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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,001 - 129,020건 출력
  • 129001
    Book Info
    Honesty in distress; but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy: as it is acted on the stage, &c. Act. I. Scene A Palace. Honesty Alone. Lady and Attendance. Honesty begins her Suit. Lady turning to her Servants. Lady's Woman. Footman to Honesty at going off. Honesty Alone. Act. II. Scene Westminster-Hall, with the Court Sitting. Enter Honesty among the Lawyers. One Lawyer to Another. Lawyer turning to H
    Ward, Edward
  • 129002
    Book Info
    Honor & opes: or, the Brittish Merchant's Glory. A poem, congratulatory. On the happy decision and conclusion of all differences between the Old and New Companies, United in Trade to the East-Indies, lately referr'd, and wholly resign'd to the most approv'd and unquestion'd Wisdom and Integrity of the Right Honourable the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great-Brittain
    D'Urfey, Thomas
  • 129003
    Book Info
    Honour and conscience call'd upon: or, the duty of faithfulness and satisfying trust urg'd, in a Sermon Preach'd at the Assizes at Bury St Edmonds In Suffolk, March 23. 1707/8. Before the Right Honourable, Sir Edward Ward, Lord Chief Baron of Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer. And Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen of the Grand Juries for the County, and for the Liberty of Bury St Edmonds. B
    Raymond, George
  • 129004
    Book Info
    Honour the Lord with thy substance. A sermon preach'd on that subject, before the Society of Merchants, in the city of Bristol, at St. Stephen's Church, on the 10th. of November, 1708. By Charles Brent, ...
    Brent, Charles
  • 129005
    Book Info
    Horological disquisitions : discovering the true nature of time. Or, the reasons why all days from noon to noon are not alike twenty-four hours long. With Tables of Equation, that shew the different Length of all Natural Days, and Newer and Better Rules than any that have been yet made Publick, for the most Exact and Nice Adjusting of Pendulum Clocks and Watches. The second edition, much correc...
    Smith, John
  • 129006
    Book Info
    Hypolitus Earl of Douglas. Containing some memoirs of the Court of Scotland; with the Secret History of Mack-Beth King of Scotland. To which is added, The Amours of Count Schlick, Chancellor to the Emperor Sigismund, and a young Lady of Quality: By Aeneas Sylvius, Poet Laureat, and Secretary to the same Emperor, afterwards Pope Pious the Second
  • 129007
    Book Info
    Idiomatologia anglo-latina, sive dictionarium idiomaticum anglo-latinum: in quo phrases tam latinæ quam anglicanæ linguæ. Sibi mutuò respondentes, sub certis quibusdam capitibus secundum alphabeti ordinem è regione collocantur. In usum tam Peregrinorum, qui sermonem nostrum Anglicanum, quàm Nostratium, qui Latinum Idioma callere student. Sexta editio. Cui accessit istiusmodi phrasium & idiumatum a
    Walker, William
  • 129008
    Book Info
    Il libro delle preghiere publiche. Ed administrazione de sacramenti, Ed Altri riti e Cerimonie della Chiesa, secondo l'uso della chiesa anglicana; e la forma e modo di fare, ordinare e consacrare vescovi, presbiteri e diaconi
    Church of England
  • 129009
    Book Info
    Immortality preternatural to human souls; the gift of Jesus Christ, collated by the Holy Spirit in baptism; proved to be a Catholick doctrine ... Being a vindication of Mr. Dodwell against that part of Mr. Clark's answer, which concerns the Fathers, ... By a presbyter of the Church of England
    Pitts, Joseph
  • 129010
    Book Info
    Instructions for the education of a daughter, by the author of Telemachus. To which is added a small tract of instructions for the Conduct of Young Ladies of the Highest Rank. With Suitable Devotions Annexed. Done into English, and revised by Dr. George Hickes
    F{acute}enelon, Fran{cedil}cois de Salignac de La Mothe-
  • 129011
    Book Info
    Irene; or, the fair Greek, a tragedy: as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's sworn servants
    Goring, Charles
  • 129012
    Book Info
    Jack Frenchman's lamentation. An excellent new song, to the tune of I'll tell thee Dick, &c.
  • 129013
    Book Info
    Jack Puddings disappontment [sic], or A general lamentation amongst cooks, players, rope-dancers and fidlers, whores, lottery-men, pickpockets and juglers for the Lord Mayors order for a discontinuing of Bartholomew Fair.
  • 129014
    Book Info
    Jane Robinson, Mary Robinson, Charles Robinson, appellants. Jonathan Fugill, respondent. The respondent's case.
    Fugill, Jonathan
  • 129015
    Book Info
    Joannis Arndtii theologi apud Germanos celeberrimi, ac Superintendentis quondam in Ducatu Lunaeburgico meritissimi, de vero Christianismo libri quatuor: ob præstantiam suam olim latine redditi; nunc autem revisi ac emendati, cura & studio Antonii Wilhelmi Boemi. Accedit huic editioni nova præfatio de vita & scriptis Arndtianis. ...
    Arndt, Johann
  • 129016
    Book Info
    Job Allibon Esq; & Nevil Ridley Gent appellants. Her Majesty's Attorney General respondent. The Appellants case
    Allibon, Job
  • 129017
    Book Info
    Job Allibon and Nevill Ridley appellants Her Majesties Attor, Gen. respondent. The respondents case
    Great Britain
  • 129018
    Book Info
    Johannis Bernoullii, M.D. Basileensis [sic] Dissertatio de motu musculorum
    Bernoulli, Jean
  • 129019
    Book Info
    John French, Esq; and Anne his wife, ... Appellants. Arthur Chichester, Esq; and Edward Doderidge, ... Respondents. The respondents case
    Chichester, Arthur
  • 129020
    Book Info
    John French, and Ann his wife, ... appel. Arthur Chichester, and Edward Dodridge, ... resp. The appellant's case
    French, John