
    Harry Colt Esq; and Anne his Wife, one of the Daughters of John Arnold Esq; by Margaret his Wife, since married to John Dutton Colt Esq; Father of the Appellant Harry, Appellant, From a Decree of Dismission, made in the Court of Chancery the 29th of Novemb. 1707. The said John Dutton Colt and the said Margaret his Wife, Nicholas Arnold Esq; Son and Heir of the said John by the said Margaret, Marga
    Arnold, Nicholas
  • 128991
    Book Info
    Harry Colt, Esq; and Anne his Wife, (one of the Daughters of John Arnold, Esq; deceas'd.) Appellants. Nicholas Arnold, Esq; and Edward Cook, Esq; Surviving Trustee, & al' Respondents. The Appellants Case
    Colt, Harry
  • 128992
    Book Info
    He Charis dotheisa II. Tim.1.9. That is, the holy spirit the author of immortality, or, immortality a peculiar grace of the gospel, No Natural Ingredient of the Soul; proved From the Holy Scriptures, and Fathers against Mr. Clark's bold assertion of the soul's natural immortality, Against Scripture, the Doctrine of the Church in the Purest, and most Primitive Ages of it, and Reason Guided (as it o
    Pitts, Joseph
  • 128993
    Book Info
    Hearing without doing, not sufficient to Salvation: A sermon preach'd at the evening lecture In Lime-Street, Sept. 29th. 1706. By Jabez Earle. At his leaving the said Lecture
    Earle, Jabez
  • 128994
    Book Info
    Hickelty pickelty: or, a medly of characters adapted to the age. Relating to different persons and perswasions, viz. a Presbyterian; or, a female hypocrite. A beau. A Whig. A Lawyer's Clerk; or, A Pot-Poet. An Attorney. A Detractor. A Bowling-Green. A Surgeon. A Player. A Tavern. A Coquet. A Pinner's-Hall Text-Driver. An unsanctify'd Dun; or, A cruel Creditor. A Bayliff's Follower. The Exchange. W
  • 128995
    Book Info
    Hidden things brought to light, for the increase of knowledge, in reading the Holy Bible. Being an explanation of the coins, money, weights, measures, mention'd in the Bible; as Shekels, Talents, Pieces of Silver, Silverings, Pence, &c. And what they are in Value in Gold and Silver, according to English current Money. Being cast up in Shekels, Drams, and from one Talent to Three Hundred and Fifty
    Axford, John
  • 128996
    Book Info
    Histoire secrete de la reine Zarah, et des Zaraziens, pour servir de miroir au --- dans le royaume D'Albigion. Exactement traduit, de l'original Italien qui se trouve a present dans le Vatican de Rome. Premiere Partie
    Browne, Joseph
  • 128997
    Book Info
    Honest advice to the electors of Great Britain, in the Present Choice of their Representatives
  • 128998
    Book Info
    Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. Giving an account how she went to court but was scorn'd and slighted; next she went to Westminster-Hall, which set the Lawyers in an uproar; then she went to the City making her complaint to the Linen-Draper and Apothecary, Grocer and Hosier, Baker and Butcher, Vintner and Ale-Draper, Pawn-Broker and Tally-Man, Usurer and Miser, but found no Relief. T
    Ward, Edward
  • 128999
    Book Info
    Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act I. Scene. A Palace. Honesty alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to another. Lawyer turning to Ho
    Ward, Edward
  • 129000
    Book Info
    Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy: as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act I. Scene A Palace. Honesty alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman, to Honesty at going off. Honesty alone. Act II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court Sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to Another. Lawyer turning to Ho
    Ward, Edward